शक् cl. 5. P. (xxvii, 15">[Dhātup. xxvii, 15] ) शक्नोति (pf. शशा॑क, शेकु॑, [RV.] &c. &c.; aor. अ॑शकत्, [AV.] &c. [Ved. also Pot. शकेयम् and शक्याम्; Impv. शग्धि, शक्तम्]; fut. शक्ता, or शकिताgr. ; शक्ष्यति, °ते, [Br.] &c.; शकिष्यते, °तेgr. ; inf. -शक्तवे, [RV.] ; शक्तुम् or शकितुम्gr. ), to be strong or powerful, be able to or capable of or competent for (with acc. dat. or loc. , rarely acc. of a verbal noun, or with an inf. in अम् or तुम्; or with pr.p. ; e.g. with ग्रहणाय or ग्रहणे, ‘to be able to seize’; वध-निर्णेकम्अ-शक्नुवन्, ‘ unable to atone for slaughter’; शके॑म वाजि॑नो य॑मम्, ‘ may we be able to guide horses’; वी-क्षितुम्नशक्नोति, ‘ he is not able to see’; पूरयन् न शक्नोति, ‘ he is not able to fill’), [RV.] &c. &c. (in these meanings ep. also शक्यति, °ते, with inf. in तुंcf. xxvi, 78">[Dhātup. xxvi, 78] ); to be strong or exert one's self for another ( dat. ), aid, help, assist, vii, 67, 5; 68, 8 &c.">[RV. vii, 67, 5; 68, 8 &c.] ; to help to ( dat. of thing), ib. ii, 2, 12; iv, 21, 10 &c. : pass. शक्यते ( ep. also °ति), to be overcome or subdued, succumb, [MBh.] ; to yield, give way, ib.; to be compelled or caused by any one ( instr. ) to ( inf. ), ib.; to be able or capable or possible or practicable (with an inf. in pass. sense e.g. तत् कर्तुं शक्यते, ‘that can be done’; sometimes with pass. p. e.g. न शक्यते वार्यमाणः, ‘ he cannot be restrained’; or used used impersonally.">impers. , with or with out instr. e.g. यदि [ त्वया] शक्यते, ‘ if it can be done by thee’, ‘ if it is possible’), [Mn.] ; ---10--- : Caus. शाकयति ( aor. अशीशकत्), gr. : Desid. see √ शिक्ष्.< br> शक् [cf. accord. to some, Gk. ὄπις, ἀοσσητήρ, Germ. HagHeckehegen; behagen.]<br>