इतिः [itiḥ] f. f. going, moving. इति [iti] ind. this particle is most generally used to report the very words spoken or supposed to be spoken by some one, as represented by quotation marks in english. The speech reported may be (1) a single word used merely to express what the form of the word is, when it is used as it is (शब्दस्वरूपद्योतक); कूजन्तं रामरामेति मधुरं मधुराक्षरम् Rāmarakṣā. अत एव गवित्याह Bhartṛi.; (2) or a substantive, which must be put in the nominative case when its meaning is to be indicated (प्रतिपदिकार्थद्योतक); चयस्त्विषामित्यवधारितं पुरा ... क्रमादमुं नारद इत्यबोधि सः [Śi.1.3.;] अवैमि चैनामनघेति [R.14.4;] दिलीप इति राजेन्दुः [R.1.12;] sometimes with acc. कैवर्तमिति यं प्राहुः [Ms.1.34.;] [Bg.6.2;] (3) or a whole sentence when इति is merely used at the end of that sentence; (वाक्यार्थद्योतक); ज्ञास्यसि कियद् भुजो मे रक्षति भौंर्वीकिणाङ्क इति [Ś.1.13;] तयोर्मुनिकुमारयोरन्यतरः कथयति अक्षमालामुपयचितुमागतो- स्मीति [K.151.] besides this general sense इति has the following senses: (a) cause, as expressed by 'because', 'since', 'on the ground that', in english; वैदेशिकोऽस्मीति पृच्छामि U.; पुराणमित्येव न साधु सर्वम् [M.1.2,] oft. with किम् q. v. (b) purpose or motive, as expressed by 'that', 'in order that' शरीरस्य विनाशो मा भूदिति मयेदमु- त्क्षिप्य समानीतम् [K.32;] [R.1.37.] (c) thus, to mark the conclusion (opp. अथ); इति प्रथमोऽङ्कः thus or here ends the first act. (d) it is often used to include under one head a number of separate objects grouped together; पृथिव्यापस्तेजो वायुराकाशं कालो दिगात्मा मन इति द्रव्याणि T. S. (e) So, thus, in this manner; इत्युक्तवन्तं परिरभ्य दोर्भ्याम् [Ki.11.8.] (f) Of this nature or description; गौरश्वः पुरुषो हस्तीति जातिः. (g) As follows, to the following effect; रामाभिधानो हरिरित्युवाच [R.13.1.] (h) As for, in the capacity of, as regards, showing capacity or relation; पितेति स पूज्यः, अध्यापक इति निन्द्यः, शीघ्रमिति सुकरं, निभृतमिति चिन्तनीयं भवेत् ---12--- (i) it is often used with the name of an author to form an Avyayibhāva comp. इतिपाणिनि thus according to Pāṇini. (j) illustration (usually with आदि); इन्दुरिन्दुरिव श्रीमानित्यादौ तदनन्वयः Chandr.; गौः शुश्चलो डित्थ इत्यादौ [K. P.2.] (k) A quotation or an opinion accepted; इति पाणिनिः, इत्यापिशलिः, इत्यमरः, विश्वः &c. (l) it is often used by commentators after quoting a rule in the sense of 'according to such a rule'; शकि लिङ् च (P.III.3.172) इति शक्यार्थे लिङ् Malli. other senses mentioned are: (m) manifestation. (n) order. (o) arrangement. (p) identity. (q) proximity. (r) visibility. (s) excess or superiority. (t) Requiring. (इति स्वरूपे सान्निध्ये विवक्षानियमे मते । हेतौ प्रकार- प्रत्यक्षप्रकाशेप्यवधारणे, एकमर्थे समाप्तौ च ॥ hem.). -Comp. -अर्थः sum and substance, meaning in short (often) used by commentators). -अर्थम् ind. for this purpose, hence. -आदि a. a. having such a thing or things at the beginning, so forth, et cætera (&c.). इत्यादिप्रचुराः पुरातन- कथाः सर्वेभ्य एवं श्रुताः Udb. -उक्तम् information, report.-कथ a. not fit to be believed, untrustworthy. wicked, lost. (-था) a meaningless or nonsensical talk. -कर्तव्य, -करणीय, -कार्य, -कृत्य a. a. proper or necessary to be done according to certain rules. (-कर्तव्यम्, -णीयम्) duty, obligation; श्रूयतामितिकर्तव्यं सर्वानेव ब्रवीमि वः [Rām.2.68.5.] एवं सर्वं विधायेदमितिकर्तव्यमात्मनः [Ms.7.14] 2. संसिद्धावितिकरणीयसंनिबद्धैरालापैः [Ki.7.17.] ˚ता,-कार्यता, -कृत्यता any proper or necessary duty, obligation; स मुहूर्तमिव घ्यात्वा विनिश्चित्येतिकृत्यताम् [Mb.3.36.4.] इति- कर्तव्यतामूढः wholly at a loss what to do, embarrassed, perplexed. -पाणिनि ind. thus according to Pāṇini's very words. -मात्र a. a. of such extent or quality. वृत्तम् occurrence, event. a tale, story. इतिः [itiḥ] 1 knowledge. speed; Śabda Ch.