Dictionaries | References


   { gata }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  एक प्रत्यय जो कुछ शब्दों के अन्त में लगकर संबंध रखनेवाला का अर्थ देता है जैसे कि व्यक्तिगत, जातिगत आदि   Ex. मैं आपके व्यक्तिगत मामले को कैसे सुलझा सकता हूँ ।
मानवकृति (Artifact)वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
 noun  एक प्रत्यय जो कुछ शब्दों के अन्त में लगकर आया, मिला या लगा हुआ का अर्थ देता है जैसे कि अंतर्गत, बहिर्गत आदि   Ex. यह इस क़ानून के अंतर्गत नहीं आता है ।
मानवकृति (Artifact)वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
   see : अवस्था, नष्ट, अंतिम संस्कार, अतीत, विहीन, वेश-भूषा


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   gone, departed, past. Ex. of comp. गतदरिद्र, गतधन, गतबुद्धि, गतभय, गतमान, गतलज्ज, गतश्रम, गतसन्मान, गताभिमान, गतावसान, गतेंद्रिय, गत- धीर, गतधैर्य, गतप्रतिष्ठ. Others in order. 2 gone to, in, into, i. e. fixed or seated in or at. In comp. as अंतर्गत, मध्यगत, हस्तगत.
   the state of a भूत or पिशाच. v घे. 3 In music. quaver. v घे. 4 A musical time or measure. 5 An expedient, a measure or means in prevention or cure: also a refuge or resource. Ex. एवढीं औषधें घेतलीं तरीं तिडीक राहीना आतां कोणती गत करूं? 6 end, termination, issue. Ex. हा चोर आहे म्हणून मार खातो दुष्कर्माची गत हीच. 7 way, manner, fashion, course; but used elliptically with the power of "Like or resembling;" as वेड्याचे गत like a madman, for वेड्याचे गतीनें In the manner or style of a madman; हा बृहस्पतीचे गत बोलतो he speaks like the eloquent बृहस्पति.
   gata p S In astronomy. passed through--a mansion or sign in the transit of a heavenly body. Opp. to एष्य remaining to be passed.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  f  state or condition (in an ill sense), plight, predicament. (In music) quaver.
   घे. A musical term or measure. An expedient, measure or means; also a refuge or resource. Ex. एवढी ओषधें घेतलीं तरी तिडीक राहीना, आतां कोणती गत करु? end, termination, issue. Ex. दुष्कर्माची गत हीच. way, manner, fashion; but used elliptically with the power of 'like or resembling'; as वेड्याचे गत like a madman.
   gone, departed, lost.


 ना.  अवस्था , दशा , स्थिती ;
 ना.  निकाला , परिणाम , शेवट ;
 ना.  जुना , नष्ट , मागील , मागे होऊन गेलेला ;
 ना.  तर्‍हा , प्रकार , मार्ग ;


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
 adjective  घडून गेलेला   Ex. गत सहा वर्षांच्या काळात त्याने एकदाही आपल्या नातेवाईंकाची चौकशी केली नाही.
time)">समयसूचक (time)क्रिया विशेषण (Adverb)
kanಪುರಾತನ ಕಾಲದ
urdماضی , گذشتہ , گذراہوا , عہدرفتہ , عہدماضی , پرانا , قدیم
   see : अवस्था
गत adjective  एखाद्या गोष्टीत अस्फुटरीत्या अंतर्भूत असलेला   Ex. वैज्ञानिक जलगत तत्त्वांचा अभ्यास करत आहेत.
अवस्थासूचक (Stative)विवरणात्मक (Descriptive)विशेषण (Adjective)


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
   see : अतीत


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गत  mfn. mfn. gone, gone away, departed, departed from the world, deceased, dead, [RV. i, 119, 4] ; [AV.] &c.
   past (as time), gone by, viii, 402">[Mn. viii, 402] ; [MBh.] &c.
   disappeared (often in comp.), vii, 225">[Mn. vii, 225] ; [MBh.] &c.
   come, come forth from (in comp. or abl.), iv, 56, 10">[R. iv, 56, 10] ; ii, 11">[Kathās. ii, 11]
सभां ग्°   come to, approached, arrived at, being in, situated in, contained in (acc. or loc. or in comp.e.g., ‘come to an assemblyviii, 95">[Mn. viii, 95] ; कान्यकुब्जे ग्°, gone to कान्यकुब्ज, [Pañcat. v] ; रथ-ग्°, sitting or standing in a carriage, ---10--- ; आद्य-ग्°, तुर्य-ग्°, अन्त्य-ग्°, taking the first, fourth, last place; सर्व-ग्°, spread everywhere, ii, 14">---11--- ), [RV. i, 105, 4] ; 10, 32">[AV. x, 10, 32] ; ---14--- &c.
   having walked (a path acc.)
क्षयं   gone to any state or condition, fallen into (acc. or loc. or in comp.e.g. or क्षये गत, gone to destruction; आपद्-ग्°, fallen into misfortune, ix, 283">[Mn. ix, 283] ), [TUp.] ; [Mn.] &c.
पुत्र-गत स्नेह   relating to, referring to, connected with (e.g., love directed towards the son, [R. i] ; त्वद्-गत, belonging to thee)
   walked (a path), frequented, visited, vii, 57, 3">[RV. vii, 57, 3] ; [R.] ; ---21---
   spread abroad, celebrated, [MBh. iii]
   known, understood’, having the meaning of (loc.), [L.]
गत  n. n. going, motion, manner of going, iv, 297">[MBh. iv, 297] ; [R.] ; vii, 7">[Śak. vii, 7] ; [Vikr.] &c.
   the being gone or having disappeared, [Cāṇ.]
   the place where any one has gone, [Pāṇ.] ; [Kāś.]
   anything past or done, event, [W.]
   diffusion, extension, celebration, vii, 1, 5">---32---
   manner, [Pāṇ. 1-3, 21] , Vārtt. 5.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गत [gata] गति [gati]   गति &c. see under गम्.
गत [gata] p.p. p.  p. p. [गम्-क्त]
   gone, departed, gone for ever; [Mu.1.25;] किं गते सलिले सेतुबन्धेन, किं गते विवाहे नक्षत्रपरीक्षया [Vb.4.] 'what is the use of locking the stable-door when the steed is stolen ?'
   passed away, elapsed, past; गदायां रात्रौ.
   dead, deceased, departed to the next world; गत एव न ते निवर्तते [Ku.4.3.]
   gone to, arrived at, reaching to.
   being in, situated in, resting on, contained in; usually in comp.; प्रासादप्रान्तगतः Pt.1 seated on &c.; सदोगतः [R.3.66] seated in the assembly; भर्तारं गता [Ś.4.13] united to a husband; so आद्य˚; सर्वगत existing everywhere.
   fallen into, reduced to; e. g. आपद्गतः
   Referring or relating to, with regard to, about, concerning, connected with (usually in comp.); राजा शकुन्तलागतमेव चिन्तयति [Ś.5;] भर्तृगतया चिन्तया Ś4; वयमपि भवत्यौ सखीगतं किमपि पृच्छामः Ś1; so पुत्रगतः स्नेहः &c.
   frequented, resorted to; सुहृद्˚ [Ku.4.24.]
   known, celebrated.
   directed towards, belonging to.
   known, understood.
   dead, annihilated, lifeless.
-सन्नकः   an elephant out of rut.
-स्पृह a.  a. indifferent to worldly attachments; गतस्पृहो धैर्यधरः कृपालुः Vaidyajīvanam.
   तम् motion, going; गतमुपरि घनानां वारिगर्भोदराणाम् [Ś.7.7;] [Śi.1.2,] 7.4.
   gait, manner of going; [Ku.1.34;] हंस प्रयच्छ मे कान्ता गतिरस्यास्त्वया हृता ---10---
   An event.
   The place where one has gone.
   celebration, being known, diffusion; यावन्नाम्नो गतम् ---11---
   manner. (As first member of comp. translated by 'free from', 'bereft of', 'deprived of', 'without'.)-Comp.
-अक्ष a.  a. sightless, blind.
-अध्वन्   a.
   one who has accomplished or finished a journey; बलैरध्युषि- तास्तस्य विजिगीषोर्गताध्वनः [R.4.46,11.33.]
   conversant, familiar (with anything); त्रिविधे मोक्षधर्मेऽस्मिन्गताध्वा छिन्नसंशयः [Mb.12.32.25.] (-f.) the time immediately preceding new moon when a small streak of the moon is still visible; (चतुर्दशीयुक्ताऽमावास्या).
-अनुगतम्   following custom or precedent.
-अनुगतिक a.  a. doing as others do, a blind follower; गतानुगतिको लोको न लोकः पार- मार्थिकः ---14--- 'people are blind followers or servile imitators'; [Mu.6.5.]
-अन्त a.  a. one whose end has arrived.
   meaningless (the meaning being already expressed).
-असु, -जीवित, -प्राण a.  a. expired, dead; गतासूनगतासूंश्च नानुशोचन्ति पण़्डिताः [Bg.2.11.]
   आगतम् going and coming, frequent visits; आदित्यस्य गतागतैरहरहः संक्षीयते जीवितम् [Bh.3.7;] [Bg.9.21;] [Mu.2.3;] 4.1.
   interchange of place; कष्टं स्मरामि तव तानि गता- गतानि [Māl.9.47.]
   the flight of a bird backward and forward.
   irregular course of the stars (in astronomy).
   narration of past and future; स सर्वमखिलं राज्ञो वंशस्याह गतागतम् ---21---
-आधि a.  a. free from anxiety, happy.
-आयुस् a.  a. decrepit, infirm, very old.
   आर्तवा a woman past her child-bearing.
   a barren woman.
-उत्साह a.  a. disspirited, dejected. -ओजस्a. bereft of strength or energy.
-कल्मष a.  a. freed from crime or sin, purified.
-क्लम a.  a. refreshed; संविशेत्तु यथाकालमुत्तिष्ठेच्च गतक्लमः [Ms.7.225.]
-चेतन a.  a. deprived of sense or consciousness, insensible, senseless.
-त्रप a.  a. bold, without fear or shame; [Bhāg.8.8.29.]
-दिनम्, -दिवसः   the past day, yesterday.
-दिनम्   ind.. yesterday.
-प्रत्यागत a.  a. returned after having gone away; [Ms.7.186.]
-प्रभ a.  a. bereft of splendour, dim, obscured, faded.
-प्राण a.  a. lifeless, dead.
-प्राय a.  a. almost gone, nearly passed away; गतप्राया रजनी.
   भर्तृका a widow.
   (rarely) a woman whose husband has gone abroad (= प्रोषितभर्तृका); किमु मुहुर्मुहुर्गतमर्तृकाः [Śi.]
-मनस्क a.  a. thinking of (loc.); सपदि गतमनस्कः (प्रियायाः केशपाशे) [R. 9.67.]
   bereft of lustre or splendour, faded.
   deprived of wealth, impoverished, suffering losses.
-वयस्, -वयस्क a.  a. advanced in years, aged, old; गतवयसामपि पुंसां येषामर्था भवन्ति ते तरुणाः [Pt.1.1.]
-वर्षः, -र्षम्   the past year.
-वैर a.  a. at peace (with), reconciled.-व्यथ a. free from pain; प्रत्तां दुहितरं सम्राट् सदृक्षाय गत- व्यथः [Bhāg.3.22.24.]
-शैशव a.  a. past child-hood. -श्रमa. unmindful of troubles; आदित्यपथमाश्रित्य जगाम स गतश्रमः [Rām.6.74.5.]
   free from attachment; गतसङ्गस्य युक्तस्य [Bg.4.23.]
   adverse or indifferent to.-सत्त्व a.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गत  mfn.  (-तः-ता-तं)
   1. gone.
   2. known, understood.
   3. obtained, gained.
   4. lost.
  n.  (-तं)
   1. going, motion.
   2. any thing past or done, an event.
   E. गम् to go, in the participle past.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 

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