RĀMA , s. The name common to three incarnations of Vishnu, viz. 1. Paraśu Rāma, or Rāma with the axe, the sixth avatār or incarnation of Vishnu. He was a Brahman, the son of the holy sage Jamadagni, and born at the begin- ning of the second or Treta age, for the purpose of repressing the tyranny, and punishing the violence of the Kshatriya or military tribe. He appears to typefy the class of Brahmans, and their contest with the Ksha- triyas. Some of his names are
परशुरामः -मकः, परशुधरः, पर्शुरामः,जमदग्निसुतः, जामदग्न्यः. 2. Rāmachandra or the moon-like Rāma, the seventh incarnation of Vishnu. He was born into the world as the son of Daśaratha, king of Oude, and great grandson of Raghu, at the close of the second or Treta age, for the purpose of destroying the demons who infested the earth, and especially Rāvana, the Daitya sovereign of Ceylon. His names are रामचन्द्रः,रघुनन्दनः, रघूद्वहः, रघुवरः, रघुनाथः, राघवः, रावणारिःm., रावण-जित्m., दशास्यजित्m., मखत्राताm.(तृ), रामभद्रः. 3. Balarāma, or the strong Rāma, according to some the eighth incar- nation of Vishnu. He was born at the end of the Dvā- para, or third age, as the seventh son of Vasudeva and Devakī, and therefore elder brother of Krishna, but was transferred from the womb of Devakī to that of Rohinī the other wife of Vasudeva. Hence one of his names सङ्कर्षणः. He is sometimes regarded as an incarnation of the serpent Ananta or Śeṣa, and hence called, अनन्तः,शेषः. His other names are बलरामः, बलदेवः, बलभद्रः, बलः,बललः, हलायुधः, हलभृत्m., हलीm.(न्), सीरपाणिःm., कृष्णा-ग्रजः, अच्युताग्रजः, प्रियमधुःm., मधुप्रियः, मुष्टिकान्तकः, गुप्नचरः, रेवती- रमणः, रेवतीशः. See BALARĀMA.
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