गत mfn. mfn. gone, gone away, departed, departed from the world, deceased, dead, [RV. i, 119, 4] ; [AV.] &c. past (as time), gone by, viii, 402">[Mn. viii, 402] ; [MBh.] &c. disappeared (often in comp. ), vii, 225">[Mn. vii, 225] ; [MBh.] &c. come, come forth from (in comp. or abl. ), iv, 56, 10">[R. iv, 56, 10] ; ii, 11">[Kathās. ii, 11] सभां ग्° come to, approached, arrived at, being in, situated in, contained in (acc. or loc. or in comp. e.g. , ‘come to an assembly’ viii, 95">[Mn. viii, 95] ; कान्यकुब्जे ग्°, gone to कान्यकुब्ज, [Pañcat. v] ; रथ-ग्°, sitting or standing in a carriage, ---10--- ; आद्य-ग्°, तुर्य-ग्°, अन्त्य-ग्°, taking the first, fourth, last place; सर्व-ग्°, spread everywhere, ii, 14">---11--- ), [RV. i, 105, 4] ; 10, 32">[AV. x, 10, 32] ; ---14--- &c. having walked (a path acc. ) क्षयं gone to any state or condition, fallen into (acc. or loc. or in comp. e.g. or क्षये गत, gone to destruction; आपद्-ग्°, fallen into misfortune, ix, 283">[Mn. ix, 283] ), [TUp.] ; [Mn.] &c. पुत्र-गत स्नेह relating to, referring to, connected with (e.g. , love directed towards the son, [R. i] ; त्वद्-गत, belonging to thee) walked (a path), frequented, visited, vii, 57, 3">[RV. vii, 57, 3] ; [R.] ; ---21--- spread abroad, celebrated, [MBh. iii] ‘known, understood’, having the meaning of (loc. ), [L.] गत n. n. going, motion, manner of going, iv, 297">[MBh. iv, 297] ; [R.] ; vii, 7">[Śak. vii, 7] ; [Vikr.] &c. the being gone or having disappeared, [Cāṇ.] the place where any one has gone, [Pāṇ.] ; [Kāś.] anything past or done, event, [W.] diffusion, extension, celebration, vii, 1, 5">---32--- manner, [Pāṇ. 1-3, 21] , Vārtt. 5.