अभि [abhi] ind. (As a prefix to verbs and nouns) It means (a) 'to', 'towards', 'in the direction of'; अभिगम् to go towards; अभिया, ˚गमनम्, ˚यानम् &c.; (b) 'for' 'against'; ˚लष्, ˚पत् &c.; (c) 'on', 'upon'; ˚सिञ्च् to sprinkle on &c.; (d) 'over', 'above', 'across'; ˚भू to overpower, ˚तन्; (e) 'greatly'; 'excessively'; ˚कम्प्. (As a prefix to nouns not derived from verbs, and to adjectives) It expresses (a) intensity or superiority; ˚धर्मः 'supreme duty'; ˚ताम्र 'very red'; [R.15.49;] ˚नव 'very new'; (b) 'towards', 'in the direction of', forming adv. compounds; ˚चैद्यम्, ˚मुखम्, ˚दूति &c. (As a separable adverb) It means towards, in the direction or vicinity of (opp. अप); in, above, aloft, on the top, (mostly Ved.) (As a preposition with acc.) (a) To, towards, in the direction of, aginst; (with acc. or in comp. in this sense); अभ्यग्नि or अग्निमभि शलभाः पतन्ति; वृक्षमभि द्योतते विद्युत् Sk.; [Śi.9.56,4;] अभ्यर्कबिम्बं स्थितः [Ś.7.11.] (b) Near, before, in front or presence of; प्रियमभि कुसुमोद्यतस्य बाहोः [Śi.7.32;15.58.] (c) On, upon, with regard or reference to; सायमण्डलमभि त्वरयन्त्यः [Ki.9.6;] साधुर्देवदत्तो मातरमभि Sk. (d) Severally, one after another (in a distributive sense); वृक्षं वृक्षमभि सिञ्चति Sk.; भूतभूतमभि प्रभुः Bop. By अभिरभाग [P.I.4.91.] अभि has all the senses of अनु given in I. P.4.9 except that of भाग; e. g. (लक्षणे) हरिमभि वर्तते; (इन्थंभूताख्याने) भक्तो हरिमभि; (वीप्सायाम्), देवं देवमभि सिञ्चति; but यदत्र ममाभिष्यात् तद्दीयताम्; प्राज्ञो गोविन्द- मभितिष्ठति Bop. (e) In, into, to; [Śi.8.6.] (f.) For, for the sake of, on account of (Ved.). According to G. M. अभि has these senses: अभि पूजाभृशार्थेच्छासौम्याभि- मुख्यसौरूप्यवचनाहारस्वाध्यायेषु; e. g. पूजायाम्, अभिवन्दते; भृशे, अभिनिवेशः; इच्छायाम्; अभिलाषः, अभिकः; सौम्ये or माधुर्ये, अभिजातः; आभिमुख्ये, अभिमुखम्, अभ्यग्नि; सौरूप्ये, अभिरूपम्; वचने, अभिधत्ते; आहारे, अभ्यवहरति; स्वाध्याये, अभ्यस्यति. [cf. L. ob; Gr. amphi; Zend aibi or aiwi, Goth. bi; also umbi um]. अभि [abhi] भी [bhī] क [k] (भी) क a. [अभि-कन् निपातोऽयम्; [P.V.2.74] ] Lustful, libidinous, voluptuous; सोऽधिकारमभिकः कुलोचितं काश्चन स्वयमवर्तयत्समाः [R.19.4;] अपि सिञ्चेः कृशानौ त्वं दर्पं मय्यपि योऽभिकः [Bk.8.92.] -कः A lover, voluptuous person. अभि [abhi] भी [bhī] ष्टि [ṣṭi] (भी) ष्टि a. (Ved.) To be worshipped by offering srcrifices (Sāy. अभियष्टव्य); an assistant, a protector, one who is praised or worshipped as a protector, one who approaches to assist or attack, one who assails or overpowers an enemy, one who approaches in order to obtain, desiring, desire (these meanings are given by European scholars). -ष्टिः f. f. Assistance, help, worshipping, praising; a sacrifice; a hymn; approaching to assist or approaching in general; access.