Dictionaries | References ए एवम् { ēvam } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 एवम् A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | एवम् n. ind. (fr.pronom. base ए, [BRD.] ; probably connected with 1.एव॑), thus, in this way, in such a manner, such, (it is not found in the oldest hymns of the वेद, where its place is taken by 1. एव॑, but occurs in later hymns ind. in the ब्राह्मणs, especially in connection with √ विद्, ‘to know’, and its derivatives [e.g.य एवं वेद, he who knows so; cf.एवं-वि॑द्, col.3]; in classical Sanskṛtएवम् occurs very frequently, especially in connection with the roots वच्, ‘to speak’, and श्रु, ‘to hear’, and refers to what precedes as well as to what follows [e.g.एवम् उक्त्वा, having so said ; एवम् एवै-तत्, this is so; एवम् अस्तु or एवम् भवतु, be it so, I assent; अस्त्य् एवम्, it is so; यद्य् एवम्, if this be so; किम् एवम्, how so? what is the meaning of it? what does this refer to? मै-वम्, not so! एवम् - यथा or यथा - एवम्, so - as]), [Mn.] ; [Śak.] &c.एवं ते वचने रतः (it is also often used like an adjective [e.g., rejoicing in such words of thine; where एवम् = एवं-विधे]), [MBh.] ; [Śak. &c.] एवम् sometimes is merely an expletiveएवम् according to lexicographers may imply likeness (so) sameness of manner (thus) assent (yes, verily) affirmation (certainly, indeed, assuredly) command (thus, &c.) and be used as an expletive. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 एवम् The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | एवम् [ēvam] ind. thus, so, in this manner or way; (referring to what precedes as well as to what follows); अस्त्येवम् pt. 1 it is so; एवंवादिनि देवर्षौ [Ku.6.84;] ब्रूया एवम् [Me.13] (what follows); एवमस्तु be it so, amen; यद्येवम् so; ।कमेवम् why so; मैवम्, मा मैवम् oh, not so, (do not do so) एवम् has sometimes an adjectival force; एवं वचनम् such words. Yes, quite so (implying assent); सीता-अहो जाने तस्मिन्नेव काले वर्ते । राम- एवम् [U.1;] एवं यदात्थ भगवन् [Ku.2.31.] it is also said to have the senses of. likeness. sameness of manner; affirmation or determination; command; or it is often used merely as an expletive. (In the Vedas एवम् occurs very rarely; its place being usually taken up by एव).-Comp.-अवस्थ a. a. so situated or circumstanced.-आदि,-आद्य a. a. of such qualities or kind, such and the like; एवमादिभिः [Ś.5;] [Ku.5.29.] -कान्तम् A column connected with one, two or three minor pillars and having a lotus-shaped base; एकोपपादसंयुक्तं द्वित्र्युपपादेन संयुतम् । एवंकान्तमिति प्रोक्तं मूले पद्मासनान्वितम् ॥ [Mānasāra 15.242-3.] -कारम् ind. in this manner.-काल a. a. containing so many syllabic instants.-क्रतु a. a. Ved. thus minded.-गत a. a. being in this condition or so circumstanced; एवं गते under these circumstances.-गुण a. a. possessing such virtues; पुत्रमेवंगुणोपेतं चक्रवर्तिनमाप्नुहि [Ś.1.12.] -नामन् a. a. so called, bearing this name.-प्रकार, -प्राय a. a. of such a kind; वयमपि न खल्वेवंप्रायाः क्रतुप्रतिघातिनः [U.5.29;] [Ś.7.24.] -भत a. a. of such quality or description, so, such.-रूप a. a. of such a kind or form.-वादः such an expression. एवंवादिनि देवर्षौ पार्श्वे पितुरधोमुखी [K.] -विद्, -विद्वस् a. a. knowing so or such, well-informed. -विधa. of such a kind, such.-वीर्य a. a. possessing such a power.-वृत्त, -वृत्ति a. a. behaving such; of such a kind. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 एवम् Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | एवम् ind. A particle implying, 1. likeness, (as, so, like.) 2. assent, [Page142-b+ 55] (yes, verily.) 3. sameness of manner, (thus, in this way.) 4. certainly, (indeed, assuredly, even so.) 5. command, (so, thus, &c.) 6. An expletive. E. इण् to go, वम् affix; also एव. ROOTS:इण् वम् एव Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 एवम् संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit Sanskrit | | adverb एवम् उक्तेन प्रकारेण। Ex. एवं कार्यं करिष्यति चेत् कदापि मम कार्यस्य सिद्धिर्न भवति। MODIFIES VERB:कृ ONTOLOGY:रीतिसूचक (manner) ➜ क्रिया विशेषण (Adverb) SYNONYM:इत्थं उक्तप्रकारेण एतादृशम् इति तथाहि अनयारीत्या अनेन प्रकारेण एवम् प्रकारेण एवम्प्रकारेण उक्तेन प्रकारेण अतः एवWordnet:asmএনেকৈ bdबेबादियै benএইভাবে gujઆ પ્રમાણે hinयों kasیِتھۍ کٔنۍ kokअशे तरेन malഇങ്ങനെ marअसे mniꯃꯇꯧ꯭ꯑꯁꯨꯝꯅ nepयसरी oriଏମିତି panਇੰਜ੍ਹ tamஇப்படி telఈ విధంగా urdیوں , ایسی , اس طرح , اس انداز سے , ایسا , ابھی , اس دم , اس وقت Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP