नि-यत a°ति, &c. See under नि-यम्. नि-°यत mfn. bmfn. (नि॑-) held back or in, fastened, tied to (loc. ), [RV.] put together (hands), [R.] restrained, checked, curbed, suppressed, restricted, controlled, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. limited in number, [Ratnâv. iii, 3] connected with, dependent on (loc. ), [Mn. iv, 256] contained or joined in (loc. ), [R. iii, 70, 5] disciplined, self-governed, abstemious, temperate constant, steady, quite concentrated upon or devoted to (loc. ), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. fixed, established, settled, sure, regular, invariable, positive, definite, [GṛŚrS.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. अ-न्° customary, usual (cf. , [MBh. iii, 15416] ) (in gram.) pronounced with the अनुदात्त, [RPrāt.] नि-°यत m. m.N. of the संधि of आस् before sonants, ib. नि-°यत n. n. pl. (in सांख्य) the organs of sense