सिद्धि f. 1.f. driving off, putting aside,
[Yājñ.] सिद्धि f. 2.f. (for
1. See
p. 1215, col. 1) accomplishment, performance, fulfilment, complete attainment (of any object), success,
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] &c.
the hitting of a mark (
loc. ),
[Kām.] healing (of a disease), cure by (
comp. ),
[Yājñ.] coming into force, validity,
ib.settlement, payment, liquidation (of a debt),
[Mn. viii, 47] establishment, substantiation, settlement, demonstration, proof, indisputable conclusion, result, issue,
[RPrāt.] ;
[Up.] ;
[Sarvad.] decision, adjudication, determination (of a lawsuit),
[W.] solution of a problem,
ib.preparation, cooking, maturing, maturity,
[W.] prosperity, personal success, fortune, good luck, advantage,
[Mn.] ;
[MBh.] &c.
supreme felicity, bliss, beatitude, complete sanctification (by penance &c.), final emancipation, perfection,
[L.] vanishing, making one's self invisible,
[W.] a magical shoe (supposed to convey the wearer wherever he likes),
ib.अणिमा the acquisition of supernatural powers by magical means or the
sup° faculty so acquired (the eight usually enumerated are given in the following
लघिमा प्रा-प्तिः प्राकाम्यम् महिमा तथा ईशित्वं च वशित्वं च तथा कामा-वसायिता; sometimes 26 are added
e.g. दूर-श्रवण,
अग्नि-स्तम्भ &c.),
[Sāṃkhyak.] ;
[Tattvas.] ;
[Sarvad.] any unusual skill or faculty or capability (often in
comp. ),
[Pañcat.] ;
[Kathās.] skill in general, dexterity, art,
[Car.] efficacy, efficiency,
[Kāv.] ;
[Pañcat.] understanding, intellect,
[W.] becoming clear or intelligible (as sounds or words),
[BhP.] (in
rhet. ) the pointing out in the same person of various good qualities (not usually united),
[Sāh.] (
prob. ) a work of art,
[Rājat. iii, 381] ऋद्धि a kind of medicinal root (= or
[L.] (in music) a
partic. श्रुति,
[Saṃgīt.] a
partic. योग (either the 16th or 19th),
[Col.] Success or Perfection personified,
[MBh.] ;
[VarBṛS.] N. of
[Kathās.] of a daughter of
दक्ष and wife of
[Pur.] of the wife of
भग and mother of
[BhP.] of a friend of
[Kathās.] of one of the wives of
[RTL. 215, 2] N. of
शिव (in this sense m.),