यत् mfn. 1.mfn. ( pr. p. of √ 5.इ) going, moving, [RV.] &c. &c. ( अब्दे यति, in this year, [L.] ) यत् 2.cl. 1. Ā. ( prob. connected with √ यम् and orig. meaning, ‘to stretch’ [Dhātup. ii, 29] ) य॑तते ( Ved. and ep. also P. °ति; p. य॑तमान, य॑तान and यतान॑, [RV.] ; pf. येते, 3. pl. येतिरे, ib. &c.; aor. अयतिष्ट, [Br.] ; fut. यतिष्यते, [Br.] , °ति, [MBh.] ; inf. यतितुम्, [MBh.] ; ind.p. -य॑त्य, [MBh.] ), ( P. ) to place in order, marshal, join, connect, [RV.] ; ( P. or Ā. ) to keep pace, be in line, rival or vie with ( instr. ), ib.; ( Ā. ) to join ( instr. ), associate with ( instr. ), march or fly together or in line, ib.; to conform or comply with ( instr. ), ib.; to meet, encounter (in battle), ib.; [Br.] ; to seek to join one's self with, make for, tend towards ( loc. ), ib.; to endeavour to reach, strive after, be eager or anxious for (with loc. dat. acc. with or without प्रति, once with gen. ; also with अर्थे, अर्थाय, अर्थम् and हेतोस्ifc. ; or with inf. ), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to exert one's self, take pains, endeavour, make effort, persevere, be cautious or watchful, ib.; to be prepared for ( acc. ), [R.] : Caus. (or cl. 10. [Dhātup. xxxiii, 62] ) यात॑यति (or °ते; aor. अयीयतत्; Pass. यात्यते), to join, unite ( Ā. intrans.), [RV.] ; to join or attach to ( loc. ) P. [PañcavBr.] ; to cause to fight, [AitBr.] ; to strive to obtain anything ( acc. ) from ( abl. ), [Mālav.] ; (rarely Ā. ) to requite, return, reward or punish, reprove (as a fault), [RV.] &c. &c. ; ( Ā. ) to surrender or yield up anything (acc) to ( acc. or gen. ), [MBh.] ; ( P. Ā. ) to distress, torture, vex, annoy, [BhP.] ; accord. to [Dhātup.] also निकारे (others निराकारे or खेदे) and उपस्कारे: Desid. यियतिषतेGr. : Intens. यायत्यते and यायत्ति, ib.यत् a in comp. for यद्.