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   { nanu }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
न—नु   a see ननु॑
न-नु  n. bind. (2. न॑ + नु) not, not at all, never, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; (interr.) not? is it not? = nonne, [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] &c. &c. (hence often =) certainly, surely, indeed, no doubt (esp. in questions amounting to an affirmation e.g.नन्व् अहं ते प्रियः, am I not your friend i.e. certainly I am your fr°, [Daś.] [so also न च, there can be no doubt, 11; 29">[Pāṇ. 2-3, 11;  29] ; [Kāś.] ], or to a request e.g.ननु गच्छामिभोः, surely I may go, [Pāṇ. 8-1, 43] ; [Kāś.] , and even as a responsive particle e.g.अकार्षीः कटम्ननु करोमि भोः, indeed I have made it, ib.; with another interr. or an Impv. = pray, please e.g.ननु को भवान्, pray who are you? [Mṛcch. x, 48/49] ; ननू-च्यताम्, please tell, ib. 52/53; in argument often as an inceptive particle implying doubt or objection, ‘now it may be said, well, but then’ &c., esp. in नन्व् अस्तु, or ननु मा भूत्-तथा-पि, well, be it so or not so-nevertheless)
   a vocat. particle implying kindness or reproach or perplexity &c., [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ननु [nanu]   ind. (originally a combination of न and नु, now used as a separate word) A particle implying:
   inquiry or interrogation; ननु समाप्तकृत्यो गौतमः [M.4.]
   surely, certainly, indeed, is it not indeed (with an interrogative force); यदाऽमेधाविनी शिष्योपदेशं मलिनयति तदाचार्यस्य दोषो ननु [M.1.]
   Of course, indeed, certainly (अवधारणम्); उपपन्नं ननु शिवं सप्तस्वङ्गेषु [R.1.6;] त्रिलोकनाथेन सदा मखद्विषस्त्वया नियम्या ननु दिव्यचक्षुषा 3.45.
   it is used as a vocative particle meaning 'O', 'Oh',; ननु मानव Dk.; ननु मूर्खाः पठितमेव युष्माभिस्तत्काण्डे [U.4.]
   it is used in propitiatory expressions in the sense of 'pray', 'be pleased'; ननु मां प्रापय पत्युरन्तिकम् [Ku.4.32.]
   it is sometimes used as a corrective word like the english 'why' or 'I say'; ननु पदे परिवृत्य भण [Mk.5;] ननु भणामि चिन्तित उपाय इति [V.2.] ; ननु भवानग्रतो मे वर्तते [Ś.2;] ननु विचिनोतु भवान् [V.2.]
   In argumentative discussions ननु is frequently used to head an objection or advance a contrary proposition (generally followed by उच्यते); नन्वचेतनान्येव वृश्चिकादिशरीराणि अचेतनानां च गोमयादीनां कार्याणीति उच्यते Ś.B.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ननु   ind.
   1. A particle of interrogation, (how, what.)
   2. Of affirmation, (certainly.)
   3. Of assent.
   4. A consolatory and kind expression.
   5. A vocative particle, (ho, hola.) or one implying kindness, concilia- tion, (pray, good friend, &c.)
   6. An inceptive particle, implying doubt or dissent, (may be, but, on the other hand.)
   7. A responsive particle.
   8. A particle of reproach.
   E. negative, नुद् to send or command, affix डु .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   see : अपि

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