लवः [lavḥ] [ल्-अप्]
Plucking, mowing.
Reaping, gathering (of corn).
A section, piece, fragment, bit; कुशमुष्टिमुपादाय लवं चैव तु स द्विजः
[Rām.7.66.6.] A particle, drop, small quantity; a little; oft. at the end of comp. in this sense; जललवमुचः
[Me.21,72;] आचामति स्वेदलवान् मुखे ते
[R.13.2;6.57;16.66;] अश्रु˚ 15.97; अमृत˚
[Ki.5.44;] भ्रूक्षेपलक्ष्मीलवक्रीते दास इव
[Gīt.11;] so तृण˚, अपराध˚, ज्ञान˚, सुख˚, धन˚ &c. &c.
Wool, hair; धान्ये सदे लवे वाह्ये नातिक्रामति पञ्चताम्
[Ms.8.151.] Sport.
A minute division of time (= the sixth part of a twinkling); त्वं मुहूर्तस्तिथिस्त्वं च त्वं लवस्त्वं पुनः क्षणः
[Mb.1.25.14.] The numerator of a fraction.
A degree (in astr.).
Loss, destruction.
N. N. of a son of Rāma, one of the twins, the other being Kuśa q. v. He with his brother was brought up by the sage Vālmīki, and they were taught by the poet to repeat his Rāmāyaṇa at assemblies &c.; (the derivation of his name, is given as स तौ कुशलवोन्मृष्टगर्भक्लेदौ तदाख्यया । कविः कुशलवावेव चकार किल नामतः ॥
[R.15.32] ).
A kind of quail.
वम् Cloves.
-वम् ind. A little; लवमपि लवङ्गे न रमते
[Sar. K.1.] -Comp.
-अपवाहः (in alg.) subtraction of tractions.
-इप्सु a. a. wishing to cut or reap.