Dictionaries | References w who Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words who English WN - IndoWordNet | English Any Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 noun Wordnet:hinविश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन , डब्लूएचओ , डब्लू एच ओ , वि स्वा संग kokसंवसारीकभलायकीसंगठण marजागतिक आरोग्य संघटना , जागतिकआरोग्यसंघटना , डबल्यूएचओ who Student’s English-Sanskrit Dictionary | English Sanskrit Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 Who,-ever, &c. SeeWhich &c. m.f. who A Dictionary: English and Sanskrit | English Sanskrit Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 WHO , pron. (Relat.) यः या यद्, यौm. du., येf.n.du., येm.pl., यःf.pl., यानिn.pl. The relative pronoun is not much used in Sanskrit excepting at the beginning of a sentence; as, ‘he who desires great riches is not wise,’ यो बहुधनम्आकांक्षति स बुद्धिहीनः. In other cases it is more usually expressed by स च or is inherent in a compound word or indecl. part.; thus, ‘in that city there dwelt a king who was beloved by his subjects,’ तस्मिन् नगरे वसति राजा स चप्रजावल्लभः; ‘a saint who has subdued his organs of sense,’ जितेन्द्रियो मुनिः; ‘by all the birds who had assembled,’ सर्व्वैःपक्षिभिर् मिलित्वा. — (Interrog.) कः का किं, कौm. du., केf.n.du., केm.pl., काःf.pl., कानिn.pl.; ‘who are you?’ कस् त्वं;‘who's there,’ कोऽत्र. ROOTS:ययायद्यौयेयानियोबहुधनम्आकांक्षतिसबुद्धिहीनचतस्मिन्नगरेवसतिराजाप्रजावल्लभजितेन्द्रियोमुनिसर्व्वैपक्षिभिर्मिलित्वाककाकिंकौकेकाकानिकस्त्वंकोऽत्र Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP