मुनि m. m. (accord. to [Uṇ. iv, 122 fr.] √ मन्) impulse, eagerness (?), [RV. vii, 56, 8] (prob. ) any one who is moved by inward impulse, an inspired or ecstatic person, enthusiast, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [Br.] हृदयेषु स्थितः a saint, sage, seer, ascetic, monk, devotee, hermit (esp. one who has taken the vow of silence), [ŚBr.] &c. &c. (with , the internal monitor or conscience, [Mn. viii, 91] ) a Brāhman of the highest (eighth) order, [Hcat.] N. of a son of कुरु, [MBh.] of a son of द्युति-मत्, [MārkP.] of व्यास, [Kir.] of भरत, [Sāh.] of अगस्त्य, [L.] of a बुद्ध or अर्हत्, [Lalit.] -त्रय of पाणिनि &c. (cf. ) of other nien, [VP.] of various authors, [Cat.] of various plants (Agati Grandiflora, Buchanania Latifolia, Butea Frondosa, Terminalia Catappa, the mango-tree and Artemisia Indica), [L.] pl. ‘the celestial मुनिs’, N. of the seven stars of Ursa Major (and there fore a symbolical N. for the number ‘seven’), [Var.] ; [Sūryas.] ; [Śrutab.] मुनि n. n.N. of a वर्ष (called after a royal मुनि), [VP.]