क्षिप् 1.cl. 6. P. क्षिप॑तिĀ. क्षिपते ([MBh.] &c.; cl. 4. P. क्षिप्यति, only, [Bhaṭṭ.] ; Subj. क्षिप॑त्; perf. चिक्षेप, [MBh.] &c.; ep. also चिक्षिपे; fut. 2nd क्षेप्स्यति, [MBh.] &c.; ep. also °ते; inf. क्षेप्तुम्; cf. [Pāṇ. 7-2, 10] ; [Siddh.] ), to throw, cast, send, despatch, [AV. ix, 1, 10 and 20] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] (Pass. pr. p. क्षिप्यत्, i, 1126) &c.; to move hastily (the arms or legs), [Mṛcch.] ; [BhP. x, 36, 14] ; to throw a glance (as the eye), [Bhartṛ. i, 94] ; to strike or hit (with a weapon), [RV. i, 182, 1-3] ; to put or place anything on or in (loc. ), pour on, scatter, fix or attach to (loc. ), [Yājñ. i, 230] ; [Bhag.] ; [Mṛcch.] &c.; to direct (the thoughts) upon (loc. ), [Sarvad.] ; to throw away, cast away, get rid of [Bhartṛ. ii, 69] ; [Kathās.] ; to lay (the blame) on (loc. ), [Hit.] ; to utter abusive words, insult, revile, abuse, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.; ‘to disdain’ i.e. to excel, beat, outvie, [BhP. iv, 8, 24 and 15, 17] ; to strike down, ruin, destroy, [BhP. vi, 1, 14] ; [BrahmaP.] ; (Ā. ‘to destroy one another, go to ruin’ Pot. 3. pl. क्षिपेरन्, [MBh. iii, 1094] ); to pass or while away (the time or night, कालम्, क्षपाम्), [Kathās. lv, 154; xcii, 84] ; to lose (time, कालम्; cf. कालक्षेप), [R. vii, 80, 14] ; to skip or pass over (a day, दिनम्.), [Car. vi, 3] ; (in math. ) to add, [Gol.] : Caus. P. क्षेपयति, to cause to cast or throw into (अन्तर्), [Kathās. xiii, 160] ; to throw into, [R. ii, 76, 16] ; to cause to descend into (loc. ), [Kathās. lxxv, 121] ; to pass or while away (the night, क्षपाम्), ib. lvi, 75; (aor. Subj. 2. sg. चिक्षिपस्) to hurt, injure, [RV. x, 16, 1] (cf. Subj. क्षेपयत्s.v. √ 2.क्षि); क्षिप् [cf. Lat. sipo, dissipo, for xipo.] क्षिप् f. 2.f.pl. (only used in nom. ; the instr. is formed fr. क्षि॑पा, [RV. ix, 59, 57] ) ‘the movable ones’, the fingers, [RV. iii, v, ix] ([Naigh. ii, 5] ).