कौशिक mfn. 1.mfn. (fr. कुशा or कुशी॑), ‘having paws’, an owl, [Suśr.] ; [VarBṛS.] ; [Pañcat.] &c. an ichneumon, [L.] coming from an owl, [Suśr.] कौशिक mfn. 2.mfn. forming a receptacle (as a wound; see कोश-वत्), vi, 35">[Bhpr. vi, 35] (v.l. कौष्ठिक) sheathed (a sword), iii, 11461">[MBh. iii, 11461] silken, [MBh. iii] कौशिक m. m. one who is versed in dictionaries, [L.] a lexicographer, [L.] one who catches snakes, ---10--- the fragrant substance bdellium, ---11--- marrow, [L.] a kind of seed, [L.] कौशिक n. n. silk, silk cloth, [Yājñ. i, 186] ; xiii, 5502">[MBh. xiii, 5502] a silk garment, 83, 28.">[BhP. x, 83, 28.] कौशिक mfn. 3.mfn. relating to कुशिक (or to कौशिक), xiii, 2719">[MBh. xiii, 2719] कौशिक m. m. (g. बिदा-दि) patr. of विश्वा-मित्र (who was the son or grandson of कुशिक), interpolation after, [RV. x, 85] ; ---19--- ; ---20--- of गाधि, [Hariv. 1457] of भद्र-शर्मन्, ---22--- also title or epithet).">N. of a teacher (author of the कौशिकसूत्र, brother of पैप्पलादि), [BṛĀrUp.] ; [Kauś.] ; [Pāṇ. 4-3, 103] ; [Hariv. 11074] also title or epithet).">N. of a grammarian, [Hariv. 5501] of one of जरासन्धस्'s generals, ii, 885">---28--- also title or epithet).">N. of इन्द्र (as originally perhaps belonging to the कुशिकs or friendly to them), 10, 11">[RV. i, 10, 11] ; iii, 3, 4, 19">[ŚBr. iii, 3, 4, 19] ; [ṢaḍvBr.] ; [TĀr.] ; [ĀśvŚr.] ; [MBh.] &c. of सूर्य, 10, 2 Sch. ">---35--- Sch. of a son of वसु-देव, [VP.] of शिव, [L.] of an असुर, [Hariv. 2288] Vatika robusta, [L.] (in music) also title or epithet).">N. of a राग कैशिक (for ) love, passion, [L.] कौशिक m. m. pl. the descendants of कुशिक, [Hariv. 1770 ff.] कौशिक m. m. (of कुश), 35, 20">[R. i, 35, 20]