Dictionaries | References


   { sūtiḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   sūti f S birth: also parturition or delivery. 2 offspring.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  f  birth; parturition or delivery.


   जन्म ; बाळंतपण .
   संतति .
   प्रवेश . - ज्ञा १० . १०९ . [ सं . सु = प्रसवणे ] सूतिका - स्त्री .
   नुक्तीच बाळंत झालेली स्त्री .
   बाळंतरोग . सुतिगृह , सूतिकागृह - न . बाळंतिणीचे खोली . सूतिमास - पु . बाळंत झाल्याचा महिना . सूत्याशौच - न . सुखरुप झालेल्या बाळंतपणाचे १० दिवसांचे सुयेर ; वाखा झाल्यास गर्भारपणाचे जितके महिने झाले असतील तितके दिवस पाळावयाचे सुयेर .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सूति   a &c. see 3., p. 1241, col. 3.
सूति   1. see 1.प्र-सूति.
सूति  f. 2.f. birth, production (generally ifc.), [TBr.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   parturition, delivery, lying in [Hariv.] ; [Kathās.]
   yielding fruit, production of crops, [BhP.]
   place or cause or manner of production, [Kāv.] ; [BhP.]
   offspring, progeny, [MārkP.]
सूति  m. m. a goose (?), [L.]
भूति   also title or epithet).">N. of a son of विश्वामित्र (v.l.), [MBh.]
सूति  f. 3.f. (fr.3.सु; for 1.2. see pp. 1239 and 1240) pressing out the सोम-juice, or the place where it is pressed out, [VP.]
सूति  f. 4.f. (fr.सिव्) = स्यूति, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सूतिः [sūtiḥ] सूती [sūtī]   सूती f. [सू-क्तिन्]
   birth, production, parturition, delivery, child-bearing.
   offspring, progeny.
   source, fountain-head; तपसां सूतिरसूतिरापदाम् [Ki.2.56.]
   A place where soma juice is extracted.
   yielding fruit. production of crops; न कल्पते पुनः सूत्या उप्तं बीजं च नश्यति [Bhāg.7.11.33.] -Comp.
-अशौचम्   impurity caused by child-birth in a family (which lasts for 1 days).
-गृहम्   the lying-in-chamber; सूतीगृहे ननु जगाद भवानजौ नौ [Bhāg.1.85.2.]
-मारुतः   the throes of childbirth.
-मासः   the month of delivery; the last month of pregnancy.
-रोगः   puerperal sickness.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सूति  f.  (-तिः)
   1. birth, production, delivery, parturition, bringing- forth.
   2. offspring, progeny.
   3. sewing.
   4. source.
   5. A place where soma-juice is extracted.
   E. षू to bring forth, (as young,) or सिव् to sew, क्तिच् aff.; in the letter is substituted for the finals.
षू सिव् क्तिच्

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