जय mfn. mfn. (√ जि) ifc. conquering, winning See ऋतं-, कृतं-, धनं-जय॑, पुरं-, शल्रुं- जय m. m. ([Pāṇ. 3-3, 56] ; [Kāś.] ) conquest, victory, triumph, winning, being victorious (in battle or in playing with dice or in a lawsuit), [AV. vii, 50, 8] ; [ŚBr. vi] ; [Mn. vii] (इन्द्रियाणांज्° victory over or restraint of the senses) and, x; [MBh.] ; &c. आत्म cf. -, प्रा-ण-, रुग्- जय m. m. pl. (parox. ) N. of particular verses causing victory (personified as deities, [VāyuP. ii, 6, 4 ff.] ), [MaitrS. i, 4, 14] ; [TS. iii] ; [PārGṛ. i, 5] ; [Nyāyam. iii, 4, 24] जय m. m.sg. Premna spinosa or longifolia, [L.] a yellow variety of Phaseolus Mungo, [L.] N. of the 3rd year of the 6th lustrum of the बृहस्पति cycle, [VarBṛS. viii, 38] a kind of flute (in music) a kind of measure the sun, [MBh. iii, 154] अर्जुन (son of पाण्डु), 266, 7 and iv, 5, 35 इन्द्र, [L.] N. of a ऋषि (author of [RV. x, 180] ; son of अङ्गिरस् [[RAnukr.] ] or of इन्द्र; living under the 10th मनु, [BhP. viii, 13, 22] ) of a spirit, [VarBṛS.liii, 48] ; [Hcat. i, 9, 149 and 172] of an attendant of विष्णु, [BhP. iii, 16, 2] of a नाग, [MBh. v, 3632; ix, 2554] of a दानव, [Hariv. 13093] of a son (of धृत-राष्ट्र, [MBh. i, vii] ; of सृञ्जय, [Hariv. 1514] ; of सुश्रुत, [VP. iv, 5, 12] ; of स्रुत, [BhP. ix, 13, 25] ; of संजय, 17, 16; of संकृति, 18; of मञ्जु, 21, 1; of युयुधान, 24, 13; of कङ्क, 43; of कृष्ण, x, 61, 17; of वत्सर by स्वर्-वीथि, iv, 13, 12; of विश्वामित्र, [Hariv. 1462] ; [BhP. ix, 16, 36] ; of पुरूरवस् by उर्वशी, 15, 1 f.) of an ancient king (11th चक्रवर्तिन् in भारत, [L.] ), [MBh. ii, 326] of a पाण्डव hero, vii, 6911 of युधिष्ठिर at विराट's court, iv, 176 of अशोक in a former birth, [Divyâv. xxvi, 336 f.] of a carpenter, [Rājat. iii, 351]