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   { kaliṅga(m) (kāliṅga), kaliṅga }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English
A Daitya who lived in Kṛtayuga. In Skanda Purāṇa there is a story that he conquered heaven, drove away the Dikpālakas, posted his own forces in their place and was finally killed by Devī.
KALIṄGA I   Ṛtāyu, King of Kaliṅga was present at the svayaṁvara of Draupadī. [Śloka 13, Chapter 185 Ādi Parva] . Rukmī played a game of dice with Balabhadra with the help of Kaliṅga (for details see under Rukmī). The sage Dīrghatamas begot a son of the wife of the aged and senile Kaliṅga and the boy was named Kakṣīvān [Sūkta 125, Anuvāka 18, Maṇḍala 1, Ṛgveda] .
KALIṄGA II   A warrior of the god Skandha. [M.B. Śalya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 64] .
KALIṄGA(M) (KĀLIṄGA)   An ancient place in the south of Bhārata. Other details.
(1) Arjuna visited this place while he was on a pilgrimage. [Śloka 9, Chapter 214, Ādi Parva] .
(2) Kaliṅga was also included in the countries conquered by Sahadeva while he was on his victory march. [Chapter 31, Sabhā Parva] .
(3) People from Kaliṅga presented Yudhiṣṭhira with gifts for the Rājasūya. [Śloka 18, Chapter 52. Sabhā Parva] .
(4) Yudhiṣṭhira visited Kaliṅga while he was on a pilgrimage. [Śloka 4, Chapter 114, Vana Parva] .
(5) Karṇa conquered Kaliṅga while he was on a victory march. [Śloka 8, Chapter 254, Vana Parva] .
(6) Sahadeva defeated the King of Kaliṅga. [Śloka 24, Chapter 23, Udyoga Parva] .
(7) Śrī Kṛṣṇa slaughtered the people of Kaliṅga. [Śloka 76, Chapter 48, Udyoga Parva] .
(8) The people of Kaliṅga took part in the war between the Pāṇḍavas and Kauravas. [Śloka 6, Chapter 20, Droṇa Parva] .
(9) Paraśurāma conquered this place. [Śloka 12, Chapter 70, Dṛoṇa Parva] .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
कलिङ्ग  m. m. pl.N. of a people and their country (the N. is applied in the पुराणs to several places, but especially signifies a district on the Coromandel coast, extending from below Cuttack [कटक] to the vicinity of Madras), [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; [VP.] &c.
कलिङ्ग  m. m. an inhabitant of कलिङ्ग, [Sāh.]
N. of a king of कलिङ्ग (from whom the कलिङ्ग people are said to have originated; he is sometimes mentioned as a son of दीर्घतमस् and सुदेष्णा, sometimes identified with बलि), [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] &c.
कलिन्द   N. of a being attending on स्कन्द, [MBh.] (ed.Bomb.) ix, 45, 64 (v.l.ed. Calc.)
N. of several authors
the fork-tailed shrike, [L.]
Caesalpina Bonducella, [L.]
Wrightia antidysenteria, [L.]
Acacia Sirissa, [L.]
Ficus infectoria, [L.]
कलिङ्ग  n. n. the seed of Wrightia antidysenteria, [Suśr.]
कलिङ्ग  mfn. mfn. clever, cunning, [L.]


कलिङ्ग [kaliṅga]   a.
-गाः   (pl.) N. of a country and its inhabitants; (a district on the Coromandel coast); नो खण्डिकाञ्जगाम नो कलिङ्गाञ्जगाम Mbh. on [P.III.2.115.] उत्कलादर्शितपथः कलिङ्गाभिमुखो ययौ [R.4.] 38; (its position is thus described in Tantras: जगन्नाथात्समारभ्य कृष्णातीरान्तगः प्रिये । कलिङ्गदेशः संप्रोक्तो वाम- मार्गपरायणः ॥).
ङ्गः The fork-tailed shrike.
 N. N. of several plants; (as शिरीष, प्लक्ष &c.)
-ङ्गा   A beautiful woman.
-ङ्गम्   Indra grain (इन्द्रयव).


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
कलिङ्ग  m.  (-ङ्गः)
1. The febrifuge nut-plant, (Cæsalpinia bunduccella.) 2. The fork-tailed shrike, (Lanius forficatus, Lath.)
3. The name of a country; the name of Kalinga is applied in the Puranas to several places, but it especially signifies a district on the Coro- mandel coast, extending from below cuttack to the vicinity of Madras, (in this sense, like some other names of countries, it is usually confined to the plural number (-ङ्गाः) confounding the place with the people inhabiting it.
 nf.  (-ङ्गं-ङ्गा) A medicinal seed, that of Echites antidysenterica.
 f.  (-ङ्गा)
1. A woman of a good shape.
2. A plant, commonly Teori, (Convolvulus turpethum:) see त्रिवृत्.
E. कलि strife, &c. from गम् to go, खच् aff.
कलि गम् खच्


noun  स्कन्दस्य एकः अनुचरः ।   Ex. कलिङ्गस्य उल्लेखः महाभारते अस्ति
See : चतुर

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