Dictionaries | References इ इस Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 इस A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | isa int foh! fugh! see ईस. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 इस Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi English | | interj foh ! Fugh ! Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 इस मराठी वाक्संप्रदाय - वाक्यप्रचार | Marathi Marathi | | इस गांव उस गांव, भिकाऱ्याला चाळीस गांव १. आज हे गांव तर उद्या ते याप्रमाणें भिकारी, भटक्या कोठेहि जाऊ शकतो. सर्वच गांवे व लोक त्याचे. २. विंचवाचे बिर्हाड पाठीवर, याप्रमाणें एक जागी नसणें. Related Words इस इस बार इस ओर इस कदर इस क़दर इस जगह इस तरह इस दरम्यान इस दौरान इस प्रकार इस बीच इस वक्त इस वर्ष इस वास्ते इस समय इस साल इस प्रकार का at present any longer anymore now here nowadays today in the meantime for this purpose in this instance in this way proviso to this rule you would appreciate this office has no information in this respect इसबार अबकी अब की बार on these points it is regretted amended to read as for the purpose of this section the matter has no relevance at all matter under correspondece may not pursue the matter issue may be discussed during this period irrespective of the fact we shall revert to the subject on receipt of the reply of the party कगेड़ी ऋतस्तुभ सप्ताहांत retrospective effect cannot be given to this order such delay should be avoided in this behalf no assurance can be given at this stage please make special note of this decision please put up the cae with previous papers please see the case and offer your comments we need not pursue the matter further अनपान जमाकर्त्ता चला आना for the time being we regret that we cannot help you in this regard/matter we shall be glad if you will personally look into the matter and arrange to forward the data/information urgently you are requested to take up the matter with the appropriate authorities आदमकद आवृष्ट खरादिया ख़राबी ख़िताबी खूझा खूनी रंग खेतीबाड़ी गंभीरतापूर्वक गठरेवाँ उत्तरदान उत्तीर्ण होना इतना ही इसलिए कपूरा कौशीतक कुंजीपटल अंतर्लंब अंशधर ग्राहकगण घरघुसना घायल होना घुरुवा चकित रहना चक्कर में पड़ना साँपिन सांद्रता शिवमूर्ति शुद्ध लाभ कमाना शुद्ध लाभ होना सभापतित्व श्यामपराशर लौह भंडार वकालतन वज़न अड़तालिसवाँ अधिकारीगण Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP