अम् [am] ind.
A little. cf. also अं सुखं कश्मलं दुःखं पूर्णं दूरं गतं वरम्
[Enm.] अम् [am] 1 P. [अमति, अमितुम्, अमित Ved. pres. अमिति; अमीति]
To go; to go to or towards.
To serve, honour.
To sound.
To eat.
To be pernicious or dangerous; वराहमिन्द्र एमुषम्
[Rv.] P. or Caus. (आमयति)
To come upon, attack, afflict with sickness or pain from disease.
To be ill or be afflicted or diseased. _With सम् Ved. 1 A.
to convince oneself of, ascertain.
to ally or connect oneself with.
To fix or settle oneself.