वाम m. 1.m. (for 2. and 3. see col. 2) the act of vomiting g. ज्वला-दि<br>वाम mfn. 2.mf(ई॑ or आ)n. (fr. √ 1.वन्; for 1. see col. 1) lovely, dear, pleasant, agreeable, fair, beautiful, splendid, noble, [RV.] &c. &c.<br> (ifc. ) striving after, eager for, intent upon, fond of [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.] ; [Rājat.] <br>वाम m. m. the female breast, [L.] <br> the god of love, [L.] <br> epithet).">N. of शिव, [BhP.] <br> of a रुद्र, same place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.<br> of वरुण, [L.] <br>वाम-देव-गुह्य (with शैवs) = , [Sarvad.] <br>राम of a son of ऋचीक, [MBh.] (B. )<br> of a son of कृष्ण and भद्रा, [BhP.] <br> of a prince (son of धर्म), [Cat.] <br>-देव of a son of भट्ट-नारायण, [Kṣitîś.] (cf. )<br> of one of the Moon's horses, [VP.] <br>वाम n. m. or n. a kind of pot-herb, Chenopodium album, [L.] <br>वाम n. n. a lovely thing, any dear or desirable good (as gold, horses &c.), wealth, fortune, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [Br.] ; ---18--- <br>वाम f. mfn. relating to a mare, [Pat.] (cf. under ईf. above).<br>वाम mfn. 3.mf(आ)n. (perhaps originally identical with 2. above) left, not right, being or situated on the left side, [ŚBr.] &c. &c. (the quivering of the left eye or arm is supposed to be a good omen in women and of the left arm a bad omen in men)<br> reverse, adverse, contrary, opposite, unfavourable, [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.] <br>अम् n. crooked, oblique (ind. sideways), [BhP.] <br> refractory, coy (in love), [Sāh.] <br> acting in the opposite way or differently, iv, 18">[Śak. iv, 18] <br> hard, cruel, [Kāv.] ; [Pur.] <br> vile, wicked, base, low, bad, [Kir.] <br>वाम n. m. or n. the left side (वामाद् दक्षिणम्, from the left to the right; वामेन, on the left side), [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.] <br>वाम m. m. the left hand, [RāmatUp.] <br> a snake, [L.] <br> an animal, sentient being, [L.] <br>वाम n. n. adversity, misfortune, [Kathās.] <br>वामाचार the left-hand practices of the followers of the तन्त्रs (= q.v. ), [Cat.] <br>