pop. शुद्ध f Cleanness, purity, holiness; freedom from filth, defilement, or pollution, lit. fig. 2 Cleaning, cleansing, purifying: also cleansed or purified state. 3 Correcting or rectifying: also corrected or correct state; accurateness, rectitude, faultlessness. Ex. of comp. जल- शुद्धि, दिन-नक्षत्र-ग्रह-भूत-गृह-स्थल-कूप-पाक-देह-पाद- मुख-पात्र -अंतःकरण -मन -चित्त -पारद -गंधक-लोह -हर- ताल -कोष्ठ -शब्द -शुद्धि. 4 Rightness or goodness; freedom from inauspicious or unpropitious influences, or suitableness for sacred and holy works. Used of planetary conjunction or aspects, of lunar days &c. 5 Consciousness, presence and correct exercise of the faculties: as opp. to swoon or insensibility: also mindfulness or remembrance. 6 Searching, sifting, exploring: also searched, sifted, or explored state. Ex. शुद्धि आणितांचि राघवेंद्र ॥ पाषाणीं पाल्हाणील समुद्र ॥. शुद्धीवर आणणें To restore to rightness: also शुद्धी- वर येणें To return to rightness, soundness, cleanness, purity; to recover consciousness; to return into one's senses or into the right state of mind or spirit.