क्षय a See √ 1. 2. and 4. क्षि. क्षय m. 1.m. ‘dominion’ [Sāy.] (on, [RV. vii, 46, 2] ). क्षय mfn. 2.mfn. dwelling, residing, [RV. iii, 2, 13; viii, 64, 4] क्षय m. m. an abode, dwelling-place, seat, house (cf. उरु- and सु-क्ष॑य, र॑थ-, दिविक्षय॑), [RV.] ; [VS. v, 38] ; [TS.] ; [Pāṇ.] ; [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [BhP.] यम-क्ष्° the house of यम (cf. , वैवस्वत-क्ष्°) abode in यम's dominion Comm. on [R.] (ed. Bomb. ) ii, 109, 11 क्षिति (= ) family, race, [RV. i, 123, 1.] क्षय m. 3.m. ([Pāṇ. 6-1, 201] ) loss, waste, wane, diminution, destruction, decay, wasting or wearing away (often ifc. ), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. the accent is on the last syllable in the sense ‘destruction’, accord, to, [Pāṇ. 3-3, 56] and vi, 1, 63. वृद्धि fall (as of prices, opposed to e.g. क्षयो वृद्धिश् च पण्यानाम्, ‘the fall and rise in the price of commodities’), [Yājñ. ii, 258] removal, [W.] निद्रा-क्ष्° end, termination (e.g. , the end of sleep, [R. vi, 105, 14] ; दिन-क्षये, at the end of day, [MBh. i, 699] ; [R. iv, 3, 10] ; जीवित-क्षये, at the end of life, [Daś.] ; आयुषः क्ष्°id. , [Ragh.] ; क्षयं √ गम्, √ या, √ इ, or उप√ इ, to become less, be diminished, go to destruction, come to an end, perish, [Nal.] ; [R.] ; [Suśr.] ; [VarBṛS.] ; [Daś.] ; [Amar.] ; [Hit.] ; क्षयं√ नी, to destroy, [R. v, 36, 51] ) consumption, phthisis pulmonalis, [Suśr.] ; [Hcat.] sickness in general, [L.] the destruction of the universe, [Pañcat.] (in alg. ) a negative quantity, minus, [Āryabh.] -मास = , [Jyot.] क्षयाह = , [Gaṇit.] N. of a prince, [VP.] क्षय n. n.N. of the last year in the sixty years' बृहस्पति cycle, [VarBṛS.]