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   { kauśika }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
KAUŚIKA I   (Viśvāmitra). see under Viśvāmitra.
KAUŚIKA ii   A hermit who lived in the palace of Yudhiṣṭhira. it is mentioned in [Mahābhārata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 83] , that while going to Hastināpura, Śrī Kṛṣṇa met this hermit on the way.
KAUŚIKA iii   A minister of Jarāsandha. it is mentioned in [Mahābhārata, Sabhā Parva, Stanza 22] , that he had another name Haṁsa also.
KAUŚIKA IV   while the Pāṇḍavas were leading forest life, the hermit Mārkaṇḍeya told the story of a noble brahmin named Kauśika, to Dharmaputra. once this brahmin sat under a tree and performed penance. A small crane which sat on a branch of the tree passed excreta on the head of the brahmin. he became angry and looked at the bird. instantly the bird was reduced to ashes. The brahmin sincerely repented and went to the countryside to live on alms. once he reached the house of a brahmin. The wife of the brahmin came to the door and requested him to wait a bit. immediately her husband arrived, and she, being engaged in looking after the needs of her husband forgot the brahmin Kauśika, who became angry and spoke cruel words to her. she argued that the noblest deed was looking after one's husband and that it was not meet and right for Brahmins to get angry. she advised Kauśika to go to Mithilāpurī and to receive advice from the famous Dharmavyādha. Kauśika repented his rash nature, went to Dharmavyādha and received advice from him. he returned home and lived peacefully with his parents. [M.B. Vana Parva, ten chapters from 206] . though a man of veracity, he finally had to go to hell, for the following reason. while he was engaged in penance in the forest some thieves came by that way with some stolen goods. The owners of the goods were chasing the thieves. Kauśika told them the way by which the thieves had gone. So at the end Kauśika was thrown into hell. [M.B. Karṇa Parva, Chapter 69] .
KAUŚIKA V   A king of the Puru dynasty. Kapila was his father and Gṛtsapati was his brother. The four castes Brāhmaṇa, Kṣatriya, Vaiśya and Śūdra originated from Gṛtsapati. [Agni Purāṇa, Chapter 278] .
KAUŚIKA vi   A hermit. this ancient hermit lived in Kurukṣetra. his sons Svasṛpa, Krodhana, Hiṁsra, Piśuna, Kavi, Vāgduṣṭa, and Pitṛvarttī lived with hermit Garga for learning under him. their names indicated their character. their father died. The sons were in poverty. At this time rain ceased altogether. Garga asked his disciples to take his milch cow to the forest for grazing. owing to hunger the brothers decided to kill and eat the cow. But the youngest said: “If you are bent on killing the cow, we had better make use of it as an offering to the manes, and no sin will visit us.” all agreed to this and Pitṛvarttī killed the cow and began the sacrifice. two elder brothers were employed in worshipping the gods and three were detailed to give offerings to the manes. one was asked to be the guest. Pitṛvarttī was the sacrificer. remembering the ancestors with reverence he began the sacrifice in accordance with the rites. thus the seven hermits ate the cow and told Garga that the cow was caught by a tiger. In due course the seven of them died, and took rebirth as rude low-caste people in Dāśapura. because of the sacrifice and offerings to the manes they had the remembrance of their previous birth. So they feared god and took fast and vow at a holy bath and in the presence of a multitude cast off their lives and were born again as animals in Kālañjara hills. because of their abstinence due to knowledge they cast off their lives by Prapatana (jumping down from the top of the mountain) and were born again as ruddy geese, in the Mānasasaras whentheir names were Sumanas, Kusuma, Vasu, Citradarśī, Sudarśī, Jñātā and Jñānapāraga-- names conforming to their character. The seven brothers became pure and sinless by their union with god the supreme spirit. But three of them fell out of the union because of their desire. they saw the pleasurable life led by Aṇuha the king of Pāñcāla who was immensely wealthy with many beautiful wives. At the sight of this, one of the geese--the brahmin Pitṛvartti, who performed the sacrifice of offering to the manes because of his love for his father--wished to become a king. seeing the two wealthy ministers who led luxurious lives, two of the ruddy geese wanted to become ministers. accordingly Pitṛvartti was born as Brahmadatta the son of Vaibhrāja and the other two as sons of ministers with names Puṇḍarīka and Subālaka. Brahmadatta was anointed as king of Pāñcāla in the great city of Kāmpilya. That king was mighty, loving his father well, always desirous of giving offerings to manes and harmonious with god, having the ability to read the hearts of every living being. he married Sannati the daughter of Sudeva. this woman in her previous birth was the cow of Garga. As this cow was used as offering to the manes she got rebirth as a religious-minded woman and became the queen of Brahmadatta, who ruled over the kingdom well for a long time. once the king and the queen were walking in the garden when they saw two ants which were quarrelling with each other. they were husband and wife. after a time the quarrel ended and they grew more loving than before and the she-ant pressed closely against her husband. Brahmadatta hearing their conversation stood smiling. he could understand the language of every living being because of the merits of his previous births. When the king smiled his wife asked him for the reason. he described to his wife the quarrel of the antcouple. The queen did not believe his words. she thought that the king had been making fun of her. she asked him how he learned the language of birds and beasts. But the king could not give an answer and he became thoughtful. The remaining four of the ruddy geese took rebirth as the sons of a poor brahmin in the same city of Kāmpilya. they had the remembrance of previous births. their names were Dhṛtimān, Sarvadarśī, Vidyācandra and Tapodhika, names befitting their character. they decided to perform severe penance to attain supreme bliss, and were about to get away from the house when their father, the poor brahmin cried bitterly, being helpless. they taught their father the following poem and advised him to recite the poem before the king the next morning, in order to get plenty of wealth. “Noble Brahmins in Kurukṣetra The seven foresters in Dāśapura deer in Kālañjara and in Mānasa ruddy geese, the same now are men.” Brahmadatta who was not able to give answer to the question of his wife, was about to go out from the palace for a walk with his wife and ministers, when the old brahmin made his appearance and recited the poem taught by his sons, to the king. When the king heard the stanza he remembered the previous births and fainted and fell down. The two ministers, Subālaka son of Bābhravya the author of the science of love and Puṇḍarīka son of Pāñcāla the author of the science of medicine and treatment, also remembered about their previous births and fell down with grief. The three of them lamented about their fall from the union with the supreme spirit. Brahmadatta gave that old brahmin plenty of wealth and villages and sent him away contented. after anointing his son Viṣvaksena as king, Brahmadatta and his retinue went to Mānasasaras for penance. For a while they lived in the forest engaged in penance and then cast off their lives and entered the world of supreme bliss. [Padma Purāṇa, Part 3, Chapter 10] .
KAUŚIKA VII   A king. this king became a cock at night. his wife Viśālā was filled with grief at this transfiguration of her husband in the night. she told her grief to the hermit Gālava who told the queen about the previous birth of her husband as follows:-- “In the previous birth he used to eat cocks to get strength. knowing this Tāmracūḍa the king of fowls cursed him. “You shall become a cock during nights.” That is why your husband has become a cock.” according to the advice of the hermit the king began to worship lord Śiva and he was liberated from the curse. [Skanda Purāṇa] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


कौशिक n.  कौंडिण्य का शिष्य । इसके शिष्य गौंपवन अथा शांडिल्य थे [बृ. उ. २.६.१,४.६.१]वायु तथा ब्रह्मांड मत में व्यास के सामशिष्य परंपरा के हिरण्यनाभ का शिष्य (व्यास देखिये)। एक शाखाप्रवर्तक (पाणिनि देखिये)। एकऋषि (व्यास देखिये)। एक शाखाप्रवर्तक (पाणिनि देखिये)। एकऋषि [मत्स्य. १४५.९२-९३]अथर्ववेद के गृह्यसूत्र देते समय कौन सा मंत्र कहा जावे, इस संबंध में इसके मत का उल्लेख है [कौ.९.१०] ; युवा कौशिक देखिये। इसके नाम पर निम्नलिखित ग्रंथ उपलब्ध है । १. कौशिकगृह्यसूत्र, २. कौशिकस्मृति, इस स्मृति का उल्लेख हेमाद्रि ने परिशेषखंड में किया है [कौ. १.६.३१] ;[कौ. ६.३.७] । उसी तरह नीलकंठ ने भी इस स्मृति का उल्लेख श्राद्धमयूख में किया है । इसके नाम पर एक शिक्षा भी है । कौशिकपुराण भी इसीने रचा (C.C.)
कौशिक n.  कौशिक कुल में १३ मंत्रकार दिये हैं । उन के नाम-१ विश्वामित्र,२ देवरात, ३ बल, ४. शरद्वत, ५. मधुछंदस, ६. अघमर्षण, ७. अष्टक, ८. लोहित, ९. भूतकाल, १०. अम्बुधि, ११. धनंजय, १२ शिशिर, १३. शावंकायन [मत्स्य. १४५. ११२-११४]
कौशिक ii. n.  (सो. अमा.) कुशांक, गाधिन्, विश्वामित्र आदि लोगों का सामान्य नामविश्वामित्र के ब्राह्मण होने पर उसके कुल में उत्पन्न हुआ एक ऋषिइसकी हैमवती नामक स्त्रीं थी [म.उ. ११५.१३]
कौशिक iii. n.  सत्यवचनी ब्राह्मणगांव के पास संगम पर यह तपस्या करता थासत्य कहते समय, योग्य तारतम्य इसे में न थाएक बार कुछ पथिक, चोरों के आक्रमण के कारण, इसके आश्रम में जा छिपे । लुटेरे (चोर) पूछने आये । इसने सत्य बात कह दी तब चोरों ने पथिकों को मार डालाइस कारण, यह ब्राह्मण अधोगति को प्राप्त हुआ । सत्य बोलते समय तारतम्य रखना चाहिये यह समझाने के लिये कृष्ण ने अर्जुन को यह कथा बतायी है (म.क.४९०।
कौशिक IV. n.  एक गायक । यह विष्णु के अतिरिक्त किसी का गुणगान नहीं करता था । इसके अनेक शिष्य थे । इसकी कीर्ति सुन कर, कलिंग देश का राजा इसके पास आया तथामेरी कीर्ति गाओ’ कहने लगातब कौशिक ने कहा “वह विष्णु के अतिरिक्त किसी की गुणगान नहीं करता । " सब शिष्यों ने गुरु का समर्थन किया । राजा ने अपने नौकर को अपना गुणगान करएन को कहातब कौशिक ने, मैं विष्णु के अतिरिक्त किसी का गुणगायन नहीं सुनता, यह कह कर अपने कान बंद कर लिये । इनके शिष्यों ने भी अपने कान बंद कर लिये । इनके शिष्यो भी अपने कान बंद कर लिये । अंत में इसने नुकीली लकडी से अपनें कान एवं जवान छेद डाली । ऐसी एकनिष्ठ गायन से ईश्वर की सेवा कर, यह वैंकुण्ठ सिधारा [आ.रा.५]
कौशिक IX. n.  जरासंध के हंस नामक सेनापति का उपनाम वा नामांतर [म.स.२०.३०]
कौशिक V. n.  सावर्णि मन्वंतर में होनेवाले सप्तर्षियों में से एक । यह गालव का नामांतर है ।
कौशिक vi. n.  शरपंजरावस्था में भीष्म के पास आया हुआ एक ऋषि [भा.१.९.७]
कौशिक VII. n.  एक ऋषिवृक्ष के नीचे तप करते समय, वृक्ष पर से एक वगली ने इस पर विष्ठा कर दी । इसने क्रोधित होकर ऊपर देखा । ऊपर देखते ही तप के प्रभाव से वह पक्षिणी निर्जीव हो कर नीच गिरी । अपने कारण यह बुरी घटना हुई देख इसे बहुत दुःख हुआ । गांव में यह भिक्षा मांगने एक एतिव्रता के घर गया । पतिकार्य में व्यस्त होने के कारण, भिक्षा देने में उसे देर हो गयीइस कारण पतिव्रता ने इससे क्षमायाचना कीफिर भीं यह उस पर नाराज हुआ । तब उस स्त्री ने कहा कि मैं बगली नही हूँ । तुम्हें अभी भी धर्म समझ में नहीं आया है । उसे समझने के लिये तुम मिथिला के धर्मव्याध के पास जाओं । इसे यह बात ठीक जँची तथा इसका क्रोध शांत हुआ । पश्चात्‍ यह धर्मव्याध के पास गयाधर्मव्याध ने इसे धर्म अनेक प्रकर से समझाया । तदनुसार यह अपने मातापिता की शुश्रुषा करने लगायुधिष्ठिर ने वनवास में मार्कडेय से पतिव्रतामाहात्म्य के बारे में पूछा, तब उसने यह कथा बताई ---10--- ।
कौशिक VIII. n.  कुरुक्षेत्र में रहनेवाला ब्राह्मण । पितृवती आदि सात पुत्रों का पिता (पितृवर्तिन् देखिये)।
कौशिक X. n.  ०. एक राजा । यह रात्रि में मुगी बन जाता थाविशाला इसकी स्त्री थी । सर्वत्र अनुकूलता होने पर भी, अपना पति रात को कुक्कुट हो जाता है, यह देख उसे बहुत दुःख होता थावह गालव ऋषि के पास गयीऋषि ने राजा का पूर्ववृत्तांत उसे निवेदन किया । पिछले जन्म में, यह शक्ति प्राप्त करने के लिये बहुत कुक्कुट खाने लगाइसे बात का कुक्कुट राजा ताम्रचूड को पता लगाउसने इसे शाप दिया कि, रात्रि में तू कुक्कुट होगा । ज्यालेश्वर लिंगके पूर्व में स्थित लिंग की पूजा करने से राजा मुक्त होगा । गालब ऋषि ने यह कथा विशाला को बताई । तदनुसार इसने काम किया तथा शापमुक्त हुआ । उस दिन से उस लिंग को कुक्कुटेश्वर कहने लगे ---11--- ।
कौशिक XI. n.  १. (सो. यदु.) मत्स्य, विष्णु एवं वायु मत में विदर्भपुत्र ।
कौशिक XII. n.  २. (सो. वृष्णि) विष्णु तथा मत्स्य मत में वैशाली से उत्पन्न वसुदेवपुत्रवायु मत में वैशाली से उत्पन्न वसुदेवपुत्र
कौशिक xiii. n.  ३. गाधिन् देखिये ।
कौशिक XIV. n.  ४. प्रतिष्ठान नगर का एक ब्राह्मण । यह कुष्ठरोगी था, परंतु इसकी स्त्री पति की अत्यंत सेवा करती थी । यह व्यसनी ब्राह्मण अपनी स्त्री के कंधे पर बैठ कर वेश्या के घर जा रहा थाराह में सूली पर चढे हुए मांडव्य ऋषि को इसका धक्का लगातब ऋषि ने धक्का लगानेवाले की सूर्योदय के पूर्व मृत्यु होगी, यों शाप दियापरंतु इसके पत्नी के पातिव्रत्य के कारण, सूर्योदय ही नहीं हुआ । तब देवताओं ने इसकी स्त्री को संतुष्ट किया तथा अनुसूया के द्वारा इसके पति को जीवित किया [मार्क. १६.१४-८८] ;[गरुड.१.१४२]


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कौशिक  mfn. 1.mfn. (fr.कुशा or कुशी॑), ‘having paws’, an owl, [Suśr.] ; [VarBṛS.] ; [Pañcat.] &c.
   an ichneumon, [L.]
   coming from an owl, [Suśr.]
कौशिक  mfn. 2.mfn. forming a receptacle (as a wound; see कोश-वत्), vi, 35">[Bhpr. vi, 35] (v.l.कौष्ठिक)
   sheathed (a sword), iii, 11461">[MBh. iii, 11461]
   silken, [MBh. iii]
कौशिक  m. m. one who is versed in dictionaries, [L.]
   a lexicographer, [L.]
   one who catches snakes, ---10---
   the fragrant substance bdellium, ---11---
   marrow, [L.]
   a kind of seed, [L.]
कौशिक  n. n. silk, silk cloth, [Yājñ. i, 186] ; xiii, 5502">[MBh. xiii, 5502]
   a silk garment, 83, 28.">[BhP. x, 83, 28.]
कौशिक  mfn. 3.mfn. relating to कुशिक (or to कौशिक), xiii, 2719">[MBh. xiii, 2719]
कौशिक  m. m. (g.बिदा-दि) patr. of विश्वा-मित्र (who was the son or grandson of कुशिक), interpolation after, [RV. x, 85] ; ---19--- ; ---20---
   of गाधि, [Hariv. 1457]
   of भद्र-शर्मन्, ---22---
   also title or epithet).">N. of a teacher (author of the कौशिकसूत्र, brother of पैप्पलादि), [BṛĀrUp.] ; [Kauś.] ; [Pāṇ. 4-3, 103] ; [Hariv. 11074]
   also title or epithet).">N. of a grammarian, [Hariv. 5501]
   of one of जरासन्धस्'s generals, ii, 885">---28---
   also title or epithet).">N. of इन्द्र (as originally perhaps belonging to the कुशिकs or friendly to them), 10, 11">[RV. i, 10, 11] ; iii, 3, 4, 19">[ŚBr. iii, 3, 4, 19] ; [ṢaḍvBr.] ; [TĀr.] ; [ĀśvŚr.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   of सूर्य, 10, 2 Sch.">---35--- Sch.
   of a son of वसु-देव, [VP.]
   of शिव, [L.]
   of an असुर, [Hariv. 2288]
   Vatika robusta, [L.]
   (in music) also title or epithet).">N. of a राग
कैशिक   (for ) love, passion, [L.]
कौशिक  m. m. pl. the descendants of कुशिक, [Hariv. 1770 ff.]
कौशिक  m. m. (of कुश), 35, 20">[R. i, 35, 20]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कौशिक [kauśika] a.  a. (-की f.) also
-कौषिक (की) [कुश-ठञ्, कुशिक- अण्   वा]
   incased, sheathed; विक्रम्य कौशिकं खङ्गं मोक्षयित्वा ग्रहं रिपोः [Mb.3.157.11.]
   coming from an owl.
   born of the family of Kuśika; कौशिकाश्च कथं वंशात्क्षत्राद्वै ब्राह्मणो भवेत् [Mb.13.52.4.]
   silken; या त्वाहं कौशिकैर्वस्त्रैः शुभ्रैराच्छादितं पुरा [Mb.3.27.14.]
   कः An epithet of विश्वा- मित्र q. v.
   An owl; [U.2.29.]
   A lexicographer.
   An ichneumon.
   A snake-catcher.
   The sentiment of love (शृङ्गार).
   one who knows hidden treasures.
   An epithet of indra; [Bhāg.1.38.17;] [N.5.64.]
   An epithet of Śiva.
  N. N. of a priest in charge of Sāmaveda.
   A dealer in Kuśa grass.
   gum, resin; 'कौशिको मुनिभेदे च नकुले शक्रघूकयोः । उद्गातरि कुशाजीवे कोशवत्यहितुण्डिके ॥ गुग्गुलावपि ...'
-का   A cup, drinking vessel.
   की N. of a river in bihar.
  N. N. of the goddess Durgā.
  N. N. of one of the four varieties of dramatic style; सुकुमारार्थसंदर्भा कौशिकी तासु कथ्यते; see [S. D.411] et seq. also.
   The earth; 'गायत्र्याः सांख्यायनगोत्रत्ववद्भूः कौशिकी' इति कतकः; त्रातुमर्हसि वीर त्वं पातालादिव कौशिकीम् [Rām.5.38.65.]
   कम् silk, silken garment; [Mb.13.111.14;] [Bhāg.1.83.28.]
   A way of flying (सर्वतोभद्र); ---10--- -Comp. -अरातिः,
   -अरिः a crow.
-आत्मजः   an epithet of arjuna.
-आयुधम्   rainbow.
-फलः   the cocoanut tree, said to have been created by Viśvāmitra (कौशिक); the nut being the rudiment of a head.
-प्रियः   an epithet of Rāma.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कौशिक  mfn.  (-कः-की-कं)
   1. silk, silken.
   2. Of the family of Kusika, &c. m. (-कः)
   1. A name of indra.
   2. A fragrant substance, (bdellium) 3. An owl.
   4. A snake-catcher.
   5. An ichneumon. (Viverra ichneu- mon.)
   6. A title of VISWAMITRA.
   7. one skilled in dictionaries.
   8. A dictionary compiler.
   9. love, the passion.
   10. The marrow.
  f.  (-की)
   1. A river in Bahar, the Kosi or Koosa.
   2. A name of the goddess durga,
  n.  (-कं) silk.
   E. कोश a sheathe, &c. ठक् affix, and ङीप् for the femine; also कौषिक, and कौशिकी.

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