(Religious observance)
क्रिया, विधिःm.,
विधानं, कर्म्मn.(न्), देवकर्म्मn.,
देवक्रिया, दैवक्रिया, देवकार्य्यं, दैवकार्य्यं,संस्कारः, नियमः, रीतिःf.,
कल्पः, संविधानं, आचारः, आचरणं, शास्त्र-विधानं, शास्त्रविधिःm.,
अनुष्ठानं, व्रतं, यमः, नियामः; ‘marriage rite,’
विवाहविधिःm., see MARRIAGE;
‘funeral rite,’
उत्तरक्रिया,अन्त्यक्रिया, अन्तसत्क्रिया, मृतशरीरसत्कर्म्मn.(न्),see OBSEQUIES, FUNERAL;
‘rite of investiture with the sacrificial thread,’
उपनयनं,see INVESTITURE;
‘rite of oblation to the manes,’
पितृक्रिया,see MANES. The following are the sanskaras, or rites purificatory of the bodies of the three classes in this life, and qualifying them for the next, ex- plained in Manu Bk 2. 27
et seq.: 1. Sacrifice on con- ception,
गर्भाधानं. 2. On the quickening of the fœtus,
पुंसवनं. 3. A rite consisting of partition and arrangement of the hair of the mother in the fourth, sixth, or eighth month of gestation,
सीमन्तोन्नयनं. 4. Giving the new-born infant honey and clarified butter out of a golden spoon, before separating the navel-string,
जातकर्म्मn. 5. Naming the child on the tenth or twelfth day after birth,
नामकरणं. 6. Carrying the child out to see the sun in the fourth month after birth,
निष्क्रमणं. 7. Feeding the child with boiled rice in the sixth month after birth, or on the cutting of the first tooth,
अन्नप्राशनं. 8. Tonsure, or shaving the head all but one lock, in the first or third year after birth,
चूडाकर्म्मn. or
चूडाकरणं or
चूडाकार्य्यं. 9. Investiture with a peculiar thread or cord, called the sacrificial thread, worn over the left shoulder and under the right, per- formed on youths of the three classes at ages varying from eight to sixteen, from eleven to twenty-two, and from twelve to twenty-four, respectively,
उपनयनं. 10. Cutting off the hair entirely, performed on Brahmans at sixteen on Kshatriyas at twenty-two, and on Vaiśyas at twenty- four years of age,
केशान्तः. 11. Ceremony performed by youths of the first class on returning from the house of their preceptor to that of their natural parents,
समावर्त्तनं. 12. Marriage, in the thirty-sixth or eighteenth year,
वि-वाहः. —
(Inauspicious rite)
अशुभकर्म्मn.(न्), अशुभकार्य्यं; ‘rites and ceremonies,’
‘performing a rite,’
क्रियानुष्ठानं; ‘mode of performing a rite,’