त्रि [tri] num. a. num. a. [Uṇ.5.66] (declined in pl. only, nom. त्रयः m., तिस्त्रः f., त्रीणि n.) three; त एव हि त्रयो लोकास्त एव त्रय आश्रमाः &c. [Ms.2.229;] प्रियतमाभिरसौ तिसृभिर्बभौ [R.9.18;] त्रीणि वर्षाण्युदीक्षेत कुमार्यृतुमती सती [Ms.9.9] [cf. L. tres; gr. treis; A. S., Zend thri; Eng. three]. Comp. अंशः a three-fold share; त्र्यंशं दायाद्धरेद्विप्रः [Ms.9.151.] a third part. three-fourths. -अक्ष a. a. triocular. -अक्षः, -अक्षकः an epithet of Śiva; शुष्कस्नायु- स्वराह्लादात्त्र्यक्षं जग्राह रावणः [Pt.5.57.] अक्षरः the mystic syllable ओम् consisting of three letters; see under अ. आद्यं यत्त्र्यक्षरं ब्रह्म [Ms.11.265.] a matchmaker or घटक (that word consisting of three syllables). a genealogist. (-री) knowledge, learning; see विद्या. (णः) a triangle. the vulva. खम् tin. a cucumber. -खट्वम्, -खट्वी three bedsteads taken collectively. -क्षाराणि n. n. (pl.) salt-petre, natron and borax. -गणः an aggregate of the three objects of worldly existence; i. e. धर्म, अर्थ and काम; न बाधतेऽस्य त्रिगणः परस्परम् [Ki.1.11;] see त्रिवर्ग below.-गत a. tripled. done in three days. -गर्ताः (pl.) N. N. of a country, also called जलन्धर, in the northwest of india. the people or rulers of that country. a particular mode of calculation. गर्ता a lascivious woman, wanton. a woman in general. a pearl. a kind of cricket. -गुणa. consisting of three threads; व्रताय मौञ्जीं त्रिगुणां बभार याम् [Ku.5.1.] three-times repeated, thrice, treble, threefold, triple; सप्त व्यतीयुस्त्रिगुणानि तस्य (दिनानि) [R.2.] 25. containing the three Guṇas सत्त्व, रजस् and तमस्. (-णम्) the Pradhāna (in Sāṅ. phil.); (-ind.) three times; in three ways. -णाः m. m. (pl.) the three qualities or constituents of nature; त्रयीमयाय त्रिगुणात्मने नमः [K.1.] (णा) Māyā or illusion (in Vedānta phil.). an epithet of Durgā. -गुणाकृतम् ploughed thrice.-चक्षुस् m. an epithet of Śiva. -चतुर a. a. (pl.) three or four; गत्वा जवात्त्रिचतुराणि पदानि सीता [B.R.6.34.] -चत्वा- रिंश a. a. forty-third. -चत्वारिंशत् f, forty-three. -जगत्n. -जगती the three worlds, (1) the heaven, the atmosphere and the earth; or (2) the heaven, the earth, and the lower world; त्वत्कीर्तिः ...... त्रिजगति विहरत्येवमुर्वीश गुर्वी ---11--- -जटः an epithet of Śiva. -जटा N. N. of a female demon, one of the Rākṣasa attendants kept by Rāvaṇa to watch over Sītā, when she was retained as a captive in the Aśoka-vanikā. she acted very kindly towards Sītā and induced her companions to do the same; सीतां मायेति शंसन्ति त्रिजटा समजीवयत् ---12--- -जातम्, जातकम् The three spices (mace, cardamoms, cinnamon).-जीवा, -ज्या the sine of three signs or 9˚, a radius.-णता a bow; कामुकानिव नालीकांस्त्रिणताः सहसामुचन् [Śi.19.61.] -णव, -णवन् a. a. (pl.) three times nine; i. e. 27. -णाकः the heaven; तावत्त्रिणाकं नहुषः शशास [Bhāg.6.13.16.] णाचिकेतः a part of the Adhvaryu-sacrifice or Yajurveda, or one who performs a vow connected therewith (according to Kull. on [Ms.3.185] ); [Mb.13.9.26.] one who has thrice kindled the Nāchiketa fire or studied the Nāchiketa section of Kāṭhaka; त्रिणाचिकेत- स्त्रिभिरेत्य सन्धिम् Kaṭh.1.17. -णीता a wife ('thrice married'; it being supposed that a girl belongs toSoma, Gandharva and agni before she obtains a human husband). -णेमि a. a. with three fellies; विचिन्वतोऽभूत् सुमहांस्त्रिणेमिः [Bhāg.3.8.2.] -तक्षम्, तक्षी three carpenters taken collectively. दण्डम् the three staves of aSaṁnyāsin (who has resigned the world) tied togethar so as to form one. the triple subjection of thought, word, and deed. (-ण्डः) the state of a religious ascetic; ज्ञानवैराग्यरहितस्त्रिदण्डमुपजीवति [Bhāg.11.18.4.] -दण्डिन् m. a religious mendicant or Saṁnyāsin who has renounced all worldly attachments, and who carries three long staves tied together so as to form one in his right hand; तल्लिप्सुः स यतिर्भूत्वा त्रिदण्डी द्वारका- मगात् ---19--- one who has obtained command over his mind, speech, and body (or thought, word, and deed); cf. वाग्दण्डोऽथ मनोदण्डः कायदण्डस्तथैव च । यस्यैते निहिता बुद्धौ त्रिदण्डीति स उच्यते ॥ [Ms.12.1.] अङ्कटम्, अङ्गटम् three strings suspended to either end of a pole for carrying burdens. a sort of collyrium. (-टः) N. of Śiva. -अङ्गम् (pl.) a tripartite army (chariots, cavalry and infantry). -अङ्गुलम् three fingers' breadth. -अञ्जनम् the three kinds of collyrium; i. e. कालाञ्जन, रसाञ्जन and पुष्पाञ्जन. -अञ्जलम्, -लिः three handfuls taken collectively. -अधिपतिः (the lord of the 3 guṇas or worlds), an epithet of Viṣṇu; ---21--- -अधिष्ठानः the soul. (नम्) spirit, life (चैतन्य). -a. having three stations; ---22--- -अध्वगा, -मार्गगा, -वर्त्मगा epithets of the river ganges (flowing through the three worlds). -अनीक a. a. having the three properties of heat, rain and cold; त्यनीकः पत्यते माहिनावान् [Rv.3.56.3.] (-का) an army consisting of horses, elephants and chariots. -अब्द a. a. three years old. -ब्दम् three years taken collectively. -अम्बकः (also त्रियम्बक in the same sense though rarely used in classical literature) 'having three eyes', N. of Śiva.; त्रियम्बकं संयमिनं ददर्श [Ku.3.44;] जडीकृतस्त्र्यम्बकवीक्षणेन ---25--- 42;3.49. ˚सखः an epithet of Kubera; कुबेरस्त्र्यम्बकसखः [Ak.] -अम्बका an epithet of Pārvatī -अशीत a. a. eighty-third. -अशीतिः f. f. eighty-three. -अष्टन् a. a. twenty-four. -अश्र, -अस्र a. a. triangular. (-स्रम्) a triangle. thirty. the thirty-three gods: 12 Ādityas, 8 Vasus, 11 Rudras and 2 Aśvins. (-शः) a god, an immortal; तस्मिन्मघोनस्त्रिदशान्विहाय सहस्रमक्ष्णां युगपत्पपात ---27--- ˚अङ्कुशः (-शम्) the heaven. ˚आयुधम् indra's thunderbolt; [R.9.54.] ˚आयुधम् rainbow; अथ नभस्य इव त्रिदशायुधम् [R.9.54.] ˚अधिपः, ˚ईश्वरः, ˚पतिः epithets of indra. ˚अधिपतिः N. of Śiva. ˚अध्यक्षः, ˚अयनः an epithet of Viṣṇu. ˚अरिः a demon. ˚आचार्यः an epithet of Bṛihaspati. ˚आधार nectar. ˚आलयः, ˚आवासः heaven. the mountain meru. a god. ˚आहारः 'the food of the gods', nectar. ˚इन्द्रः indra. Śiva. brahman. ˚गुरुः an epithet of Bṛihaspati, ˚गोपः a kind of insect; (cf. इन्द्रगोप) श्रद्दधे त्रिदशगोपमात्रके दाहशक्तिमिव कृष्णवर्त्मनि [R.11.42.] ˚दीर्घिका an epithet of the ganges. ˚पतिः indra; एषोऽप्यैरावतस्थस्त्रिदशपतिः [Ratn.4.11.] ˚पुङ्गवः Viṣṇu; [Rām.1.] ˚मञ्जरी the holy basil. ˚वधू, ˚वनिता, an Apsaras or heavenly damsel; कैलासस्य त्रिदशवनितादर्पणस्यातिथिः स्याः [Me.6.] ˚वर्त्मन् the sky. ˚श्रेष्ठः agni. brahman. ˚दशीभूत become divine; त्रिदशीभूतपौराणां स्वर्गान्तरमकल्पयत् [R.15.12.] -दिनम् three days collectively. ˚स्पृश् m. concurrence of three lunations with one solar day. दिवम् the heaven; त्रिमार्गयेव त्रिदिवस्य मार्गः [Ku.1.28;] [Ś.7.3.] sky, atmosphere. paradise. happiness. (-वा) cardamoms. ˚अधीशः, ˚ईशः an epithet of indra. a god. ˚आलयः the heaven; अश्वमेधजिताँल्लोका- नाप्नोति त्रिदिवालये ---37--- ˚उद्भवा the ganges. small cardamoms. ˚ओकस् m. a god; वपुषि त्रिदिवौकसां परं सह पुष्पैरपतत्र्छिलीमुखाः [Vikr.15.72.] ˚गत dead; त्रिदिवगतः किमु वक्ष्यते पिता मे [Vikr.6.62.] -दृश् m. m. an epithet of Śiva. -दोषम् vitiation or derangement of the three humours of the body, i. e. वात, पित्त and कफ. -धा ind. in 3 parts, ways or places; triply, ˚त्वम् tripartition; [Ch. Up.] -धातुः an epithet of Gaṇeśa; तुम् the triple world. the aggregate of the 3 minerals or humours. -धामन् m. m. N. N. of Viṣṇu. of Vyāsa; of Śiva. of agni. death. -n. the heaven; हंसो हंसेन यानेन त्रिधाम परमं ययौ [Bhāg.3.24.2.] -नयन, -नेत्रः, -लोचनः epithets of Śiva; ---42--- 66; [Ku.3.66;5.72.] -नवत a. a. ninety-third. -नवतिः f. f. ninety three. -नयना Pārvat&imacr. -नाभः Viṣṇu; [Bhāg.8.] 17.26. -नेत्रचूडामणिः the moon. -नेत्रफलः the cocoa-nut tree. -पञ्च a. a. three-fold five, i. e. fifteen. -पञ्चाश a. a. fiftythird. -पञ्चाशत् f. f. fifty-three. -पुटः glass (काच). पताकः the hand with three fingers stretched out or erect. the forehead marked naturally with three horizontal lines. -पत्रकः the Palāśa tree. अहः a period of three days. a festival lasting three days. -आर्षेयाः deaf, dumb and blind persons.-आहिक a. पथम् the three paths taken collectively, i. e. the sky, atmosphere, and the earth, or the sky, earth and the lower world. a place where three roads meet. (-था) an epithet of Mathura. ˚गा, ˚गामिनी an epithet of the ganges; गङ्गा त्रिपथगामिनी; धृतसत्पथस्त्रिपथगामभितः स तमारुरोह पुरुहूतसुतः [Ki.6.1;] [Amaru.99.] -पद्, -पाद्, -पात् m. m. Ved. Viṣṇu. fever (personified). -पद a. a. three-footed. (-दम्) a tripod; त्रिपदैः करकैः स्थालैः ...... [Śiva. B.22.] 62. पदिका a tripod. a stand with three feet. पदी the girth of an elephant; नास्रसत्करिणां ग्रैवं त्रिपदी- च्छेदिनामपि [R.4.48.] the Gāyatrī metre. a tripod. the plant गोधापदी. -परिक्रान्त a. a. one who walks thrice round a sacred fire. -पर्णः Kiṁśuka tree. पाटः intersection of a prolonged side and perpendicular (in a quadrangular figure). the figure formed by such intersection. -पाटिका a beak. पाठिन् a. familiar with Saṁhitā, Pada, and Krama. one who learns a thing after three repetitions. पादः the supreme being. fever. -पाद् a. having three feet. consisting of three parts, having three fourths; राघवः शिथिलं तस्थौ भुवि धर्मस्त्रिपादिव [R.15.96.] trinomial. (-m.) an epithet of Viṣṇu in his dwarf incarnation. the supreme being. -पिटकम् the 3 collections of buddhistic sacred writings (सुत्त, विनय and अभिधम्म).-पुट a. triangular. (टः) an arrow. the palm of the hand. a cubit. a bank or shore. -पुटकः a triangle. -पुटिन् m. m. the castor-oil plant. -पुण्ड्रम्, -पुण्ड्रक a mark on the forehead consisting of three lines made with cowdung ashes. performed or produced in three days. recurring after the third day, tertian (as fever). having provision for three days कुशूलकुम्भीधान्यो वा त्र्याहिकोऽश्वस्तनोऽपि वा [Y.1.128.] -ऋचम् (तृचम् also) threeRiks taken collectively; [Ms.8.16.] -ऐहिक a. a. having provision for three days. पुरम् a collection of three cities. the three cities of gold, silver, and iron in the sky, air and earth built for demons by Maya; (these cities were burnt down, along the demons inhabiting them, by Śiva at the request of the gods); [Ku.7.48;] ---53--- संरक्ताभिस्त्रिपुरविजयो गीयते किन्नरीभिः [Me.56;] [Bh.3.123;] (-रः) N. of a demon or demons presiding over these cities. ˚अधिपतिः N. of Maya, ˚अन्तकः, ˚अरिः, ˚घ्नः, ˚दहनः, ˚द्विष् m., हरः &c. epithets of Śiva; अये गौरीनाथ त्रिपुरहर शम्भो त्रिनयन [Bh.3.123;] [R.17.14.] ˚दाहः burning of the three cities; मुहुरनुस्मरयन्तमनुक्षपं त्रिपुरदाहमुमापतिसेविनः [Ki.5.14.] ˚सुन्दरी Durgā. (री) N. of a place near Jabalpura, formerly capital of the kings of Chedi. N. N. of a country. -पुरुष a having the length of three men. having three assistants. (-षम्) the three ancestorsfather, grand-father and great-grand-father.-पृष्ठम् the highest heaven; ---59--- (ष्ठः) Viṣṇu.-पौरुष a. belonging to, or extending over, three generations of men. offered to three (as oblations). inherited from three (as an estate). -प्रस्रुतः an elephant in rut. -फला (1) the three myrobalans taken collectively, namely, Terminalia Chebula, T. Bellerica, and Phyllanthus (mar. हिरडा, बेहडा and आंवळकाठी). also (2) the three sweet fruits (grape, pomegranate, and date); (3) the three fragrant fruits (nutmeg, arecanut, and cloves). -बन्धनः the individual soul. -बलिः, बली, -वलिः, -वली f. f. the three folds or wrinkles of skin above the navel of a woman (regarded as a mark of beauty); क्षामोदरोपरिलसत्त्रिवलीलतानाम् [Bh.1.93,81;] cf. [Ku.1.39.] the anus. -बलीकम् -बाहुः a kind of fighting with swords. -ब्रह्मन् a. a. with ब्रह्मा, विष्णु and महेश. -भम् three signs of the zodiac, or ninety degrees. -भङ्गम् a pose in which the image is bent at three parts of the body. -भद्रम् copulation, sexual union, cohabitation. भागः the third part; त्रिभागं ब्रह्महत्यायाः कन्या प्राप्नोति दुष्यती ---62--- the third part of a sign of the zodiac. -भुक्ल a. a. one possessed of learning, good conduct and good family-descent (Dānasāgara, bibliotheca Indica,274, Fasc.1, [p.29] ). -भुवनम् the three worlds; पुण्यं यायास्त्रिभुवन- गुरोर्धाम चण्डीश्वरस्य [Me.35;] [Bh.1.99.] ˚गुरु Śiva. ˚कीर्तिरसः a patent medicine in Āyurveda. ˚पतिः Viṣṇu. -भूमः a palace with three floors. -मद the three narcotic plants; the three-fold haughtiness; ---66--- -मधु n. n. मधुरम् sugar, honey, and ghee. three verses of the Ṛigveda (1.9.6-8; मधु वाता ऋतायते˚). a ceremony based on the same; L. D. B. threefold utterance of a vedic stanza ˚मधु वाता -m. a reciter and performer of the above ceremony; L. D. B. -मार्गा the ganges; त्रिमार्गयेव त्रिदिवस्य मार्गः [Ku.1.28.] -मुकुटः the Trikūṭa mountain. -मुखः an epithet of buddha. -मुनि ind. having the three sages पाणिनि, कात्यायन and पतञ्जलि; त्रिमुनि व्याकरणम्. मूर्तिः the united form of Brahmā, Viṣṇu, and Maheśa, the hindu triad; नमस्त्रिमूर्तये तुभ्यं प्रांक्सृष्टेः केवलात्मने । गुणत्रयविभायाय पश्चाद्भेदमुपेयुषे ॥ [Ku.2.4.] buddha, or Jina. a demon; त्रयश्च दूषण- खरस्त्रिमूर्धानो रणे हताः ---69--- a world called महर्लोक; G&imac;rvāṇa; cf. अमृतं क्षेममभयं त्रिमूर्ध्नोऽधायि मूर्धसु [Bhāg.2.6.19.] -यव a. weighing 3 barley corns; [Ms.8.134.] -यष्टिः a necklace of three strings. -यामकम् sin. N. N. of the mountain Trikūṭa. N. N. of Viṣnu or Kṛiṣṇa. the highest, chief. a sacrifice lasting for ten nights.-ककुभ् m. Ved. यामा night (consisting of 3 watches of praharas, the first and last half prahara being excluded); संक्षिप्येत क्षण इव कथं दीर्घयामा त्रियामा [Me.11,] [Ku.7.21,26;] [R.9.7;] [V.3.] 22. turmeric. the indigo plant. the river Yamuṇā. -युगः an epithet of Viṣṇu; धर्मं महापुरुष पासि युगानुवृत्तं छन्नः कलौ यदभवस्त्रियुगोऽथ सत्त्वम् [Bhāg.7.9.38;] the god in the form of यज्ञपुरुष; [Bhāg.5.18.35.] -योनिः a law-suit (in which a person engages from anger, covetousness, or infatuation). -रसकम् spirituous liquor; see त्रिसरकम्. -रात्र a. a. lasting for three nights. (-त्रः) a festival lasting for three nights. (-त्रम्) a period of three nights. -रेखः a conch-shell. -लिङ्ग a. a. having three genders, i. e. an adjective. possessing the three Guṇas. (-गाः) the country called Telaṅga. (-गी) the three genders taken collectively. -लोकम् the three worlds. (-कः) an inhabitant of the three worlds; यद्धर्मसूनोर्बत राजसूये निरीक्ष्य दृक्स्वस्त्ययनं त्रिलोकः [Bhāg.3.] 2.13. ˚आत्मन् m. the supreme being. ˚ईशः the sun. ˚नाथः 'lord of the three worlds', an epithet of indra; त्रिलोकनाथेन सदा मखद्विषस्त्वया नियम्या ननु दिव्यचक्षुषा [R.3.45.] of Śiva; [Ku.5.77.] ˚रक्षिन्a. protecting the 3 worlds; त्रिलोकरक्षी महिमा हि वज्रिणः [V.1.6.] -लोकी the three worlds taken collectively, the universe; सत्यामेव त्रिलोकीसरिति हरशिरश्चुम्बिनीविच्छटायाम् [Bh.3.95;] [Śānti.4.22.] (ना) an unchaste woman. -लोहकम् the three metals: gold, silver, and copper. वर्गः the three objects of wordly existence, i. e. धर्म, अर्थ, and काम; अनेन धर्मः सविशेषमद्य मे त्रिवर्गसारः प्रतिभाति भाविनि [Ku.5.38;] अन्योन्यानुबन्धम् (त्रिवर्गम्) [Kau.A.1.7;] प्राप त्रिवर्गं बुबुधेऽत्रिवर्गम् (मोक्षम्) [Bu. Ch.2.41.] the three states of loss, stability, and increase; क्षयः स्थानं च वृद्धिश्च त्रिवर्गो नीतिवेदिनाम् [Ak.] the three qualities of nature,i. e. सत्त्व, रजस्, and तमस्. the three higher castes. the three myrobalans. propriety, decorum.-वर्णकम् the first three of the four castes of Hindus taken collectively. -वर्ष a. a. three years old; [Ms.5.7.] -वलिः, -ली f. f. (in comp.) three folds over a woman's navel (regarded as a mark of beauty) -वली the anus.-वारम् ind. three times, thrice. -विक्रमः Viṣṇu in his fifth or dwarf incarnation. ˚रसः a patent medicine in Āyurveda. -विद्यः a Brāhmaṇa versed in the three Vedas. -विध a. a. of three kinds, three-fold. विष्टपम्, पिष्टपम् the world of indra, heaven; त्रिविष्टपस्येव पतिं जयन्तः [R.6.78.] the three worlds. ˚सद् m. a god.-वृत् a. threefold; मौञ्जी त्रिवृत्समा श्लक्ष्णा कार्या विप्रस्य मेखला [Ms.2.42.] consisting of three parts (as three गुणs, विद्याs); [Bhāg.3.24.33;1.23.39;] (consisting of three letters- ओङ्कार); हिरण्यगर्भो वेदानां मन्त्राणां प्रणवस्त्रिवृत् [Bhāg.11.16.12.] (-m.) a sacrifice. a girdle of three strings; [Mb.12.47.44.] an amulet of three strings. (-f.) a plant possessing valuable purgative properties. ˚करण combining three things, i. e. earth, water, and fire. -वृत्तिः livelihood through 3 things (sacrifice, study and alms). -वेणिः, -णी f. f. the place near Prayāga where the ganges joins the Yamunā and receives under ground the Sarasvatī; the place called दक्षिणप्रयाग where the three sacred rivers separate. वेणुः The staff (त्रिदण्ड) of a Saṁnyāsin; केचित् त्रिवेणुं जगृहुरेके पात्रं कमण्डलुम् [Bhāg.11.23.34.] The pole of a chariot; अथ त्रिवेणुसंपन्नं ...... बभञ्ज च महारथम् [Rām.3.] 51.16; [Mb.7.156.83;] a three bannered (chariot); [Bhāg.4.26.1.] -शक्तिः a deity (त्रिकला), Māyā; [Bhāg.2.6.31.] शङ्कुः N. of a celebrated king of the solar race, king of Ayodhyā and father of Hariśchandra. [He was a wise, pious, and just king, but his chief fault was that he loved his person to an inordinate degree. Desiring to celebrate a sacrifice by virtue of which he could go up to heaven in his mortal body, he requested his family-priest Vasiṣṭha to officiate for him; but being refused he next requested his hundred sons who also rejected his absurd proposal. he, therefore, called them cowardly and impotent, and was, in return for these insults, cursed and degraded by them to be a Chāṇḍāla. while he was in this wretched condition, Viśvāmitra, whose family Triśaṅku had in times of famine laid under deep obligations, undertook to celebrate the sacrifice, and invited all the gods to be present. they, however, declined; whereupon the enraged Viśvāmitra. by his own power lifted up Triśaṅku to the skies with his cherished mortal body. he began to soar higher and higher till his head struck against the vault of the heaven, when he was hurled down head-foremost by indra and the other gods. The mighty Viśvāmitra, however, arrested him in his downward course, saying 'Stay Triśaṅku', and the unfortunate monarch remained suspended with his head towards the earth as a constellation in the southern hemisphere. hence the wellknown proverb: त्रिशङ्कुरिवान्तरा तिष्ठ ---99--- ] the Chātaka bird. a cat. a grass-hopper. a firefly. ˚जः an epithet of Hariśchandra. ˚याजिन् m. an epithet of Viśvāmitra. -शत a. a. three hundred. (तम्) one hundred and three. three hundred. -शरणः a buddha. -शर्करा three kinds of sugar (गुडोत्पन्ना, हिमोत्था, and मधुरा). -शाख a. a. three-wrinkled; भ्रुकुट्या भीषणमुखः प्रकृत्यैव त्रिशाखया [Ks.12.72.] -शालम् a house with three halls or chambers. indra's thunderbolt.-कटु dry ginger, black pepper and long pepper taken together as a drug; शिरामोक्षं विधायास्य दद्यात् त्रिकटुकं गुडम् ---101--- -कण्टः, -कण्टकः a kind of fish. -करणी the side of a square 3 times as great as another. -कर्मन्n. the chief three duties of a Brāhmaṇa i. e. sacrifice, study of the Vedas, and making gifts or charity. (-m.) one who engages in these three duties (as a Brāhmaṇa). -काण्डम् N. N. of Amarsiṁha's dictionary. -कायः N. N. of buddha. शिखम् a trident; तदापतद्वै त्रिशिखं गरुत्मते [Bhāg.1.59.9.] a crown or crest (with three points). N. N. of a demon killed by Rāma. an epithet of Kubera. fever. त्रिशिरस्ते प्रसन्नोऽस्मि व्येतु ते मज्ज्वराद्भयम् [Bhāg.1.63.29.] -शीर्षः Śiva. -शीर्षकम्, -शूलम् a trident. ˚अङ्कः, ˚धारिन्m. an epithet of Śiva. -शुक्लम् the holy combination of 'three days' viz. Uttarāyaṇa (day of the gods), the bright half of the moon (day of the manes) and daytime; त्रिशुक्ले मरणं यस्य, L. D. B. शृङ्गः the Trikūṭa mountain. a triangle.-शोकः the soul. -षष्टिः f. f. sixty-three. -ष्टुभ् f. f. a metre of 4 x 11 syllables. -संध्यम्, -संध्यी the three periods of the day, i. e. dawn, noon, and sunset; also -त्रिसवनम् (-षवणम्); Ms.11.216. -संध्यम् ind. at the time of the three Sandhyas; सान्निध्यं पुष्करे येषां त्रिसन्ध्यं कुरुनन्दन [Mb.] -सप्तत a. a. seventy-third. -सप्ततिः f. f. seventy-three.-सप्तन्, -सप्त a. a. (pl.) three times 7, i. e. 21. -सम a. a. (in geom.) having three equal sides, equilateral. -सरः milk, sesamum and rice boiled together. -सरकम् drinking wine thrice ('सरकं शीधुपात्रे स्यात् शीधुपाने च शीधुनि' इति विश्वः); प्रातिभं त्रिसरकेण गतानाम् [Śi.1.12.] -सर्गः the creation of the 3 Guṇas; [Bhāg.1.1.1.] -साधन a. a. having a threefold causality; [R.3.13.] -सामन् a. a. singing 3 Sāmans (an उद्गातृ); उद्गाता तत्र संग्रामे त्रिसामा दुन्दुभिर्नृप [Mb.12.98.27.] -साम्यम् an equilibrium of the three (qualities); [Bhāg.2.7.4.] सुपर्णः, र्णम् N. of the three Ṛigvedic verses (Rv.1.114.3-5). N. N. of [T. Ār.1.48-5;] -a. familiar with or reciting these verses; [Ms.3.185.] -स्थली the three sacred places: काशी, प्रयाग, and गया. -स्थानम् the head, neck and chest together; तन्त्रीलयसमायुक्तं त्रिस्थानकरणान्वितम् [Rām.7.71.15.] -a. having 3 dwelling places. extending through the 3 worlds. -स्रोतस् f. f. an epithet of the ganges; त्रिस्रोतसं वहति यो गगनप्रतिष्ठाम् [Ś.7.6;] [R.1.63;] [Ku.7.15.] -सीत्य, -हल्य a. a. ploughed thrice (as a field). कालम् the three times; the past, the present, and the future; or morning, noon and evening. the three tenses (the past, present, and future) of a verb. (-लम् ind. three times, thrice; ˚ज्ञ, ˚दर्शिन् a. omniscient (m.) a divine sage, seer. a deity. N. N. of buddha. ˚विद् m. an Arhat (with the Jainas). -कूटः N. N. of a mountain in ceylon on the top of which was situated Laṅkā, the capital of Rāvaṇa.; [Śi.2.5.] -कूटम् sea-salt.कूर्चकम् a knife with three edges. -कोण a. a. triangular, forming a triangle.