मार्ग m. m. (in most meanings fr. मृग, of which it is also the वृद्धि form in comp. ) seeking, search, tracing out, hunting, [L.] मार्गं-√ दा f. (exceptionally also n.; ifc. f(आ). ) the track of a wild animal, any track, road, path, way to (loc. or comp. ) or through (comp. ), course (also of the wind and the stars), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. ( or यम्, with gen. of pers. , to give up the way to, allow to pass; मागेणifc. = by way of i.e. through, across or along; with √ या, to go the way of i.e. suffer the same fate as; मार्गैस्ifc. , through; मार्गाय, with gen. , in order to make way for any one; मार्गे, by the wayside or on the way; with प्र-√ चल्, to set out on one's way; निजमार्गं-√ गम्, to go one's way) a walk, journey, [VarBṛS.] reach, range, [Kir.] a scar, mark (left by a wound &c.), [Ragh.] (in medic. ) a way, passage, channel (in any part of the body, esp. the intestinal canal, anus) मार्गेण a way, expedient, means, [Kām.] ; [Kathās.] (, by means of [VarBṛS.] ) a way, manner method, custom, usage, [Up.] ; ---10--- ; ---11--- &c. आमार्ग the right way, proper course, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] (cf. ) आर्याष्टाङ्ग-म्° (with Buddhists) the way or path pointed out by बुद्ध for escape from the misery of existence (one of the 4 noble. truths), [MWB. 44] (cf. ) a title or head in law, ground for litigation, viii, 3, 9 &c.">[Mn. viii, 3, 9 &c.] a way of speaking or writing, diction, style, [Kāvyâd.] ; [Sāh.] a high (opp. to ‘vulgar’) style of acting or dancing or singing, [Inscr.] ; ---19--- (in dram. ) pointing out the way, indicating how anything is to take place, [Daśar.] ; [Sāh.] (in astrol. ) the 7th mansion, [VarYogay.] (in geom. ) a section, [W.] मृग-मद musk, [L.] (cf. ) the month मार्गशीर्ष (november-december), [Rājat.] the constellation मृग-शिरस्, [L.] also title or epithet).">N. of विष्णु (as ‘the way’, scil. to final emancipation), [MBh.] मार्ग mfn. mf(ई)n. belonging to or coming from game or deer, [R.] ; [Var.] ; [Suśr.]