चित्र—रथ mfn. mfn. (°त्र॑-) having a bright chariot (अग्नि), [RV. x, 1, 5] चित्र—रथ m. m. the sun, [L.] the polar star (ध्रुव), iv, 10, 22">[BhP. iv, 10, 22] also title or epithet).">N. of a man, iv, 30, 18">[RV. iv, 30, 18] the king of the गन्धर्वs, viii, 10, 27">[AV. viii, 10, 27] ; [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Vikr.] ; [Kād.] ; [BhP.] also title or epithet).">N. of a king, xx, 12">---10--- ; [Pañcat.] of a king of the अङ्गs, xiii, 2351">---12--- of a descendant of अङ्ग and son of धर्म-रथ, ---13--- ; ix, 23, 6">---14--- of a snake-demon, ---15--- of a son (of गद or कृष्ण, ---16--- ; of उषद्गु or रुशेकु, xiii, 6834">---17--- ; ---18--- ; ix, 23, 30">[BhP. ix, 23, 30] ; of वृष्णि, 14 and 17">24, 14 and 17; of गज, 15, 2">v, 15, 2; of सुपार्श्वक, 13, 23">ix, 13, 23; of उक्त or उष्ण, 22 39) of a prince of मृत्तिकावती, iii, 11076">[MBh. iii, 11076] (cf. ix, 16, 3">[BhP. ix, 16, 3] ) of a सूत, ii, 32, 17">---22--- of an officer, viii, 1438">---23--- of a विद्या-धर, ---24--- चित्र—रथ cf. चैत्ररथ