बोध [bōdha] a. a. Knowing, understanding.
-धः [बुध्-भावे घञ्]
Perception, knowledge, apprehension, observation, conception; बालानां सुखबोधाय
[T. S.] Idea, thought.
Understanding, intellect, intelligence, wisdom.
Waking up, becoming awake, a waking state, consciousness.
Opening, blooming, expanding.
Instruction, advice, admonition.
Awakening, rousing.
An epithet, designation.
N. N. of a district.
Exciting (a perfume.) -Comp.
-अतीत a. a. unknowable, incomprehensible.
-कर a. a. one who teaches or informs.
(रः) a bard or minstrel who wakes up his master by singing appropriate songs in the morning.
an instructor, a teacher.
-गम्य a. a. intelligible.
-पूर्व a. a. intentional, conscious; cf. अबोधपूर्व
[Ś.5.2.] -पूर्वम् ind. knowingly, consciously.
-वासरः the eleventh day in the bright half of Kārtika when Viṣṇu is sopposed to rise from his four months' sleep; see
[Me.112,] and प्रबोधिनी.