छाया f. af.σκιά, shade, shadow, a shady place (‘a covered place, house’ iii, 4">[Naigh. iii, 4] ), 73, 8; ii, 33, 6; vi, 16, 38">[RV. i, 73, 8; ii, 33, 6; vi, 16, 38] ; [AV.] ; [VS. v, xv] ; vii, 12">[AitBr. vii, 12] ; [ŚBr.] &c. the shadow of a gnomon, [Sūryas.] shelter, protection, iii, 8,1/2">[Hit. iii, 8,1/2] a reflected image, reflection, 44, 6; x, 121, 2">[RV. v, 44, 6; x, 121, 2] ; ii, 8">[VS. ii, 8] ; 21, 8">---10--- ; ---11--- ; ---12--- &c. f. shading or blending of colours, play of light or colours, lustre, light, colour, colour of the face, complexion, features, [Suśr.] ; lxviii, 89 ff.">[VarBṛS. lxviii, 89 ff.] ; iv, 5">[Ragh. iv, 5] ; ---16--- (end of a compound.*">ifc. f(आ). ) &c. gracefulness, beauty, 77 & 101; iv, 4, 31">[VP. iv, 4, 31] ; [Kathās. iic] पङ्क्ति a series, multitude (), 16, 8">---19--- a sanskrit Word">Sanskṛt gloss on a sanskrit Word">Prākṛt text a copy (of a ms. ) a little (end of a compound.*">ifc. ), vi, 13/14, 1">[Veṇīs. vi, 13/14, 1] nightmare, ---21--- ; [L.] a bribe, [L.] ‘shadow’, (like संज्ञा) wife of the sun and mother of the planet saturn, [Hariv. 545 ff.] ; iii, 2">[VP. iii, 2] ; vi, viii">---26--- ; [MatsyaP.] ; [Kathās. cv] (N. of a शक्ति), [Hcat. i, 5, 197] the sun, [L.] a metre of 4 x 19 syllables a kind of rhetorical figure, ii, 5">---31--- (in music) N. of a राग N. of कात्यायनी (or दुर्गा, [W.] ), ---33--- छाया b see °य.