युक्ति f. f. union, junction, connection, combination,
[AitBr.] ;
[TāṇḍBr.] preparation, going to, making ready for (
loc. or
comp. ),
[R.] application, practice, usage,
[Kathās.] ;
[Suśr.] युक्तिं-√ कृ n. trick, contrivance, means, expedient, artifice, cunning device, magic,
[Kāv.] ;
[Kathās.] ;
[Pañcar.] (, to find out or employ an expedient;
युक्तिibc. ;
°ति-तस्ind. by device or stratagem, artfully, skilfully, under pretext or pretence;
युक्त्या &c.
ifc. = by means of)
-तस् reasoning, argument, proof, influence, induction, deduction from circumstances,
[Kap.] ;
[Kāv.] ;
[Var.] &c. (, by means of an argument)
reason, ground, motive,
[BhP.] ;
[MārkP.] युक्त्या suitableness, adaptedness, fitness, propriety, correctness,
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] &c. ( and
°ति-तस्, properly, suitably, fitly, justly, duly)
meditation on the supreme being, contemplation, union with the universal spirit,
[Śaṃk.] (
cf. [IW. 111, 3] )
(in law) enumeration of circumstances, specification of place and time &c.,
[Yājñ. ii, 92; 212] (in
rhet. ) emblematic or mystical expression of purpose,
[W.] (in
dram. ) connection of the events in a plot, concatenation of incidents, intelligent weighing of the circumstances,
[Daśar.] ;
[Sāh.] ;
[Pratāp.] (in
astron. ) conjunction,
[Jyot.] (in gram.) connection of words, a sentence,
[Nir.] connection of letters,
[Viṣṇ.] supplying an ellipsis,
[W.] mixture or alloying of metals,
[VarBṛS.] sum, total,