तीर्थ mn. (
1. Sacred science, or any of the branches of knowlege esteemed holy.
2. A holy place of pilgrimage, as Benares, &c. but es- pecially particular sports along the course of sacred streams, as the Ganges, &c. and in the vicinity of some piece of water or sacred springs. 3. Any piece of water.
4. A Ghat or stairs of a landing place.
5. A sacred preceptor, a Guru.
6. Sacrifice.
7. An A vatar or descent of a diety.
3. A school of philosophy, a Darsana a sect.
9. A coun- sellor, an adviser.
10. An expedient, a means of success.
11. The menses.
12. Pudendum muliebre.
13. A vessel.
14. A royal vessel. 15. Brahman.
16. Ascertainment of disease.
17. Fire.
18. A part of the hand sacred to any deity, as between the thumb and finger to the manes, the root of the thumb to BRAMHA, &c.
E. तॄ to pass over,
थक् Unadi affix; by which persons are extricated from sin, difficulty, &c.