ग्राम—णी n. m. (fr. -नी, [Pāṇ. 8-4, 14] ; [Siddh.; vi, 4, 82] ; gen. pl. -ण्याम्, or Ved. -णीनाम्, vii, 1, 56; 3, 116 Sch. , not in [Kāś.] ; °णि n. ‘leading, chief’, vii, 1, 74; [Kāś.] ) the leader or chief of a village or community, lord of the manor, squire, leader of a troop or army, chief, superintendent, [RV. x, 62, 11 and 107, 5] ; [VS.] ; [AV.] ; &c. ग्राम—णी n. mfn. (See before -णिn.) chief, pre-eminent, [W.] ग्राम—णी m. m. a village barber (chief person of a village), [L.] भोगिक a groom (), [L.] a यक्ष, [VP. ii, 10, 2 f.] ; [BhP. v, 21, 18] N. of a गन्धर्व chief, [R. iv, 41, 61] of a demon causing diseases, [Hariv. 9556] of one of शिव's attendants, [L.] तक्षशिलादि of a locality g. ग्राम—णी f. f. a female peasant or villager, [L.] a harlot, [L.] °मिणी (for ) the Indigo plant, [L.]