क्षेत्र n. n. (√ 2.क्षि) landed property, land, soil (क्षे॑त्रस्य प॑ति, ‘lord of the soil’, N. of a kind of tutelary deity, [RV.] ; [AV. ii, 8, 5] ; also क्षे॑त्रस्य प॑त्नी, ‘mistress of the soil’, and क्षे॑त्राणाम् प॑ति, ‘the lord of the soil’, N. of tutelary deities, [AV. ii, 12, 1] ; [VS. xvi, 18] ) ‘soil of merit’, a बुद्ध or any holy person, [Divyâv.] °त्रं-√ कृ a field (e.g. , ‘to cultivate a field’ [Mn.] ; [Yājñ. ii, 158] ; cf. सस्य-क्ष्°), [RV.] &c. place, region, country, [RV.] ; [AV. iii, 28, 3] ; [TS. vii] ; [Suśr.] ; [Megh.] ; [Vet.] a house, [L.] a town, [L.] department, sphere of action, [MBh. xiv, 126] ; [R.] &c. place of origin, place where anything is found, [Yogas. ii, 4] ; [Suśr.] ; [BhP. viii, 12, 33] a sacred spot or district, place of pilgrimage (as Benares &c.; often ifc. ), [BrahmaP.] स्व्-अल्प-क्ष्° an enclosed plot of ground, portion of space, superficies (e.g. , of a small circuit, [Yājñ. ii, 156] ) (in geom. ) a plane figure (as a triangle, circle, &c.) enclosed by lines, any figure considered as having geometrical dimensions, [Gol.] a diagram, [W.] a planetary orbit, [Gaṇit.] a zodiacal sign, [Sūryas.] an astrological mansion, [VarBṛS.] ; [VarBṛ. i, xi] (in chiromancy) certain portions marked out on the palm, [VarBṛS. lxviii, 1] ‘fertile soil’, the fertile womb, wife, [Mn.] ; [Yājñ. ii, 127] ; [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [Śak.] ; [BhP.] the body (considered as the field of the indwelling soul), [Yājñ. iii, 178] ; [Bhag. xiii, 1 and 2] ; [Kum. vi, 77] अ-व्यक्त (in सांख्यphil. ) = (q.v. ), [Tattvas.] क्षेत्र [cf. अ॑-क्ष्°, अन्य- and कुरु-क्षेत्र॑, कर्म-क्ष्°, देव-क्ष्°, धर्म-क्ष्°, रण-क्ष्°, सिद्ध-क्ष्°, सु-क्ष्°, सुरे-श्वरी-क्ष्°; cf. also Goth. haithi, Them. हैथ्जो; Germ. Heide.]