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   { śak }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शक्   cl. 5. P. (xxvii, 15">[Dhātup. xxvii, 15] ) शक्नोति (pf.शशा॑क, शेकु॑, [RV.] &c. &c.; aor.अ॑शकत्, [AV.] &c. [Ved. also Pot.शकेयम् and शक्याम्; Impv.शग्धि, शक्तम्]; fut.शक्ता, or शकिताgr.; शक्ष्यति, °ते, [Br.] &c.; शकिष्यते, °तेgr.; inf.-शक्तवे, [RV.] ; शक्तुम् or शकितुम्gr.),
to be strong or powerful, be able to or capable of or competent for (with acc.dat. or loc., rarely acc. of a verbal noun, or with an inf. in अम् or तुम्; or with pr.p.; e.g. with ग्रहणाय or ग्रहणे, ‘to be able to seize’; वध-निर्णेकम्अ-शक्नुवन्, ‘unable to atone for slaughter’; शके॑म वाजि॑नो य॑मम्, ‘may we be able to guide horses’; वी-क्षितुम्शक्नोति, ‘he is not able to see’; पूरयन् न शक्नोति, ‘he is not able to fill’), [RV.] &c. &c. (in these meanings ep. also शक्यति, °ते, with inf. in तुंcf.xxvi, 78">[Dhātup. xxvi, 78] );
to be strong or exert one's self for another (dat.), aid, help, assist, vii, 67, 5; 68, 8 &c.">[RV. vii, 67, 5; 68, 8 &c.] ;
to help to (dat. of thing), ib. ii, 2, 12; iv, 21, 10 &c. :
pass.शक्यते (ep. also °ति), to be overcome or subdued, succumb, [MBh.] ;
to yield, give way, ib.;
to be compelled or caused by any one (instr.) to (inf.), ib.;
to be able or capable or possible or practicable (with an inf. in pass. sense e.g.तत् कर्तुं शक्यते, ‘that can be done’; sometimes with pass.p.e.g.न शक्यते वार्यमाणः, ‘he cannot be restrained’; or used used impersonally.">impers., with or with out instr.e.g.यदि [त्वया] शक्यते, ‘if it can be done by thee’, ‘if it is possible’), [Mn.] ; ---10--- :
Caus.शाकयति (aor.अशीशकत्), gr.:
Desid. seeशिक्ष्.<br>शक्   [cf.accord. to some, Gk.ὄπις, ἀοσσητήρ, Germ.HagHeckehegen; behagen.]<br>


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शक् [śak]   I. 5 P. (शक्नोति, शक्त)<br>   To be able, be competent for, have power to effect (usually with an inf. and translateable by 'can'); अदर्शयन् वक्तुमशक्नुवत्यः शाखाभिरावर्जितपल्लवाभिः [R.13.24;] [Bk.3.6;] [Me.2;] sometimes, with acc. or dat.; दानेन वधनर्णेकं सर्पादीनाम- शक्नुवन् [Ms.11.139;] with gen. also; see शक्त.<br>   To bear, endure.<br>   To be powerful. -pass. To be able, be possible or practicable (giving a passive sense to a following infinitive); तत् कर्तुं शक्यते 'it can be done'.-Desid. (शिक्षति)<br>   To wish to be able.<br>   To learn. -ii. 4 U. (शक्यति-ते, शक्त)<br>   To be able, have power to effect.<br>   To bear, endure.<br>   To give.<br>   To aid.<br>   To know (mostly Ved in these senses).<br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शक्   r. 4th cl. (शक्यति-ते) (इर ऌ) इरशकॢ<br>   r. 5th cl. (शक्नोति)<br>   1. To bear patiently, to endure, to be patient.<br>   2. To be able to effect, to be competent.<br>   3. To be powerful, (generally with an inf.) (इ) शकि r. 1st cl. (शङ्कते)<br>   1. To think probable, to suspect.<br>   2. To fear, to apprehend.<br>   With आङ्, To dread.<br>


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 verb  कार्यवहने समर्थानुकूलः व्यापारः।   Ex. मनोहरः विमानं चालयितुं शक्नोति। <br>
कर्मसूचक क्रिया (Verb of Action)क्रिया (Verb)
   see : उपकृ<br>

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