तार mfn. mfn. (√ तॄ) carrying across, a saviour, protector (रुद्र), xvi, 40">[VS. xvi, 40] ; [ŚiraUp.] (विष्णु), xiii, 6986">[MBh. xiii, 6986] -तर mn. high (a note), loud, shrill (mn.) a high tone, loud or shrill note, vii, 1, 7">[TāṇḍyaBr. vii, 1, 7] (compar. and superl. -तम), [TPrāt.] शिक्षा, [MBh. vii] ; [Mṛcch.] &c. स्तृ (fr. ?) shining, radiant, [Megh.] ; [Amar.] ; [Kathās. lxxiii] ; ---10--- clean, clear, [L.] good, excellent, well flavoured, [L.] Sch. तार m. m. ‘crossing’ see दुस्-, सु- ओम् ‘saving’, a mystical monosyllable (as ), [RāmatUp.] ; [ŚikhUp.] ; [Sarvad.] ; [Tantr.] andropogon bicolor">andropogon bicolor, ---17--- also title or epithet).">N. of मणि-राम (author of a Comm. on [Bhām.] ) of a दैत्य (slain by विष्णु), ---19--- of one of राम's monkey generals (son of बृहस्-पति, husband of तारा), iii, 16372">[MBh. iii, 16372] ; iv, vi">[R. i, iv, vi] pl. a class of gods in the 12th मन्व्-अन्तर, iii, 2, 33">[VP. iii, 2, 33] तार f. m. [n. and f(आ). , [L.] ] the clearness or transparency of a pearl, clear pearl, [Suśr. v, 3, 19] ; xi, 25">---25--- तार n. (m.n., ---26--- ) = °रा-भ्र, ---27--- तार n. m.n. a star, [L.] the pupil of the eye, [L.] तार n. n. descent to a river, bank (cf. तीर, तीर्थ॑), iv, 37, 3">[AV. iv, 37, 3] ; [Pāṇ. 6-3, 109] , Vārtt. 1 silver, iv, 6, 27">[BhP. iv, 6, 27] ; 26, 43">---33---