Dictionaries | References


Script: Latin


   (not having, not with, free from) - शिवाय, -विरहीत, -वाचून
   (outside) - बाहेर


न्यायव्यवहार  | English  Marathi |   | 
   -शिवाय, -वाचून
   - विना


Student’s English-Sanskrit Dictionary | English  Sanskrit |   | 
   Without,prep.विना (with acc., instr., abl.), अंतरेण (with acc.), ऋते (with abl.) वर्जयित्वा, मुक्त्वा, विहाय (with acc.); by अ-निर् -pr., हीन, रहित, वर्जित, व्यतिरेकेण, व्यतिरिक्तं in comp.; ‘w. delay’ अविलंबं; ‘w. doubt’ निःसंशयं, असंशयं; ‘w. money’ धनहीन-रहित, निर्धन.
   2 (Before participles) By (अन्); ‘w. burn- -ing’ अदहन्, अदग्ध्वा; ‘w. being marked’ अलक्षित.
   3बहिः (with abl.), बहिर्भागे. -adv.बहिः, बाह्यतः; ‘lying w.’ बहिःस्थित.


A Dictionary: English and Sanskrit | English  Sanskrit |   | 
   WITHOUT , prep.
(Not with) विना with instr. or acc. c., ऋते with abl. or acc. c., अन्तरेण with abl. or acc. or gen., अन्तरा,व्यतिरेकेण in comp., व्यतिरिक्तं, पृथक्, अ prefixed;
‘without ornament,’ भूषणेन विना or भूषणं विना;
‘without feeling,’ रसाद् ऋते;
‘without punishment,’ दण्डव्यतिरेकेण, दण्डमन्तरेण;
‘without delay,’ अविलम्बेन;
‘without beginning or end,’ अनाद्यन्तः -न्ता -न्तं;
‘without doubt,’ असंशयं;
‘without reason,’ असम्भावनीयं;
‘without cause,’ प्रयोजनं विना, अकस्मात् or expressed by the loc. abs., असति प्रयोजने. —
(Destitute of) हीनः -ना -नं, विहीनः &c., रहितः -ता -तं, विरहितः &c. or ex- pressed by अ, निर्, वि &c. prefixed;
‘without money,’ धनहीनः -ना -नं, धनरहितः &c., अधनः -ना -नं, निर्धनः &c.;
‘how can I go without you?’ कथं त्वद्विहीनो यास्यामि. —
(Unless, if not, except) यदि न, अन्तरेण with acc., or expressed by the indec. part. with or prefixed;
‘without you do that,’ यदि न तत करोषि or तद् अकृत्वा;
‘without drinking any water,’ पानीयम् अपीत्वा;
‘it cannot be seen without a telescope,’ दूरदर्शकयन्त्रमन्तरेण न दृश्यते;
‘this cannot be ascertained without algebra,’ वीजगणितम् अन्तरेण न ज्ञायतेतत्. —
(On the outside of) वहिस्, वहिर्भागे, अन्तरेण;
‘without the fort,’ दुर्गवहिस्, दुर्गवहिर्भागे, दुर्गादन्तरेण.
   WITHOUT , adv.
(Not within) वहिस्, अवस्. —
(Externally) वाह्यतस्.

Related Words

without   without profit   absence without permission   absent without leave   agreement without consideration   allowed without any cuts   from without   full powers without monetary limit   good without qualification   with or without   without aim   without and beyond   without beginning   without consideration   without delay   without disturbance   without doubt   without efforts   without fail   without fraud   without hindrance   without interruption   without jurisdiction   without jursdiction   without limit   without negligence   without notice   without obstruction   without pay   without prejudice   without prejudice to   without recourse   without replacement   without reservation   without the consent of   without writing   without any further reference   without any hesitation   without assigning reasons   without being informed   without detriment to official duty   without intervention of the court   without let or hindrance   without monetary limit   without payment of rent   without prejudice to the claims of seniors   without prejudice to the generality of   without prejudice to the general principles   without previous approval   without profit policy   without profits policy   without proper authority   without reasonable cause   without service element   without the intervention of the court   without torsion bending   sampling without replacement   injury without damage   paid without advice   bending without torsion   transferee without consideration   transferee without notice   union territories without legislature   bond without surety   draft paid without advice   draft presented without advice   insurance policy without profit   irrevocable without recourse to drawer   leave without allowance   leave without pay   no admission without permission   without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provision   without regard to the maximum limit of leave   reversing without off position switch   inter bank participation without risk   required information may please be furnishing without delay   enquiry should be completed and report submitted without delay   export bills drawn without l/c   you may please send us the information without any further delay   required information may be please be furnished/supplied without delay   required information may please be furnished/supplied without delay   cold patch (inner tube patch used without heat)   बेवारीस   उत्कञचुक   अनाद्यनन्त   बेवसवसा   नैवसंज्ञिनैवासंज्ञिन्   ab extra   adendritic   कावारम्   ऋतेस्फ्य   अकालक्षेपम्   अगन्ध   अघासक   विनीवरण   विबाणधि   विवर्चस्   विविद्युत्   विशिष्य   विसंशयम्   
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