Dictionaries | References n nominal Script: Latin Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 nominal बैंकिंग शब्दांवली | English Marathi | | नाममात्र, सांकेतिक, अवास्तविक Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 nominal व्यवसाय व्यवस्थापन | English Marathi | | नाममात्र नामित नाववार Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 nominal भौतिकशास्त्र | English Marathi | | नामधारी, नाममात्र, नामविषयक Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 nominal साहित्य समीक्षा | English Marathi | | नाममात्र Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 nominal लोकप्रशासन | English Marathi | | (being so small, slight, or negligible as scarcely to be entitled to the name) नाममात्र (measured in money as distinct from actual purchasing power-as opposed to real) पैसारूप (existing or being something in name or form, but usu. not in reality) नामित Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 nominal अर्थशास्त्र | English Marathi | | (being to small, slight or negligible as scarcely to be entitled to the name) नाममात्र (measured in money as distinct from actual purchasing power - as opposed to real) पैसारुप (existing or being something in name or form, but usu. not in reality) नामित Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 nominal न्यायव्यवहार | English Marathi | | नाममात्र, नामधारी Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 nominal वित्तीय | English Marathi | | अभिहित Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 nominal Student’s English-Sanskrit Dictionary | English Sanskrit | | Nominal,a.नामसंबंधिन्, नामविषयक. ROOTS:नामसंबंधिन्नामविषयक 2 शाब्द (ब्दीf.), शाब्दिक-वाचनिक-(कीf.). ROOTS:शाब्दब्दीशाब्दिकवाचनिककी 3नाममात्र, नामधारिन्-भृत्, नाममात्र- -धारिन्, शब्द-नाम-in comp.; ‘I am but a lord of the earth’ ननु शब्दपतिः क्षिते- -रहं (R. VIII. 52); ‘n. verb’ नामधातुः. ROOTS:नाममात्रनामधारिन्भृत्नाममात्रधारिन्शब्दनामननुशब्दपतिक्षितेरहंनामधातु -ly,adv.शब्द-नाम-मात्रेण, नामत एव, शब्दतः. ROOTS:शब्दनाममात्रेणनामतएवशब्दत Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 nominal A Dictionary: English and Sanskrit | English Sanskrit | | NOMINAL , a. (Pertaining to a name) नामसम्बन्धी -न्धिनी &c., नाम-विषयः -या -यं. — (Relating to words) शाब्दः -ब्दी -ब्दं, शाब्दिकः-की -कं, वाचनिकः -की -कं, आभिधानीयकः -की -कं. — (Existing in name only) नामधारी -रिणी &c., नाममात्रधारी &c., नामभृत्m. n., शब्दः -ब्दी -ब्दं, शाब्दिकः &c. — (Nominal verb). The gram- matical symbol is लिघु. ROOTS:नामसम्बन्धीन्धिनीनामविषययायंशाब्दब्दीब्दंशाब्दिककीकंवाचनिकआभिधानीयकनामधारीरिणीनाममात्रधारीनामभृत्शब्दलिघु Related Words nominal nominal account nominal amount nominal analysis nominal aphasia nominal area nominal audit nominal capital nominal consideration nominal cost nominal damages nominal dimension nominal earning nominal earnings nominal exchange nominal executive nominal expenditure nominal income nominal inspection nominal interest nominal ledger nominal member nominal mixes nominal partner nominal price nominal rent nominal scale nominal section nominal share nominal size nominal strain nominal stress nominal value nominal wage nominal wages nominal amount of loan nominal interest (on loans) nominal monetary value nominal share capital nominal starting point nominal steepnes of the wavefront nominal value of cancelled securities quasi partner दौतपुजा designatory scale घेवपत उद्दीम असामीवारपत्रक घेवपत धंदा घेवपत व्यवहार घेवपत व्यापार शब्दपति प्रत्ययधातु titular executive basic size money wage authorised capital no par अनुदात्तादि peapper corn rent pepper corn rent ब्रह्मबन्धव titular mixed account सौशब्दम् irredeemable overcapitalise लिधु शीघ्रायमाण शब्दसाधित अन्नायिन् तुल्यश्रुति मित्रीयत् नमस्यत् पुत्त्रीयत् प्रमाणयत् प्राणत् प्रेङ्खोलिन general ledger शकशकायत् छिक्कक पृथापति प्रेङ्खोलित सौशब्द सौशब्द्य कवलित शब्दायमान अनुलोमन अवमूत्रयत् छिक्कन तल्पन नामधारक पोतकी पोतिका शाब्द काचित वृषस्पन्ती छलन भोगमूर्त्ति निस्तुषित par Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP