Dictionaries | References


   { buddha }
Script: Devanagari


बर'/बड़ो (Bodo) WN | Bodo  Bodo |   | 
   see : बुद्ध धोरोम, बुद्ध धोरोम


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
buddha   The founder of buddhism. some consider him to be an incarnation of Viṣṇu. In days of old in a battle the devas were defeated by the asuras and the gods approached Viṣṇu with their grievance. Mahāviṣṇu incarnated as the son of Śuddhodana with the name Gautamabuddha (Siddhārtha). then he went to the asuras and made them reject the Vedas and the laws thereof. all the Daityas (Asuras) became Buddhists. there is a story in [Agnipurāṇa, Chapter 16] , that thus it was the purpose of buddha to convert every asura to buddhism and send him to hell. The story given above is in accordance with the Purāṇas. The following are the facts gained by historic investigations. gautama buddha was born in B.C. 560, in Kapilavastu near the Himālayas. his father was Śuddhodana. he was born in the family of the Śākyas. The word ‘Śākya’ is another form of the word Kṣatriya. The real name of buddha was Siddhārtha. Śuddhodana brought up his son in such a way that he should not be subjected to any sort of mental pain or worry. So he kept buddha aloof from the outer world. thus he spent his childhood in comfort and pleasure. once by chance he happened to see a sick man, an old man and a dead body. The sight made him thoughtful. he began to think upon a way to remove sorrow and pain from the world and to bring about peace and comfort. The change that appeared in the son worried the father. So at the age of sixteen he made Siddhārtha marry Yaśodharā. A son was born to them. But the mind of Siddhārtha was restless, distressed and agitated. one day Siddhārtha discarded everything and went out of the palace alone. Siddhārtha wandered from place to place learning from various teachers. But he did not find peace. once on a full-moon day while he was sitting in meditation under a banian tree he got ‘Bodha’. (insight or conviction). From that day onwards he began to be known by the namebuddha’. after that he came to Kāśi, and told his disciples how he got Bodha or conviction. The number of his followers increased day by day. thus buddhism came into being. buddha said that the reason for pain and sorrow in the world was desire and that sorrow could be exterminated only by controlling and overcoming all desire. To attain eternal bliss one should be true and righteous in thought, deed and word and that ‘not killing’ was the foundation of righteousness. buddhism spread everywhere in Bhārata. gautama buddha died at the age of eighty.


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   see : विद्वान, गौतम बुद्ध


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 
   see : गौतम बुद्ध, हुशारकाय


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   A generic name for a deified teacher of the बौद्ध sect. many are reckoned, but the name is especially applied to the ninth incarnation of विष्णु, the apparent founder of the religion of the बौद्ध.
   denoting unity, and thus corresponding with head; as शेळी बुद्ध एक; मेंढी बुद्ध दोन. see सर, नग, नफर, रास, बुद्ध is applicable only to the numbers below 20; above 20 बुद्ध gives place to माच.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  A generic name for a deified teacher of the बौद्ध sect


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
   see : गौतम बुद्ध


 अ.  शेळी किंवा मेंढी यांची संख्या लिहावयाची असतां संख्यावाचक विशेषणापूर्वी योजावयाचा शब्द ; नग . हा शब्द विसाच्या आंत योजतात व त्याच्या पुढें माच शब्द योजतात . शेळी बुद्ध एक ; मेंढीं बुद्ध दोन . सर , नग , नफर , रास पहा .
   बौद्ध धर्माचा संस्थापक शाक्यमुनि ; गौतमबुद्ध .
   विष्णूचा नववा अवतार ; बौद्धावतार . - स्त्री . ( अप . ) बुद्धि पहा . दुसर्‍याची बुद्ध ऐकत निमित्याशी । - ऐपो १५७ . - वि .
   ज्ञानी ; विद्वान . तेवीं शुद्ध बुद्ध नित्य मुक्तहा विसरोनि निजस्वार्थ । - एभा १३ . २२८ .
   जाणला , समजला गेलेला ( अर्थ . ) [ सं . बुध = जाणणें ]


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
   see : गौतम बुद्ध


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
बुद्ध   aबुद्धि see cols. 2 and 3.
बुद्ध  mfn. bmfn. awakened, awake, [MBh.]
   expanded, blown, [SāmavBr.]
मूढ   conscious, intelligent, clever, wise (opp. to ), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
   learnt, known, understood, [Āpast.] ; [MBh.] (‘by’, usually instr., but also gen. according to, 12; 3, 67 Sch.">[Pāṇ. 2-2, 12; 3, 67] Sch.)
बुद्ध  m. m. a wise or learned man, sage, [W.]
   (with Buddhists) a fully enlightened man who has achieved perfect knowledge of the truth and thereby is liberated from all existence and before his own attainment of निर्वाण reveals the method of obtaining it, (esp.) the principal बुद्ध of the present age (born at कपिल-वस्तु about the year 500 B.C. his father, शुद्धोदन, of the शाक्य tribe or family, being the राज of that district, and his mother, माया-देवी, being the daughter of राजसु-प्रबुद्ध, 19 &c.">[MWB. 19 &c.] ; hence he belonged to the क्षत्रिय caste and his original name शाक्य-मुनि or शाक्य-सिंह was really his family name, while that of गौतम was taken from the race to which his family belonged; for his other names see, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib. 23; he is said to have died when he was 80 years of age, prob. about 420 B.C.place or book or text' as the preceding">ib. 49 n. 1; he was preceded by 3 mythical बुद्धs of the present कल्प, or by 24, reckoning previous कल्प, or according to others by 6 principal बुद्धs, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib. 136; sometimes he is regarded as the 9th incarnation of विष्णु, [Hariv.] ; [Kāv.] ; [Var.] &c.)
बुद्ध  n. n. knowledge, ---12--- (B.बुद्धि).


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
बुद्ध [buddha] p.p. p.  p. p. [बुध्-क्त]
   known, understood, perceived.
   awakened, awake.
   enlightened, wise; एवमेव मनुष्येन्द्र धर्मं त्यक्त्वाल्पकं नरः । बृहन्तं धर्ममाप्नोति स बुद्ध इति निश्चितम्[Mb.3.33.67;] (see बुध्).
   expanded (विकसित); सरःसु बुद्धाम्बुजभूषणेषु विक्षोभ्य विक्षोभ्य जलं पिबन्ति [Rām.4.3.41;5.14.24.]
   द्धः A wise or learned man, a sage.
   (With Buddhists) A wise or enlightened person who, by perfect knowledge of the truth, is absolved from all existence, and who reveals to the world the method of obtaining the Nirvāṇa or final emancipation before obtaining it himself;
   'The enlightened', N. of Śākyasimha, the celebrated founder of the Bauddha religion; (he is said to have been born at Kapilavastu and to have died in 543 B. C.; he is sometimes regarded as the ninth incarnation of Viṣṇu; thus Jayadeva says: निन्दसि यज्ञविधेरहह श्रुतिजातं सदयहृदय दर्शितपशुघातं केशव धृतबुद्धशरीर जय जगदीश हरे Gīt.1); क्वचिद्बुद्धः कल्किर्विहरसि कुभारापहतये Viṣṇu-mahimna 4; ततः कलौ संप्रवृत्ते संमोहाय सुरद्विषाम् । बुद्धो नाम्नाञ्जनसुतः कीकटेषु भविष्यति [bhāg.]
   The supreme soul (परमात्मा); अथ बुद्धमथा- बुद्धमिमं गुणविधिं शृणु [Mb.12.38.1.]
-द्धम्   knowledge.-Comp.
-अन्तः   waking condition, the being awake; स वा एष एतस्मिन् बुद्धान्ते रत्वा [Bṛi. Up.4.3.17.]
-आगमः   the doctrines and tenets of the Bauddha religion.-उपासकः a worshipper of buddha.
-गया  N. N. of a sacred place of pilgrimage.
-गुरुः   a buddhist spiritual teacher.
-मार्गः   the doctrines and tenets of buddha, buddhism.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
बुद्ध  mfn.  (-द्धः-द्धा-द्धं) known, understood.
  m.  (-द्धः)
   1. A generic name for a deified teacher of the Bauddha sect, amongst whom numer- ous Buddhas are reckoned; the name is especially applied to the 9th incarnation of VISHṆU and the apparent founder of the reli- gion of the Bauddhas; the term is often confounded but impro- perly, with a Jina: see जिन.
   2. A sage, a wise or learned man.
   E. बुध् to know, aff. क्तः see बुध .
बुध् क्तः बुध .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 

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