कोष्ठ [kōṣṭha] a. a. [कुष्-थन्
[Uṇ.2.4] ] Own.
ष्ठः Any one of the viscera of the body, such as the heart, lungs &c.
The belly, abdomen; आकोष्ठं ज्यां समुत्कृष्य
[Bhāg.1.] 83.22.
An inner apartment.
A granary, storeroom; कन्दुः कोष्ठः कुशूलः Mbh. on
[P.I.2.45.] etc.
ष्ठम् A surrounding wall;
[Bhāg.4.28.56.] The shell of anything.
Comp. अगारम् a storehouse, store room; पर्याप्तभरितकोष्ठागारं मांसशोणितैर्मे गृहं भविष्यति
[Ve.3;] [Ms.9.28.] a treasury.
अगारिकाः an animal living in a shell.
the manager of a store-room.
-अग्निः the digestive faculty, gastric juice; कोष्ठाग्निर्नाम अशितपीत- लेह्यचोष्यं पचतीति
[Garbha. Up.5.] पालः a treasurer, store-keeper.
a guard, watch.
a constable (resembling the modern municipal officer).
-शुद्धिः f. f. evacuation of the bowels.