शक्ति f. or शक्ति॑f. power, ability, strength, might, effort, energy, capability (शक्त्या or आत्म-श्° or स्व-श्°, ‘according to ability’; परं शक्त्या, ‘with all one's might’; वित्त-शक्त्या, ‘according to the capability of one's property’; शक्तिम् अ-हापयित्वा, ‘not relaxing one's efforts, exerting all one's strength’), faculty, skill, capacity for, power over (gen. case.">loc. case,">dat. , or inf. ), [RV.] &c. &c. effectiveness or efficacy (of a remedy), [ŚārṅgS.] प्रभुत्व regal power (consisting of three parts, , personal pre-eminence; मन्त्र, good counsel, and उत्साह, energy), [Kām.] (cf. iii, 13">[Ragh. iii, 13] ) असित the energy or active power of a deity personified as his wife and worshipped by the शाक्त (q.v. ) sect of Hindūs under various names (sometimes only three, sometimes eight शक्ति goddesses are enumerated, as follow, इन्द्राणी, वैष्णवी, शान्ता, ब्रह्माणी, कौमारी, नारसिंही, वाराही, and माहेश्वरी, but some substitute चामुण्डा and चण्डिका for the third and sixth of these: according to another reckoning there are nine, other words. From Latin videlicet">viz. वैष्णवी, ब्रह्माणी, रौद्री, माहेश्वरी, नारसिंही, वाराही, इन्द्राणी, कार्त्तिकी, and प्रधाना: others reckon fifty different forms of the शक्ति of विष्णु besides लक्ष्मी, some of these are कीर्त्ति, कान्ति, तुष्टि, पुष्टा, धृति, शान्ति, क्रिया, दया, मेधा &c.; and fifty forms of the शक्ति of शिव or रुद्र besides दुर्गा or गौरी, some of whom are गुणोदरी, विरजा, शाल्मली, लोलाक्षी, वर्तुलाक्षी, दीर्घ-घोणा, सुदीर्घ-मुखी, गो-मुखी, दीर्घ-जिह्वा, कुण्डोदरी, अर्ध-केशी, विकृत-मुखी, ज्वाला-मुखी, उल्कामुखी &c.; सरस्वती is also named as a शक्ति, both of विष्णु and रुद्र: according to the वायु-पुराण the female nature of रुद्र became twofold, one half or white, and the other सित or black, each of these again becoming manifold, those of the white or mild nature included लक्ष्मी, सरस्वती, गौरी, उमा &c.; those of the dark and fierce nature, दुर्गा, काली &c.), [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.] ; [Pur.] (cf. [RTL. 181 &c.] ; [MWB. 216] ) the female organ (as worshipped by the शाक्त sect either actually or symbolically), [RTL. 140] पदस्य पदार्थे the power or signification of a word (defined in the न्याय as सम्बन्धःi.e. ‘the relation of a word to the thing designated’), ---10--- ; [Sāh.] कारक (in gram. ) case-power, the idea conveyed by a case (= ), [Pāṇ. 2-3, 7] Sch. the power or force or most effective word of a sacred text or magic formula, ---13--- ; ---14--- the creative power or imagination (of a poet), [Kāvyâd.] help, aid, assistance, gift, bestowal, ---16--- शक्ती a spear, lance, pike, dart, [RV.] &c. (also g. बह्व्-आदि) a sword, [MW.] रथ-श्° (prob. ) a flag-staff (see ) a partic. configuration of stars and planets (when the latter are situated in the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th astrological house), ---19--- शक्ति m. m.also title or epithet).">N. of a मुनि or sage (the eldest of वसिष्ठ's hundred sons; accord. to [VP.] he was father of पराशर, and was devoured by king कल्माष-पाद, when changed to a man-eating राक्षस, in consequence of a curse pronounced upon him by the sage; he is represented as having overcome विश्वामित्र at the sacrifice of king सौदास; he is regarded as the author of vii, 32, 26; ix, 97, 19-21; 108, 3; 14-16">---21--- ; शक्ति is also identified with one of the व्यासs, and with अवलोकितेश्वर, and has elsewhere the patr. जातूकर्ण and सांकृति), [Pravar.] ; [MBh. &c.]