वर्ण f. am. (or n.g. अर्धर्चा-दि, prob. fr. √ 1.वृ; ifc. f(आ). ) a covering, cloak, mantle, [L.] <br> a cover, lid, iii, 99">[Yājñ. iii, 99] <br> outward appearance, exterior, form, figure, shape, colour, [RV.] &c. &c.<br> colour of the face, (esp. ) good colour or complexion, lustre, beauty, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.<br> colour, tint, dye, pigment (for painting or writing), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.<br> colour = race, species, kind, sort, character, nature, quality, property (applied to persons and things), [RV.] &c. &c.<br> class of men, tribe, order, caste (prob. from contrast of colour between the dark aboriginal tribes and their fair conquerors; in [RV.] esp. applied to the आर्यs and the दासs; but more properly applicable to the four principal classes described in मनु's code, other words. From Latin videlicet">viz. Brāhmans, क्षत्रियs, वैश्यs, and शूद्रs; the more modern word for ‘caste’ being जाति; cf. [IW. 210 n. 1] ), same place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.<br> a letter, sound, vowel, syllable, word, ---10--- ; ---11--- &c.<br> a musical sound or note (also applied to the voice of animals), ---12--- ; ---13--- ; ---14--- <br> the order or arrangement of a song or poem, [W.] <br> praise, commendation, renown, glory, [Mṛcch.] ; [Kum.] ; [Rājat.] <br> (in alg. ) an unknown magnitude or quantity<br> (in arithm. ) the figure, ‘one’<br> (accord. to some) a co-efficient<br>-ताल a kind of measure, [L.] (cf. )<br> gold, [L.] <br> a religious observance, [L.] <br> one who wards off, expeller, [Sāy.] on [RV. i, 104, 2] <br>वर्ण n. bn. saffron, [L.] <br>वर्ण [cf. accord. to some, Slav. word is part of Etymology of ">vranŭ, ‘black’, ‘a crow’; Lith. word is part of Etymology of ">vÂrnas, ‘a crow.’]<br>