वृद्ध mfn. 1.mfn. (
fr. √
p. 926, col. 1) cut, cut off, destroyed,
[MBh.] वृद्ध n. n. what is cut off, a piece,
[Śulbas.] (
v.l. वृध्र).
वृद्ध mfn. 2.mfn. grown, become larger or longer or stronger, increased, augmented, great, large,
[RV.] &c. &c.
वृद्ध-कात्यायन grown up, full-grown, advanced in years, aged, old, senior (often in
comp. with the names of authors,
esp. of authors of law-books [
cf. [IW. 300, 302] ], to denote either an older recension of their works or the
wk. of some older authors of the same name;
cf. ,
-गर्ग &c.),
[TS.] ;
[Mn.] ;
[MBh.] &c.
ifc. ) older by,
[Gaut. vi, 15] experienced, wise, learned,
[MBh.] ;
[Kām.] eminent in, distinguished by (
instr. or
comp. ),
[Mn.] ;
[MBh.] &c.
[VPrāt.] exalted, joyful, glad (also applied to hymns),
[RV.] आ (in gram., a vowel) increased (by
वृद्धिq.v. ) to or
ऐ or
[APrāt.] ;
[Lāṭy.] आ containing (or treated as containing) or
ऐ or
औ in the first syllable,
[Pāṇ. 1-73 &c.] वृद्ध m. m. an old man (
ifc. ‘eldest among’),
[Mn.] ;
[MBh.] &c. (
cf. comp. )
a religious mendicant,
[VarBṛS.] an elephant eighty years old,
[Gal.] Argyreia Speciosa or
[L.] वृद्ध f. m. and (
f. an elder male or female descendant, a patronymic or
metron. designating an elder descendant (as
opp. to
युवन्q.v. ;
e.g. गार्ग्य is
गार्ग्यायण is
[Pāṇ. 1-2, 65 &c.] वृद्ध n. n. a nominal stem (and some other stems) whose first syllable contains an
आ or
ऐ or
[Pāṇ. 1-1, 73 &c.] वृद्ध the word ,
ib. v, 3, 62.