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   { puṭḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  बहुत हल्का मेल या रंगत   Ex. उसकी कविता में छायावाद का पुट है ।
बोध (Perception)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
आभास झलक झलकी भान प्रतीति अभास आभा
kasجلٕک , شکٕل , رنٛگ , صوٗرَتھ
urdجھلک , عکس , اشارہ , حس


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   Anything folded or doubled so as to form a cup or concavity;--as the hands, leaves &c., a valve of a shell &c. Also in comp. as अंजलिपुट, चंचुपुट, पर्णपुट, कर्णपुट. 2 A hemisphere. 3 A single application unto;--as, in preparing medicaments, of fire to bake, of sun, air &c. to dry: also a single dipping into an infusion, a single coating, plastering, smearing, overlay. Gen. in comp. as अग्निपुट, सूर्यपुट, औषधपुट, रसपुट. v दे. It signifies also the material so used,--the infusion, the plaster &c. 4 In comp. with नासिका or नासा or घ्राण, as नासिकापुट &c. A nostril. 5 A crucible. Ex. जैसें पुटीं पडतां सुवर्ण ॥ तेजस्वी दिसे दैदीप्यमान ॥.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   Anything folded so as to form a cup-as the hands, leaves.
अंजलिपुट, चंचुपुट.   A hemisphere. A single application. A nostril. A crucible.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पुट  f. mn. a fold, pocket, hollow space, slit, concavity (ifc.f.), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. (also f(). , [Śāntiśs] .)
  f. a cloth worn to cover the privities (also f(). ), [W.]
   a horse's hoof, [L.]
-भेद   an eyelid (cf.)
पुट  m. m. a cup or basket or vessel made of leaves, [ŚBr.] (cf.ऊष-), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
सम्पुट   a casket (= ), [L.]
पुट-पाक   the enveloping or wrapping of any substance (esp. for baking or heating it; cf.), [Bhpr.]
पुट पाक
   any cake or pastry filled with seasoning or stuffing of any kind, ib.
श्की-पुट   N. of a metre (= ), [L.]
श्की पुट
अश्वादि   of a man g.
पुट  n. n. a nutmeg, [L.]
   two vessels joined together (for the sublimation of medicinal substances), [W.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पुटः [puṭḥ] टम् [ṭam]   टम् [पुट्-क]
   A fold.
   A hollow space, cavity, concavity; भिन्नपल्लवपुटो वनानिलः [R.9.68;11.23;] 17.12; [M.3.9;] अञ्जलिपुट, नासापुट, कर्णपुट &c.
   A cup made of a leaf folded or doubled; a vessel of leaves; दुग्ध्वा पयः पत्रपुटे मदीयम् [R.2.65;] [Ms.6.28.]
   Any shallow receptacle.
   The pod or capsule which envelops young shoots.
   A sheath, cover, covering
   An eye-lid (पुटी also in all these senses).
   A horse's hoof.
   A cloth worn to cover the privities.
   टः A casket.
   The contracting of anything.
   A folding of anything so as to form a cup.
   टम् A nutmeg.
   Two vessels joined together for medical purposes.-Comp.
-अञ्जलिः   the two hollowed hands put together; श्रीकृष्णपुरतः स्थित्वा तुष्टाव तं पुटाञ्जलिः [Brav. P.3.9,23.] -उटजम् a white umbrella.
-उदकः   a cocoa-nut.
   ग्रीवः a pot, jar, pitcher.
   a copper-vessel.
-धेनुः   a not yet full-grown cow with a calf.
   पाकः a particular method of preparing drugs, in which the various ingredients are wrapped up in leaves, and being covered with clay are roasted in the fire; अनिर्भिन्नो गभीरत्वादन्त- र्गूढघनव्यथः । पुटपाकप्रतीकाशो रामस्य करुणो रसः [U.3.1.]
   भेदः a town, city.
   a kind of musical instrument (आतोद्य).
   'parting of the eyelids', opening; पुटभेदो ललाटस्थनीललोहितचक्षुषः [U.6.3.]
   a whirl-pool or eddy.
-भेदनम्   a town, city; स हस्तिनपुरे रम्ये कुरूणां पुटभेदने (वसन्) [Mb.1.1.12;] पुट- भेदनं दनुसुतारिरैक्षत [Śi.13.26.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पुट   r. 1st cl. (पोटति) To rub, to press, to grind or pound.
   r. 6th cl. (पुटति) To embrace, to intertwine.
   r. 10th cl. (पोटयति-ते)
   1. To be or become small, or shallow.
   2. To shine.
   3. To speak.
   4. To reduce to powder, to grind.
   r. 10th cl. (पुटयति-ते)
   1. To fasten, to string, to bind together.
   2. To be in contact with. दीप्तौ अक० चूर्णने सक० चुरा० उभ० सेट् . श्लेषे तु० कु० पर० सक० सेट् . संसर्गे अद० चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् .
पुट  mfn.  (-टः-टी-टं)
   1. A cover, a covering.
   2. A plate or vessel, made of leaves.
   3. A cloth worn to cover the privites.
   4. An eyelid.
   5. A cup or concavity, made of a leaf folded or doubled.
   6. A con- cavity, a shallow cup or receptacle, as the hollow of the hand. m. (-टः)
   1. A horse's hoof.
   2. A narrowing or contracting of any thing.
   3. A folding or doubling of any thing, so as to form a cup or concavity.
   4. A casket.
  n.  (-टं)
   1. Two vessels joined together, the upper one inverted for the sublimation or digestion of medicaments.
   2. A nutmeg.
   E. पुट् to rub or bind, aff. .

Related Words

पुट   छिट-पुट   छुट-पुट   नासा पुट   पुट करणें   पुट घेणें   पुट चढणें   पुट देणें   ప్రసిద్ధి   ਝੱਲਕ   ತಿಳುವು   আভাস   झाक   छलम्   sporadic   सया   ଆଭାସ   गलायदेरनाय   આભાસ   gloss   semblance   anterior naris   nostril   தோற்றம்   സൂചന   color   colour   valve of a shell   अभास   boiler scale   valve of vieussens   अंपुट   सम्पुटी   scatterd lending   चर्मप्रसेवक   पटभेदन   पुटाह्वय   brisk trading   एकपुटी   कृतसम्पुट   संदष्टौष्ठ   sporadic lending   in put   फुटफुट   नासीपूड   पुटपाकयुक्ति   पौटायन   निपुटी   एकपुट   गोपटे   गोपुटी   perispore   बिदापुट   बैदापुटायन   निपुठी   पुटग्रीव   औत्पुट   अंजुली   त्रिपुटिन्   दर्दुरपुट   भिंग देणें   निर्पुट   निर्पुटवाणा   निर्पुटवाणी   निर्पुटवानी   पुटोटज   पुटोदक   पुत   coating   एकपुडी   शुक्तिपुट   मूत्रपुट   पुडिव   प्रतिज्ञा हानि   पुटी   गजपुट   sac   चौपुडी   त्रेवटी डाळ   करपुट   कृताञ्जलिपुट   सपुट   पुटभेद   incrustation   हिंपुटा   झलकी   चौपुटी   पुटपाक   पुटित   coat   हिंपूट   काव्यात्मक   सम्पुट   वोढणें   follicle   झलक   चोळा   त्रिपुट   लिफाफा   भिंग   
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