Dictionaries | References


   { nī }
Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
 conj  . And.<br>


   उअ . आणि ; व . चाकवत आळुशाख नी मेथी । - मुविराट ८ . ७३ . रावसाहेब नी दादासाहेब . [ आणि संक्षेप ]<br>


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
नी   1. for निस् (q.v.) before r.<br>नी   2. (for 1. see p. 543, col. 3) cl. 1. Ā.P. (xxii. 5">[Dhātup. xxii. 5] ) नयति°ते (pf.P.निनाय, 2. sg.निनेथ, [RV., 1.] pl.नीनिम, [TS.] ; Subj.निनीथ॑स्Pot.निनीयात्, [RV.] ; Impv.निनेतु, [MaitrS.] ; Ā.निन्ये, [Br.] &c.; -नयाम् आस, [MBh.] ; -नयां चक्रे, [R.] ; aor.P. 3. du.अनीताम्Subj.ने॑षि, नेथा॑, [RV.] ; अनैषीत्Subj.नेषति, °षत्, 3. pl.Ā.अनेषत, same place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.; अनयीत्, [AV.] ; fut.नेष्यति, [AV.] ; °ते, [Br.] ; नयिष्यति, °ते, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; ने॑ता, नयिता, same place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.; ind.p.नीत्वा, [Br.] &c.; नयित्वा, ---15--- ; नी॑य, [AV.] &c.; inf.नेष॑णि, [RV.] ; ने॑तवै, °तोस् and नयितुम्, [Br.] ; ने॑तुम्, same place or book or text' as the preceding">ib. &c. &c.),
to lead, guide, conduct, direct, govern (also with अग्रम् and gen.; cf.अग्र-णी), ---19--- &c. &c.;
to lead &c. towards or to (acc. with or without प्रतिdat., loc. or अर्थम्end of a compound.*">ifc.), same place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.;
to lead or keep away, exclude from (abl.), [AitBr.] ;
(Ā.) to carry off for one's self (as a victor, owner &c.), [AV.] ; [TĀr.] ; [MBh.] ;
(Ā., rarely P.) to lead home i.e. marry, [MBh.] ; [R.] ;
to bring into any state or condition (with acc.e.g. with वशम्, to bring into subjection, subdue [Ā.84, 3">[RV. x, 84, 3] ; 19, 5">[AV. v, 19, 5] ; P.viii, 19">[Ragh. viii, 19] ]; with शूद्र-ताम्, to reduce to a शूद्र, iii, 15">[Mn. iii, 15] ; with साक्ष्यम् [Ā.], to admit as a witness, viii, 197; with व्याघ्र-ताम्, to change into a tiger, [Hit.] ; with विक्रयम्, to sell, [Yājñ.] ; with परितोषम्, to satisfy, [Pañc.] ; with दुःखम्, to pain, [Amar.] ; rarely, with loc.e.g.दुहितृ-त्वे, to make a person one's daughter, 44, 38">[R. i, 44, 38] ; or with an adv. in -सात्e.g.भस्मसात् to reduce to ashes, [Pañc. i, 198/199] );
to draw (a line &c.), ---36--- ; [Sūryas.] ;
to pass or spend (time), ---38--- ; [Kāv.] &c.;
(with दण्डम्) to bear the rod i.e. inflict punishment, [Mn.] ; [Yājñ.] (with व्यवहारम्) to conduct a process, [Yājñ.] ;
(with क्रियाम्) to conduct a ceremony, preside over a religious act, [MBh.] ;
to trace, track, find out, ascertain, settle, decide (with अन्यथा, ‘wrongly’), ---44--- ; [Yājñ.] ; [MBh.] &c.;
(Ā.) to be foremost or chief, [Pāṇ. 1-3, 36] :
Caus.नाययति, °ते, to cause to lead &c.;
to cause to be led by (instr.), [Mn. v, 104] (cf.[Pāṇ. 1-4, 52] , Vārtt. 5, ---50--- ) :
Desid.नि॑नीषति, ते (xix, 50, 5">[AV. xix, 50, 5] , w. r. निनेषति), to wish to lead or bring or carry to or into (acc. or dat.), ---52--- ; [Up.] ; [MBh.] &c.;
to wish to carry away, [R.] ;
to wish to spend or pass (time), [Naiṣ.] ;
to wish to exclude from (abl.), [AitBr.] ;
to wish to find out or ascertain, investigate, [MBh.] :
Intens.नेनीय॑ते to lead as a captive, have in one's power, rule, govern, [TS.] ; [VS.] ; ---61--- <br>नी  mfn. 3.mfn. leading, guiding, a leader or guide (mostly end of a compound.*">ifc., cf.61 and">[Pāṇ. 3-2, 61 and] अग्र-णी, अग्रेणी; but also alone cf.77; 82 &amp;c.">vi, 4, 77; 82 &c.)<br>नी   4.P.न्य्-एति (3. pl.नि-यन्ति; p.-यत्; impf.न्य्-आयन्ind.p.नी-त्य),
to go into (cf.न्याय), enter, come or fall into, incur (acc.), [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [TS.] ; [ŚBr.] ;
to undergo the nature of i.e. to be changed into (°भावम्), [RPrāt.] <br>नी   5. in comp.= 1. नि (p. 538, col. 3).<br>


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
नी [nī]   1 U. (नयति-ते, निनाय-निन्ये, अनैषीत्-अनेष्ट, नेष्यति-ते, नेतुम्, नीत) one of the roots that govern two accusatives, see examples below)<br>   To carry, lead, bring, convey, take, conduct; अजां ग्रामं नयति Sk; नय मां नवेन वसतिं पयोमुचा [V.4.43.] <br>   To guide, direct, govern; मूढः परप्रत्ययनेयबुद्धिः [M.1.2.] <br>   To lead away to, carry or bring away; सीता लङ्कां नीता सुरारिणा [Bk.6.49;] [R.12.13;] [Ms.6.88.] <br>   To carry off; [Śānti.3.5.] <br>   To carry off for oneself (Ātm.).<br>   To spend, or pass (as time); येनामन्दमरन्दे दलदरविन्दे दिनान्यनायिषत [Bv.1.1;] नीत्वा मासान् कतिचित् [Me.2;] संविष्टः कुशशयने निशां निनाय [R.1.95.] <br>   To bring or reduce any person to any state or condition; तमपि तरलतामनयदनङ्गः [K.143;] नीतस्त्वया पञ्चताम् [Ratn.3.] 3; [R.8.19.] (In this sense the root is used with substantives much in the same way as कृ q. v.; e. g. दुःखं नी to reduce to misery; वशं नी to reduce to subjection, win over; अस्तं नी to cause to set; विनाशं नी to destroy; परितोषं नी to gratify, please; शूद्रतां-दासत्वं &c. नी to reduce to the state of a Śūdra, slave &c.; साक्ष्यं नी to admit as a witness; दण्डं नी to inflict punishment upon, to punish; पुनरुक्ततां नी to render superfluous; विक्रयं नी to sell; भस्मतां-भस्मसात् नी to reduce to ashes &c.<br>   To ascertain, investigate, inquire into, settle, decide; छलं निरस्य भूतेन व्यवहारान्नयेन्नृपः [Y.2.19;] एवं शास्त्रेषु भिन्नेषु बहुधा नीयते क्रिया [Mb.] <br>   To trace, track, find out; एतैर्लिङ्गैर्नयेत् सीमाम् [Ms.8.252,256;] यथा नयत्यसृक्पातैर्मृगस्य मृगयुः पदम् 8.44; ---15--- <br>   To marry.<br>   To exclude from.<br>   (Ātm.) To instruct, give instruction in; शास्त्रे नयते Sk. -Caus. (नाययति-ते) To cause to lead, carry &c. (with instr. of agent); तेन मां सरस्तीरम- नाययत् [K.38.] -Desid. (निनीषति-ते) To wish to carry &c.<br>नी [nī]  m. m. (used at the end of comp.) A leader, guide; as in ग्रामणी, सेनानी, अग्रणी.<br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
नी(नि)कार  m.  (-रः) disrespect, contempt, vilifying, degrading.<br>नी(नि)कार   E. नि before, कृ to make, aff. भावे घञ् .<br>
नि कृ भावे घञ् .
नी(नि)काश  mfn.  (-शः-शा-शं) (In composition) like, resembling.<br>नी(नि)काश  m.  (-शः) certainty, ascertainment.<br>नी(नि)काश   E. नि before, काश् to shine, aff. घञ् and the vowel made long.<br>
नि काश् घञ्
नी(का)लकण्ठ  m.  (-ण्ठः)<br>नी(का)लकण्ठ   1. A name of SĪVA.<br>नी(का)लकण्ठ   2. gallinule.<br>नी(का)लकण्ठ   3. A sparrow. 4. A wagtail.<br>नी(का)लकण्ठ   5. A peacock.<br>नी(का)लकण्ठ   6. morunga, (Hyperanthera morunga.) 7. A blue necked jay.<br>नी(का)लकण्ठ   E. नील, blue or black, and कण्ठ the throat; also कालकण्ठ.<br>


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 

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