Dictionaries | References


   { śarman }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शर्मन्  n. n. (prob.fr.श्रि and connected with 1.शरण, शरीर) shelter, protection, refuge, safety, [RV.] &c.
   a house, iii, 4">[Naigh. iii, 4]
वर्मन्   joy, bliss, comfort, delight, happiness (often at the end of names of Brāhmans, just as is added to the names of क्षत्रियs, and गुप्त to those of वैश्यs), [Yājñ.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
   epithet).">N. of partic. formulas, [VarYogay.]
शर्व   identified with ([Kauś.] ) and with वाच् ([AitBr.] )
शर्मन्  mfn. mfn. happy, prosperous, [W.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शर्मन् [śarman] a.  a. [शॄ-मनिन् [Uṇ.4.144] ] happy, prosperous. -m.
   An affix added to the name of a Brāhmaṇa; as विष्णुशर्मन्; cf. वर्मन्, दास, गुप्तः, शर्मवद्ब्राह्मणस्य स्याद्राज्ञो रक्षा- समन्वितम् [Ms.2.32.] -n.
   pleasure, happiness, delight; त्यजन्त्यसून् शर्म च मानिनो वरं त्यजन्ति न त्वेकमयाचितं व्रतम् [N.1.] 5; [R.1.69;] [Bh.3.97.]
   A blessing.
   A house, receptacle (mostly vedic in this sense).-Comp.
-द, -प्रद a.  a. conferring happiness. (-दः) an epithet of Viṣṇu.

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