कोश n. m. (
[L.] ; in class. literature
कोश, or
fr. √
कुश् or
कुष्?, related to
कुक्षि॑ and
कोष्ठ?), a cask, vessel for holding liquids, (metaphorically) cloud,
[RV.] ;
[AV.] ;
[Suśr.] a pail, bucket,
[RV.] a drinking-vessel, cup,
[L.] a box, cupboard, drawer, trunk,
[RV. vi, 47, 23] ;
[AV. xix, 72, 1] ;
[ŚBr.] the interior or inner part of a carriage,
[RV.] (
ifc. ),
[MBh. viii, 1733] a sheath, scabbard, &c.,
[MBh.] ;
[R.] ;
[VarBṛS.] a case, covering, cover,
[AV.] ;
[ChUp.] ;
[MuṇḍUp.] ;
[TUp.] ;
[PārGṛ.] ;
[BhP.] store-room, store, provisions,
[Mn.] ;
[MBh.] &c.
a treasury, apartment where money or plate is kept, treasure, accumulated wealth (gold or silver, wrought or unwrought, as plate, jewellery, &c.),
surg. ) a kind of bandage,
[Suśr.] a dictionary, lexicon or vocabulary
a poetical collection, collection of sentences &c.,
[Kāvyâd. i, 13] ;
[Sāh.] बीज a bud, flower-cup, seed-vessel (
cf. -),
[R.] ;
[Ragh.] ;
[BhP.] ;
[Dhūrtas.] the sheath or integument of a plant, pod, nut-shell,
[MārkP.] a nutmeg,
[L.] the inner part of the fruit of
Artocarpus integrifolia and of similar fruits,
[L.] the cocoon of a silk-worm,
[Yājñ. iii, 147] ;
[Vedântas.] the membrane covering an egg (in the womb),
[Suśr.] ;
[VarBṛ.] ;
[MārkP.] the vulva,
[L.] a testicle or the scrotum,
[Suśr.] ;
[VarBṛS.] the penis,
[W.] an egg,
[L.] आनन्द-मय क्° (in
वेदान्तphil. ) a term for the three sheaths or succession of cases which make up the various frames of the body enveloping the soul (these are, 1. the or ‘sheath of pleasure’, forming the
कारण-शरीर or ‘causal frame’; 2. the
विज्ञान-मय or
बुद्धि-म्° or
मनो-म्° or
प्रा-ण-म्° क्°, ‘the sheath of intellect or will or life’, forming the
सूक्ष्म-शरीर or ‘subtile frame’; 3. the
अन्न-म्° क्°, ‘the sheath of nourishment’, forming the
स्थूल-शरीर or ‘gross frame’),
[Vedântas.] सूत्र (
ifc. ) a ball or globe (
e.g. -, a ball of thread,
[L.] ;
नेत्र-, the eye-ball,
[R. iii, 79, 28] )
the water used at an ordeal or judicial trial (the defendant drinks thrice of it after some idol has been washed in it),
[Yājñ. ii, 95] an oath,
[Rājat. v, 325] °शं-√ पा a cup used in the ratification of a treaty of peace (, to drink from that cup),
[Rājat. vii, 8; 75; 460 and 493; viii, 283] N. of a conjunction of planets,
[VarBṛS.] of the 2nd astrological mansion,
[VarYogay.] (with,
[Buddh.] ) of a collection of
गाथा verses,
[Kāraṇḍ.] ;