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   { dīrghatamas }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
DĪRGHATAMAS   A great Muni.
1) birth.
Aṅgiras, the son of Brahmā, had two sons, Utathya and Bṛhaspati. one day when Utathya was away from home, Bṛhaspati approached his elder brother's wife, Mamatā, who was pregnant at the time, and tried to have sexual union with her. But she tried to dissuade him and said--“The child in my womb, born from Utathya's semen has already mastered Vedas and Vedāṁgas. your semen is also equally powerful. how can my womb bear the combined force of the two semens? So please refrain from this attempt of yours.” But even after hearing these words of his sister-in-law, Bṛhaspati was not able to control his passions. At the time of the intercourse, when the semen of Bṛhaspati entered the womb, the child within it cried out--“Father ! this passion is improper. two persons have no place here. So withdraw your semen.” Bṛhaspati did not heed the request. The child in the womb repelled the semen that entered the womb with his foot and it dropped on the floor. Bṛhaspati who became angry, cursed the child. As a result, the boy was born blind. he got the name “Dīrghatamas” because he was born blind. [M.B. Ādi Parva, Chapter 104] .
2) family life.
In brilliance of parts, Dīrghatamas equalled Bṛhaspati. Dīrghatamas, who was born blind, married Pradveṣi, a Brāhmaṇī. The couple had many children, chief of whom was gautama. But after the birth of the children, Dīrghatmas fell into evil ways and became an object of hatred and contempt. The inmates of āśramas dubbed him a sinner. his wife, was disgusted with him. one day, the enraged Dīrghatamas, in his fury cursed women as a whole and Pradveṣī could not control her anger. she, with the help of gautama and other sons made a raft and placing Dīrghatamas on it, floated it down the river Gaṅgā. The king bali happened to see the raft floating down the river. he sent men to bring the boat to the bank. The king recognized Dīrghatamas and asked the Muni to beget brilliant and intelligent children by his queen. Dīrghatamas agreed and the king sent the queen Sudeṣṇā to him. The queen who did not find pleasure in the company of the blind and decrepit Muni sent a nurse to him. The nurse bore to him Kakṣīvān and ten other sons all of whom became great scholars. after some years the king came to know that the mother of those boys was the nurse. then he sent Sudeṣṇā again to the Muni. Dīrghatamas, after touching her body blessed her and five sons, Aṅga, Vaṅga, Kaliṅga, Puṇḍra and Śuṅga were born to her. they founded five Kingdoms which were known by their names respectively. they are known by their modern names: Bhāgalpura, Bengāl, Āndhra, Rājasāhi and Tāmravika.
3) other details.
(1) Dīrghatamas had another wife named Uśik. [Ṛgveda, 1st Maṇḍala, 16th Anuvāka, 112th Sūkta.]
(2) Dīrghatamas continues to be in the assembly of indra offering worship to him (indra). [M.B. Śabhā Parva, Chapter 7, Verse 11] .
note: 1. The story of Brhaspati's union with Mamatā is given in [Bhāgavata Purāṇa] . according to this story the child in her womb was Bharadvāja. The Mahābhārata states that the child born to Mamatā was Dīrghatamas.]


दीर्घतमस् (मामतेय), दीर्घतमस् (औचथ्य) n.  अंगिरसकुल का एक सूक्तद्रष्टा ऋषि [ऋ. १. १४०-१६४] । यह ममता एवं उचथ्य ऋषि का पुत्र था । इसलिये इसेमामतेयएवंऔचथ्यये उपनाम प्राप्त हुएँ [ऋ.१.१५२.६,४.४.१३] । ‘दीर्घतपस्’ इसीका ही पाठभेद है [वायु.५९,९८,१०२]बृहस्पति के शाप के कारण, यह जन्म के समय अंधा था [बृहद्दे.४.११.१५.२१-२५] ;[ऋ.१.१४०-१६४] । इसलिये इसे ‘दीर्घतमस्’ (=दीर्घ अंधकार) नाम प्राप्त हुआ । यह सौ वर्षो तक जीवित रहा [ऋ.१.१५८.६] ;[सां.आ.२.१७]सौ साल कीं बूढी उमर में इसने ‘केशवपरमेश्वर की उपासना की । उससे इसे दृष्टी प्राप्त हुई, एवं लोग इसेगोतम’ (=उत्तम नेत्रवाला) कहने लगे [म.शां.३२८] । ‘सुरभि, ने सूंघने पर इसे दृष्टी प्राप्त हुई, ऐसी भी कथा उपलब्ध है [वायु.९१] । ‘भरत’ राजाओं का यह पुरोहित थाभरत दौष्यंति को इसने ‘ऐन्द्र अभिषेक’ किया था [ऐ. ब्रा.८.२३] । यह अभिषेक यमुना के किनारे प्रपन्न हुआ [भा.९.२०.२५] ; भरत देखिये । एक मंत्र गायक के रुप में, इसका उल्लेख ऋग्वेद में प्राप्त है ---11--- । एक बूढे व्यक्ति के रुप में, इसकी कई कथाएँ ऋग्वेद में उपलब्ध है । इस वृद्ध को सम्हालते सम्हालते इसके नौकर त्रस्त हो गये । यह मर जाये, इस हेतु से उन्होंने इसे अग्नि में डाल दिया, पानी में गला दियाअन्त में, त्रैतन नामक दास ने इसका सिर काट लिया, एवं इसकी छाती फोड दीफिर भी, प्रत्येक समय अश्वियों ने इसकी रक्षा की [ऋ.१.१५८.४-६] ;[बृहद्दे.४.११.१४]बाद में इसे नदी में फेका दिया गयानदी में बहता हुआ, यह अंग देश के किनारे जा लगा । वहॉं इसने उशिज् नामक दासकन्या से विवाह किया । उशिज् से इसे कक्षीवत् आदि पुत्र हुएँ [बृहद्दे. ४. २३] । पुराणों में यही कथा कुछ अलग ढंग से दी गयी है । दीर्घतमस को गर्भावस्था में ही सरे वेद वेदांग तथा शास्त्र पूर्णतया अवगत थे [वायु.९९. ३६-७८,३७] ;[मस्त्य.४०] ;[म.शां ३२८-४७-४८]विद्या के बल पर इसने प्रद्वेषी नामक रुपसंपन्न स्त्री से विवाह किया । उससे इसे गौतमादि अनेक पुत्र हुएँ । अपने कुल की अधिक वृद्धि हो, इस हेतु से इसने कामधेनु के पुत्रों से ‘गो-रतिविद्या सीखी । उस विद्या के कारण दिन के उजालेमें, सब लोगों के समक्ष, यह स्त्रीसमागम करने लगाआश्रम के अन्य ऋषियों को यह पसंद नही आयावे इसे आश्रम से भगा देने को उद्युक्त हो गये । इसकी पत्नी प्रद्वेषी को पुत्रप्राप्ति हो गयी थी, एवं अंधापति उसे अच्छा भीलगता थावह इसे भगाने के लिये अन्य आश्रमवासियों को सहाय करने लगीवह कहने लगी, ‘दीर्घतमस् से तलाक ले कर मैं दूसरा पति कर लुंगी’। घर छोडने के लिये उद्युक्त हुए अपने पत्नी को काबू में रखने के लिये, इसने धर्मशास्त्रकार आते से पत्नीधर्म के नये नियम प्रस्थापित किये । वे नियम इस प्रकर थेः
दीर्घतमस् (मामतेय), दीर्घतमस् (औचथ्य) II. n.  (सो. काश्य.) यह भागवत, विष्णु तथा वायु के मत में काशिराज राष्ट्र का पुत्रइसे धन्वन्तरि नामक पुत्र थावायु में दीर्घतपस् पाठभेद है ।


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
दीर्घ—तमस्  m. m. (°घ॑-) also title or epithet).">N. of a ऋषि with the patron. औचथ्य and the metron.मामतेय, [RV. i, 158, 1; 6] (author of the hymns, [RV. i,140-164] ; father of कक्षीवत्, [Sāy.] on [RV. i, 125, 1] ; through बृहस्-पति's curse born blind, xii, 13182">[MBh. i, 4192 &c.; xii, 13182] ; father of धन्वन्-तरि, [Pur.] ; has by सु-देष्णा, बलि's wife, five sons, अङ्ग, भङ्ग, कलिङ्ग, पुण्ड्र, and सुह्म, [MBh.] ; [Pur.] ); pl. his descendants

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