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   { candra }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
CANDRA I   A prominent asura, also called Candravarman. it was this asura, as beautiful as Candra (the moon) who was born as the king of Kāmboja under the name Candravarman [M.B. Ādi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 31] .
CANDRA ii   A king born in the solar dynasty and the son of Viśvarandhi and father of Yuvanāśva. see Vaṁśāvalī)
CANDRA III   The Purāṇas declare that Candra was one of the invaluable things got at the churning of Kṣīrābdhi (ocean of milk) Candra, Mahālakṣmī, Surā, Uccaiḥśravas, Kaustubha, Pārijāta, Kāmadhenu, Dhanvantari, Amṛtam and Kālakūṭa were the things thus got from the ocean of milk. [M.B. Ādi Parva, Chapter 18] ;[Viṣṇu Purāṇa, Part 1, Chapter 9] . also, the evil devatā called Jyeṣṭhā, Airāvata, the gem named Cintāmaṇi and fair damsels like Tārā and Rumā were got from the Kṣīrābdhi, [Kampa Rāmāyaṇa, Yuddhakāṇḍa] . For general information about Candra, see Grahas).
1) birth.
The child born to Atri by Anasuyā. (see Purūravas). In [Skandha 4 of the Devībhāgavata] it is stated that it was brahman who was born as Candra. (see Atri).
2) Candra led married life with the wife of his guru.
Tārā, the very beautiful wife of Bṛhaspati, preceptor of the Devas happened to reach Candra's home during her perambulation one day. Candra and Tārā fell in love with each other at first sight and lived in conjugal happiness. And thus days passed by. Bṛhaspati, being informed of the fact on enquiry, deputed his disciples to bring Tārā back, but to no purpose. Bṛhaspati sent his disciples again and again to Tārā, but all to no purpose. then Bṛhaspati himself went to the house of Candra and invited Tārā, this time also to no purpose. enraged at this the Deva guru spoke to Candra as follows: “The brahmin-killer, gold-thief, drunkard, he who marries another's wife and he who associates himself with the above three types are responsible for the most terrible five sins, and you, therefore, are not fit enough to reside in Devaloka. unless you return my wife to me I will curse you.” none of the threats of Bṛhaspati could shake Candra. he told the Devaguru that Tārā who had gone to his house on her own accord would also leave him when she was satiated with him. these words of Candra made Bṛhaspati all the more angry. he returned home and waited sometime more for Tārā's return. But, he got disappointed, and getting impatient he started again for Candra's house. But, this time the gatekeepers did not let him in. terribly angry at the cruel rebuff Bṛhaspati sought help of indra. indra sent word to Candra asking him to send Tārā back home or be prepared for war. even then Candra refused to yield, and indra started for war against Candra. But, there was somehow some difference among the devas about all this, and the news reached the asuras. At once Śukra, preceptor of the asuras and an old enemy of Bṛhaspati met Candra and assured him all support in case war broke out between indra and Candra. he also strongly advised Candra not to return Tārā to Bṛhaspati. And, ultimately a fierce war began between indra and Candra. all activities in the world were thrown into confusion and chaos. At this Brahmā on his haṁsa (swan) came to the scene and admonished Candra and Śukra. they could not but obey Brahmā and so were forced to stop fighting. moreover, Candra returned Tārā to Bṛhaspati. The quarrel and fighting thus ended for the time being, but another problem cropped up. At the time Candra returned Tārā to Bṛhaspati she was carrying, and Bṛhaspati was not aware of the fact. And at last Tārā delivered an exceptionally beautiful male child. The naming ceremony of the child was duly performed, Bṛhaspati himself acting as its father. When the news reached Candra he sent a messenger to Bṛhaspati claiming the child was his. Bṛhaspati too claimed its fatherhood. this controversy developed almost to the brink of a second devāsura war. At this stage Brahmā went to Bṛhaspati's house and questioned Tārā as to who really was her child's father, and she named Candra. upon this Brahmā asked Bṛhaspati to release the child to Candra. Bṛhaspati did so. [Devī Bhāgavata, Prathama Skandha] .
3) Wives of Candra.
Candra took twentyseven daughters of Dakṣa as his wives. [Devī Bhāgavata, Saptama Skandha] . these twentyseven wives are the twentyseven stars. Candra circumambulates Mahāmeru along with these, his twentyseven wives (Stars). [M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 163, Verse 33] . The names of the twentyseven wives are given hereunder: Aśvinī, Bharaṇī, Kṛttikā, Rohiṇī, Mṛgaśiras, Ārdrā, Punarvasu, Puṣya, Āśleṣā, Janakaṁ, Phālgunī, Uttaraphālgunī, Hasta, Citrā, Svāti, Viśākhā, Anurādhā, Jyeṣṭhā, Mūlā, Purvāṣāḍhā, Uttarāṣāḍhā, Śroṇā, Śraviṣṭha, Pracetas, Pūrvaproṣṭhapadā, Uttaraproṣṭhapadā, Revatī. solar eclipse according to the Purāṇas. The Devas and the asuras jointly churned Kṣīrābdhi wherefrom emerged Dhanvantari with the Amṛtakumbha (pot of nectar). (see Amṛtam). But an asura māyāvī (magician) called Saiṁhikeya absconded to Pātāla with the Amṛtakumbha which nobody noticed as everybody was busy with dividing other divine objects. only after the māyāvī's disappearance was it noticed that the Amṛta Kumbha was missing. At once Mahāviṣṇu assumed the figure of a beautiful woman, got back the Kumbha and gave it to the devas. The devas began drinking the amṛtam when, at the instance of some other devas, Saiṁhikeya, the māyāvī assuming the form of an old brahmin reached svarga, got a share of the amṛta and began to drink it. Sūrya and Candra (sun and moon) who were on guard at the gates divined the secret of the ‘old brahmin’ and informed Mahāviṣṇu about it. he cut the throat of the pseudo-brahmin with his Sudarśana Cakra. But, half of the nectar he had drunk stayed above the throat and the other half below it. therefore, though the head and the trunk were severed they remained alive. these two parts, in course of time, evolved as Rāhu and Ketu. When the throat was cut some blood as well as some amṛta dropped on two places on the ground, and they became the red onion and the white onion respectively. some vaidika brahmins used to consider the red onion objectionable for consumption as it was evolved from blood, while the white onion was considered usable as it was evolved from amṛtam. Ṛāhu and Ketu still maintain their hatred for Sūrya and Candra who had betrayed the asura, who, disguised as brahmin tried to drink the amṛta. eclipse is the phenomenon of Rāhu and Ketu swallowing Sūrya and Candra as and when opportunity presents itself for it. But, since the throat is severed from the body, Sūrya and Candra thus swallowed get out through the throat. That is the reason why Sūrya and Candra become visible after the eclipse in over. [Kampa Rāmāyaṇa, Yuddha Kāṇḍa] ;[Bhāgavata Aṣṭama Skandha] .
5) Candra besame calf.
once emperor Pṛthu transformed Bhāmidevī into a cow and milked from her all things and provisions. On that occasion it was Brahmā, who acted as calf. And, following Pṛthu when the Ṛṣis milked the cow Candra served as calf. (For details see Pṛthu).
6) Waxing and waning of Candra, the purāṇic story regardding it.
Of the twentyseven daughters of Dakṣa whom Candra had married he loved Rohiṇī much more than the other twentysix wives, and so kept her always with him. this annoyed the twentysix wives, who complained about it to Dakṣa. Dakṣa's advice to Candra to treat all the wives on an equal footing had no effect on him. So, the twentysix neglected wives again complained to Dakṣa as follows: “We shall stay in the āśrama and serve you. soma (Candra) does not associate with us, he will not accept your advice.” though Dakṣa warned Candra a second time, that too had no effect on him. So the twentysix wives, for the third time, complained to Dakṣa. Dakṣa got angry at this and cursed that Candra should suffer from tuberculosis. thus Candra was afflicted by consumption. though Candra performed many a yajña to get cured of the fell disease, they did not produce the desired effect. Candra remaining a tubercular patient, the growth of medicinal plants stopped with the result that all living things contracted consumption. When people began becoming thinner, the devas asked Candra for an explanation, and he told them all the details. they then sought the help of Dakṣa, who gave Candra redemption from the curse by ordaining that if he dived in the Sarasvatī tīrtha in the western sea he would be free from consumption for half of every month. thenceforth Candra made it a practice to dive in the Sarasvatītīrtha and that is the reason why Candra is exempted from Kṣayaroga for fifteen days. ---10--- .
7) Candra--king of stars and of medicines.
during the reign of emperor Pṛthu, he changed Bhūmidevī into a cow. later the Ṛṣis also changed bhūmidevī into a cow and milked her. it was Candra who served as calf then. pleased at this brahman crowned Candra as king of the stars and medicines. ---11--- .
8) other information about Candra
(1) Candra is 11,000 sq. yojanas in area, 33,000 yojanas in circumference and a volume of 5,900 cubic yojanas. ---12--- .
(2) Candra presented two attendants called Maṇi and Sumati to Subrahmaṇya ---13--- .
(3) Candra once made a discourse on the superior qualities of brahmins to Śambarāsura. [Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 36, Verse 13, Southern Text] .
(4) all welfare and prosperity accrue to him, who on full-moon day at moon-rise tenders offerings to Candra of bread in copper vessels with honey poured into it. ---15--- .
(5) Candra is one of the aṣṭa-vasus. Candra had four sons, Varcas, Śiśira, Prāṇa and Ramaṇa by his wife named Manoharā. [Ādi Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 18] .
(6) Abhimanyu was Candra's son, Varcas, reborn as the son of arjuna. (see Abhimanyu).


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


चन्द्र n.  अत्रि तथा अनसूया का पुत्र । यह सोम नाम से मी प्रसिद्ध था [भा ४.१३] ;[म.शां. २००.२४]इसे सूर्य तथा भद्रा का पुत्र भी कहा गया है । यह स्वायंभुव मन्वन्तर में पैदा हुवा था [म.आ.६०.१४] । इसके जन्म की अनेक आखायिकाएं प्राप्त है । अत्रि ने दसों दिशाओं से इसे उत्पन्न किया [विष्णुधर्म, १.१०६] ;[स्कंद.४.१.१४] । यह अत्रि की ऑंखों से उत्पन्न हुवा [ह.वं. १.२५, ६-९] ;[वायु. ९०.५] । चन्द्र तथा आकाश में स्थित दोनों एक ही है । दक्ष प्रजापति की सत्ताईस कन्यायें इसे पत्नीरुप दी गयी थी । चन्द्र की इन सत्ताईस पत्नियों के नाम बाद में सत्ताईस नक्षत्रों को प्राप्त हुए [म.आ.६०.१२, १५] ;[ह. वं. १.२५.२२] ;[स्कंद. ७.१.२०]पृथ्वी की औषधि वनस्पति, चन्द्र से प्रभावित होने के अनेक निर्देश प्राप्त है । इसने तपस्या करने पर, इसकी ऑखों से सोमरस टपकने लगा । इसीसे सब ओषधियॉं उत्पन्न हुई ---10--- । इसका क्षय होने पर पृथ्वी की ओषधि वनास्पतियॉं सूख गयी ---11--- । इसने अमृत दे कर अनाथ मारिषा की रक्षा कीइन सब कथाओं से चन्द-चन्द्रमा रुपक को पुष्टि मिलती है । चन्द्र के सत्ताईस पत्नियों में, रोहिणी पर इसकी विशेष प्रीति थी । यह न सह कर, इसकी अन्य स्त्रियों ने अपने पिता दक्ष के पास शिकायत कीदक्ष ने चन्द्र को समझाया । परंतु कुल लाभ नहीं हुआ । दक्ष ने चन्द्र को शाप दिया कि, तुम्हें क्षयरोग हो जावेगा । क्षय से चन्द्र क्षीण लगा । उसका दुष्परिणाम पृथ्वी की ओषधि वनस्पतियों पर हुआ । देवों को मजबूरी से दक्ष के पास प्रार्थना करनी पडी । दक्ष ने कहा, ‘चंद्र का पंद्रह दिन क्षय तथा पंद्रह दिन वृद्धि होगी, परंतु उसके लिये चन्द्र को सब पत्नियों की ओर समान ध्यान देना पडेगा । पश्चिम सागर के पास सागरमुख में स्नान करना होगा’। वहॉं स्नान करने के बाद चन्द्र को पूर्ववत् कान्ति प्राप्त हुई । इसीलिये इस क्षेत्र को प्रभास नाम प्राप्त हुआ ---12--- । शशपानतीर्थ पर देव तथा दैत्यो ने अमृतपान किया । वहॉं कुछ देरी से जाने के कारण, इसे अमृत प्राप्त नहीं हुआ । वहॉं का तीर्थ लेने के लिये देवों ने इसे कहाएक खरगोश उस तीर्थ का प्राशन कर रहा था । उसेभी इसने खा लिया । वह अभी भी इसके उदर में है । ---13--- । अत्रिपुत्र सोम यह चन्द्र का ही नामांतर है । एकबार सोम अत्यंत बलिष्ठ हुआ । राजसूययज्ञ कर के इसने त्रैलोक्य को जीत लिया । बृहस्पति की पत्नी तारा का जबरदस्ती हरण कर लिया । उसके लिये तारकामय से बहुत बडा युद्ध हुआ । ब्रह्मदेव ने मध्यस्थता की । इसने तारा को वापस किया । परंतु वह गर्भवती थी । बृहस्पति ने तारा को गर्भ का त्याग करने के लिये कहातब तारा ने एक वृक्ष पर उसे छोड दियावह गर्भ अत्यंत तेजस्वी था । यह देख कर पुनः बृहस्पति तथा चन्द्र लडने लगेतब तारा ने कहा कि, ‘गर्भ चन्द्र का है’ । वह गर्भ चन्द्र को दिया गया । यही बुध हैं । यही से चन्द्रवंश प्रारंभ हुआ [भा.९. १४] ;---15--- ;[पद्म. पा. १२] ;---17--- ;---18--- ;---19--- ;---20--- । सोमवंश का प्रथम राजा सोम ही थाइसकी पत्नी रोहिणीइसकी राजधाधी प्रयाग थी । (पद्म. उ. १५६. सोम तथा पुरुरवस् देखिये) । बदरिकाश्रम में तप कर के इसने ग्रहाधिपत्य प्राप्त किया [स्कंद.२.३.७] । इसने उमासहित सोम की आराधना की, इसलिये इसे सोम नाम प्राप्त हुआ [स्कंद. ४.१.१४]धर्म प्रजापति को वसु नामक स्त्री से उत्पन्न अष्टवसुओं में से एक का नाम सोम है [म.आ.६०.१७] ;[लिंग. ६१] । यह वैवस्त मन्वन्तर का थापीछे वर्णित सभी कथा इसीकी होनी चाहिये ।
चन्द्र n.  भारत का प्राचीन इतिहास सोम एवं सूर्यवंश का ही इतिहास है । सोम चंद्र का नामांतर है । सोम तथा सूर्य इन दोनों वंशों का मूलपुरुष वैवस्वत मनु है । सूर्यवंश वैवस्वत मनु के पुत्र से शुरु होता है । सोमवंश उसकी कन्या इला से प्रारंभ होता है । वैवस्वत मनु की कन्या इला सोमपुत्र बुध से ब्याहीं थी । उसीसे पुरुरवस्-आयु-नहुष-ययाति तक का वंशविस्तार हुआ । इसे ही पुरुरवस् वा ऐल वंश कहते है । पुरुरवस्पुत्र अमावसु से कान्यकुब्ज में अमावसुवंश शुरु हुआ । आयुपुत्र वृद्धशर्मन् वा क्षत्रवृद्ध से काश्य वा काशिवंश का प्रारंभ हुआ । रजिवंश अनेनस्वंश तथा रंभवंश ये मी आयुवंश की उपशाखाएं हैं । क्षत्रवृद्ध का द्वितीय पुत्र प्रतिक्षत्र था । उसीसे पुरुरवस् (ऐल) वंश की एक अलग उपशाखा निर्माण हुई! नहुषपुत्र ययाति के अनु, पूरु, द्रहयु, तुर्वसु एवं यदु नामक पॉंच पुत्र थे । इन पॉंच पुत्रों से पुरुरवस वंश की पॉंच उपशाखाएं निकली । ये उपशाखाएं इस प्रकार है---- (१) तुर्वसुवंश---यह दुष्यन्त के समय पुरुवंश मे सन्मीलित हुवा । (२) पूरुवंश---अजमीढ, कुरु, चेदि, जह्रु, द्विमीढ, नील । (३) अनुवंश---उशीनर (केकय, मद्रक), तितिक्षु (अंग. वंग, कलिंग, सुह्म, पुंड्र) । (४) यदुवंश---अनमित्र, अंधक, कुकुर, क्रोष्टु, ज्यामध, भजमान, रोमपाद, वसुदेव, विदर्भ, विदूरथ, विष्णु वृष्णि, सहस्त्रजित्, सात्वत हैहय । (५) द्रुह्युवंश---द्रुह्यु का वंश पुराणों में मिलता है । उसकी शाखाएँ नहीं है । सूर्यवंश की विस्तृत समीक्षा के लिये विवस्वत देखिये ।
चन्द्र (सावर्णि) n.  चौदहवॉं मनु (देखिये) ।
चन्द्र ii. n.  (सू.इ.) भागवत मत में विश्वरंध्री का पुत्र (इन्दु देखिये)
चन्द्र III. n.  (सू. इ.) भानु राजा का पुत्रइसे श्रुतायु नामक पुत्र था
चन्द्र iv. n.  दाशरथि राम के सूज्ञ नामक मंत्री के पुत्रों में से एकअश्वमेध का अश्व वापस लाने के लिये हुए युद्ध में, कुश ने इसका वध किया ---25--- ।
चन्द्र V. n.  कृष्ण तथा नाग्नजिती के पुत्रों में से एक ---26--- ।
चन्द्र vi. n.  कश्यप तथा दनु का पुत्र


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
   see : जुन


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चन्द्र  mfn. mf()n. (fr.श्चन्द्र॑q.v.) glittering, shining (as gold), having the brilliancy or hue of light (said of gods, of water [[RV. x, 121, 9] ; [TS. vi] ] and of सोम), [RV.] ; [VS.] ; [TS. vi] ; [TBr. i]
चन्द्र  f. m. the moon (also personified as a deity, [Mn.] &c.), [VS.] ; [ŚBr.] &c. (end of a compound.*">ifc.f(). , [MBh. ix] ; ---10--- &c.)
चन्द्र  m. m.end of a compound.*">ifc. ‘the moon of’ i.e. the most excellent among (e.g.पार्थिव- [g.व्याघ्रा-दि, ---11--- ] or नरे-न्द्र- [---12--- ], ‘a most excellent king’)
   the numberone---13---
   a lovely or agreeable phenomenon of any kind, [L.]
   a spot similar to the moon, iv, 15, 17">---15---
   the eye in a peacock's tail, [L.]
   the mark of the विसर्ग, ---17---
   a kind of reddish pearl, ---18---
   camphor, xxxv, 15">---19---
   water, ---20---
   the काम्पिल्ल plant, [L.]
   a metre of 4 x 19 syllables
-वर्मन्   also title or epithet).">N. of a दैत्य (= , king of the काम्बोजs), [MBh. i, 2667]
   of a son of कृष्ण, 61, 13">[BhP. x, 61, 13]
   of a son of विश्व-गन्धि and father of युवनाश्व, ix, 6, 20
-गोमिन्   of a grammarian (= ), [Rājat. i, 176]
   of a king, 10, 0/1">---25---
   of one of the ancestors of the गौडBrāhmans
   of several other men, vi f.">---26---
   one of the 18 minor द्वीपs, ---27---
-पर्वत   = , vi, 26, 6">[R. vi, 26, 6]
चन्द्र  m. n. ([Naigh. i, 2] ; also m., [L.] ) gold, ii, 2, 4">---31--- ; xii, 2, 53">---32--- ; iv, xix">---33--- ; [ŚBr.] ; vi, 6">---35--- ; KātyŚr.
चन्द्र  n. n. a kind of sour rice-gruel, ---36---
   also title or epithet).">N. of a सामन्, KātyŚr. xxvi; ---37---


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चन्द्र [candra] a.  a. [चन्द् णिच् रक्] Ved.
   glittering, bright, shining (as gold).
   lovely, beautiful.
   न्द्रः The moon; यथा प्रह्लादनाच्चन्द्रः [R.4.12;] हृतचन्द्रा तमसेव कौमुदी 8. 37; न हि संहरते ज्योत्स्नां चन्द्रश्चाण्डालवेश्मनि [H.1.61;] मुख˚, वदन˚ &e.; पर्याप्तचन्द्रेव शरत्त्रियामा [Ku.7.26] (for mythological account see सोम).
   The moon, as a planet.
   camphor; विलेपनस्याधिकचन्द्रभागताविभावनाच्चापललाप पाण्डुताम् [N.1.51.]
   The eye in a peacock's tail.
   gold (n. also).
   A lovely or agreeable phenomenon
   A spot similar to the moon.
   The symbol or mark of a Visarga.
   A reddish kind of pearl.
   The fifth lunar mansion.
   The number 'one' (used at the end of comp. चन्द्र means 'excellent', 'eminent' or 'illustrious'; as पुरुषचन्द्रः 'a moon of men', an excellent or illustrious man).
   मण्डलम् the orb or disc of the moon.
   the lunar sphere.
   a halo round the moon.
-मुखी   a moon-faced (i. e. lovely) woman.
-रेखा, -लेखा   the digit or streak of the moon; अथवा रत्नाकराद् ऋते कुतश्चन्द्रलेखायाः प्रसूतिः [Nāg.2.]
-रेणुः   a plagiarist.
-लोकः   the world of the moon.
-लोहकम्, -लौहम्, -लौहकम्   silver.-वंशः the lunar race of kings, the second great line of royal dynasties in india.
-वदन a.  a. a moon-faced.-वल्ली,
-वल्लरी   The soma plant; L. D. B.
   व्रतम् a kind of vow or penance = चान्द्रायण q. v.
   a regal property or virtue.
-विहंगमः   A kind of bird; L. D. B.
   शाला a room on the top (of a house &c.); चन्द्रशाला शिरोगृहम् Amar.; वियद्गतः पुष्पकचन्द्रशालाः क्षणं प्रतिश्रुन्मुखराः करोति [R.13.4.]
-शालिका   a room on the top of a house.
-शिला   the moon-stone; प्रह्लादिता चन्द्रशिलेव तूर्णम् [Bk.11.15;] ननु भणामि एषा सा चन्द्रमणिशिलेति [Nāg.2.]
-संज्ञः   camphor.
-संभव  N. N. of Budha or mercury. (-वा) small cardamoms.
-सालोक्य   attainment of the lunar heaven.
-हन्  m. m. an epithet of Rāhu.
   हासः a glittering sword.
   the sword of Rāvaṇa; हे पाणयः किमिति वाञ्छथ चन्द्रहासम् [B. R.1.56,61.]
  N. N. of a king of Kerala, son of Sudhārmika. [He was born under the Mūla asterism and his left foot had a redundant toe; for this his father was killed by his enemies, and the boy was left an orphan in a state of destitution. after much exertion he was restored to his kingdom. he became a friend of Krisna and arjuna when they came to the south in the course of their wanderings with the sacrificial horse.] (-सम्) silver.
   न्द्रा small cardamoms.
   An open hall only furnished with a roof.
   An awning, a canopy.
   Comp. अंशुः Viṣṇu.
   a moon-beam.
-अर्धः   the half moon; [Pt.4.] ˚चूडामणिः, ˚मौलिः, ˚शेखरः epithet of Śiva.
   आतपः moon-light.
   an open hall only furnished with a roof.
-आत्मजः, -औरसः, -जः, -जातः, -तनयः, -नन्दनः, -पुत्रः   the planet mercury.-आतपः the moon-light; चन्द्रातपमिव रसतामुपेतम् ---10---
   आदित्यौ The moon and the sun.
  N. N. of curls on the forehead of a horse; चन्द्रादित्यौ ललाटस्थौ नृपाणां जयवर्धनौ ---11---
-आनन a.  a. moon-faced. (-नः) an epithet of Kārtikeya.
-आपीडः   an epithet of Śiva.-आभासः 'false moon', an appearance in the sky resembling the real moon.
-इष्टा   a lotus plant, or a collection of lotuses, blossoming during the night.
   उदयः moon-rise.
   a mercurial preparation used in medicine. (-या) a kind of medicine for the eyes.
-उपलः   the moon stone.
   कला a digit of the moon; राहोश्चन्द्रकलामिवाननचरीं दैवात्समासाद्य मे ---12---
   the crescent before or after the new moon.
   A cattle-drum.
   A kind of fish; L. D. B.-कान्तः,
-मणिः   the moon-stone (supposed to ooze away under the influence of the moon); द्रवति च हिमश्मावुद्गते चन्द्रकान्तः ---13--- [Śi.4.58;] ---15--- [Bh.1.21;] ---17--- (-तः,
-तम्)   the white eatable water-lily blossoming during the night. ( sandal-wood.
   कान्ता a night.
   the wife of the moon.
-कान्तिः  f. f. moon-light. -n. silver.
-कुल्या  N. N. of a river in kashmir; अवतारयतस्तस्य चन्द्रकुल्याभिधां नदीम् ---18---
-क्षयः   the new-moon-day or the last day of a lunar month (अमा) when the moon is not visible.-गृहम् the fourth sign of the zodiac, cancer.
-गोलः   the world of the moon, lunar sphere. ˚रथः a deceased progenitor, the manes.
-गोलिका   moon-light.
-ग्रहणम्   an eclipse of the moon.
-चन्चला   a small fish.
-चूडः, -मौलिः, -शेखरः, -चूडामणिः   epithets of Śiva; ('having the moon for his crest', 'moon-crested'); रहस्युपालभ्यत चन्द्र- शेखरः ---19--- ---20--- नखेन कस्य धन्यस्य चन्द्रचूडो भविष्यति Udb.
-दाराः   (m. pl.) 'the wives of the moon', the 27 lunar mansions mythologically regarded as so many daughters of Dakṣa and married to the moon.
-द्युतिः   sandal-wood. -f. moon-light. -नामन्m. camphor.
-निभ a.  a. bright, handsome.
-निर्णिज् a.  a. having a brilliant garment; पतरेव चचरा चन्द्रनिर्णिक् [Rv.1.16.8.]
-पञ्चागम्   the luni-solar calendar.-पादः a moon-beam; नियमितपरिखेदा तच्छिरश्चन्द्रपादैः [Me. 7;] [Māl.3.12.]
-प्रज्ञप्तिः  f. f. N. of the sixth Upāṅga of the Jainas.
-प्रासादः   An apartment at the house-top; [Ks.]
   बाला large cardamoms.
-बिन्दु   the sign for the nasal ()-बुध्न a. having a bright standing ground; चन्द्रबुध्नो मदवृद्धो मनीषिभिः ---25---
-भस्मन्  n. n. camphor.-भागा N. of a river in the south.
-भासः   a sword; see चन्द्रहास.
-भूति  n. n. silver.
-मणिः   the moon-stone


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चन्द्र  m.  (-न्द्रः)
   1. The moon considered as a planet or a deity.
   2. cam- phor.
   3. water.
   4. gold.
   5. A plant, (Crinum:) see रोचनी.
   6. (In composition) pre-eminent, (as पुरुषचन्द्र an eminent man, a chief, a moon of men.)
   7. The edge in the peacock's tail.
   8. one of the eighteen minor Dwipas or divisions of the known continent.
   9. The mark of the soft aspirate.
   10. A pearl with a red tinge.
   11. any thing giving pleasure.
  f.  (-न्द्रा)
   1. An awning, a canopy.
   2. small cardamoms: see एला.
   E. चदि to shine Unadi affix णिच् रक्.
चदि णिच् रक्

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