कुक्कुट f. m. (ifc. f(आ). , [Pāṇ. 4-1, 14] ; [Kāś.] ) a cock, [VS. i, 16] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. a wild cock (Phasianusgallus) कुकुट (= ) the plant Marsilea quadrifolia, [L.] a whisp of lighted straw or grass, [L.] a firebrand, spark of fire, [L.] कुक्कुर the offspring of a निषाद by a शूद्र woman (cf. ), [L.] ई (), [L.] ([Pāṇ. 4-4, 46] ) a hen, [VarBṛS. lxiii, 3] a small house-lizard, [L.] the plant Dolichos pruriens, [Suśr.] कुकूटी (= ) the plant Salmalia malabarica (or the silk-cotton tree Bombax heptaphyllum), [Suśr.] कौक्कुटिक hypocrisy (cf. ), [L.] कुक्कुट n. n. = कुक्कुटा-सन, [Tantras.]