शुद्धि f. f. cleansing, purification, purity (
lit. and
fig. ), holiness, freedom from defilement, purificatory rite (
esp. a
partic. श्राद्ध performed at the cost of a person who needs purification),
[TBr.] &c. &c.
setting free or securing (from any danger), rendering secure,
[Kām.] ;
[VarBṛS.] justification, exculpation, innocence (established by ordeal or trial), acquittal,
[Yājñ.] quittance, clearing off or paying off, discharge (of a debt &c.),
[MW.] retaliation,
[Kāv.] ;
[Kathās.] verification, correction, making true, correctness, accuracy, genuineness, truth,
[Yājñ.] ;
[Mālatīm.] शुद्धिं-√ कृ clearness, certainty, accurate knowledge regarding (
gen. or
comp. ; , ‘to ascertain for certain’;
श्°-√ लभ्, ‘to receive certain intelligence’),
[Mn.] ;
[Kathās.] ;
[Vet.] शुद्धिम्-√ इ (in
arithm. ) leaving no remainder (, ‘to leave no remainder’),
[Bījag.] subtraction of a quantity or a
q° to be subtracted,
[Līl.] N. of
[Cat.] of one of the
शक्तिs of
[MW.] of
दाक्षायणी as worshipped at