Dictionaries | References d during Script: Latin Meaning Related Words during व्यवसाय व्यवस्थापन | English Marathi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 -मध्ये-आत during Student’s English-Sanskrit Dictionary | English Sanskrit Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 During,prep.यावत्, मध्ये, अंतरे in comp.; ex. by loc., or loc. abs.; ‘d. youth’ यौवनदशायां; ‘d. Dasaratha's reign’ दशरथे महीं शासति; ‘d. life’ यावज्जीवं- -वेन; oft. by आ with abl. ROOTS:यावत्मध्येअंतरेयौवनदशायांदशरथेमहींशासतियावज्जीवंवेनआ during A Dictionary: English and Sanskrit | English Sanskrit Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 DURING , prep.यावत्, पर्य्यन्तं, मध्ये, अन्तरे affixed; ‘during life,’ जीवनपर्य्यन्तं or यावज्जीवं or by prefixing आ with abl.; as, आजीवनान्तात्, आमरणात् (i. e. ‘until death’); ‘during the performance of the vow,’ आसमापनाद् व्रतस्य (i. e. ‘until the completion of the vow’); ‘during three fortnights,’ पक्षत्रयमध्ये. ROOTS:यावत्पर्य्यन्तंमध्येअन्तरेजीवनपर्य्यन्तंयावज्जीवंआआजीवनान्तात्आमरणात्आसमापनाद्व्रतस्यपक्षत्रयमध्ये Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP